

Building apps is hard... when you're distracted.

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Empowering the unique potential of every human being, Icueity helps users improve their self-awareness and performance using trait surveys. Self-awareness gaps are established and can be monitored and improved over time.


Icueity was born out of the idea that most of us have blind spots. Founder Rebecca works with leaders and CEOs, and noticed that there was a gap between who they saw themselves as and how their teams saw them. The key insight? You don’t have to have every strength in order to be a good leader, but you do need to know where your gaps are so you can bring in people around you to fill those gaps.


Icueity promotes self-awareness using ‘continuous 360 reviews,’ providing feedback at users’ fingertips based on trait-specific surveys among your peers. Icueity was built as a native iPhone and Android app, with a web-app component using Angular and NodeJS - and with regular status updates and milestone reviews using an Agile Methodology. The Designli team handled Design, Development, and Launch in-house, and continues to help Rebecca with the ongoing iteration and support of the Icueity product.


Empowering the unique potential of every human being, Icueity helps users improve their self-awareness and performance using trait surveys. Self-awareness gaps are established and can be monitored and improved over time. Icueity is actively building value for Rebecca's consulting business to this day.

Expertise UX/UI Design Mobile App Development

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