

Building apps is hard... when you're distracted.

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Our lives are filled with collected belongings and treasured mementos, many cherished because of the stories they hold. Thingealogy provides a system to save these stories so that they can be shared now or saved for future generations.


It all started when our client, Kathy's, aging parents asked her to be one of the executors of their estate. Kathy was helping them decide what to do with their belongings and loved hearing the stories behind their heirlooms - many of which she was hearing for the first time.

For example, in the guest room of their house, Kathy learned about the Brazilian bedside table that had traveled with them since they were first married 60 years earlier.


At that moment, Kathy wished she had a way to record these stories to share with her family. Searching for an app that could fit this purpose, she couldn’t find one, and the idea for Thingealogy was born. The name “Thingealogy” came from merging “thing” with “genealogy.”

Thingealogy was developed with AngularJS, NodeJS and Loopback. During Development, Kathy was kept apprised of progress and “estimated versus spent time” for each task to ensure the budget was kept in check via a weekly update.


After a brief Beta Testing period, Thingealogy was launched to the public - and the Designli team continues to stay involved for ongoing feature iteration as Thingealogy gains traction.

Expertise UX/UI Design Mobile App Development

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