

Building apps is hard... when you're distracted.

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Virtuosity is a virtual leadership development coach at your fingertips. Both B2B and B2C, this app is sold primarily to higher learning institutions and government entities throughout Canada.


The founders are educators by training. They specialize in character development for those in leadership positions. The mother and daughter pair had a mission to capture everything they knew about developing leader character, then present it in a private and secure system. Virtuosity was born. The true challenge of creating this educational app was in taking cutting-edge research and condensing it into a simple user experience. Designli's UX design and product roadmapping session helped Virtuosity take shape. The result is a systematized approach to character development. Now, organizations can use Virtuosity at their own pace instead of shelling out for manual leadership consulting and workshops.


The team behind Virtuosity is savvy enough to know that launching a minimum viable product (MVP) is only the beginning. They went on to launch new features and functionality, using their dedicated development team as they would an in-house product team. This includes adding a French language version to capture more of the Canadian market. Virtuosity also added another license type, making this app available to individuals, not just organizations. Going straight to consumers was yet another play to grow the user base.


A well-planned release and intentional feature addition made this app especially valuable to organizations. Virtuosity sells largely to government entities and universities throughout Canada. In-person leadership retreats and coaching seminars weren't nearly as attractive in the early 2020s. A virtual tool like this is the ideal replacement.

Expertise Custom Software Development Web Development Mobile App Development

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