5+ Best Mobile Apps to Reduce Child Obesity Levels

Child Obesity

As per the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, the age group of 2- to 5-year-old has an obesity prevalence rate of 13.9%.


Updated on May 20, 2024

Child Obesity
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Children and teenagers mostly use smartphones and tablets to play games, listen to music and use social media. So why not use that love of technology to help reduce obesity?


Top Mobile Apps to Reduce Child Obesity

Zombies, Run! logo

1. Zombies, Run!

Product Rating



Top Features

  • Can be used anywhere
  • Works at any speed
  • It’s fun and engaging with weekly missions to keep participants interested
  • Supports Wear OS app

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Zombies, Run is a zombie adventure story with the aim of getting you moving. It gives participants the chance to save the world and be the hero of your own story. In simple words, it’s an ultra-immersive running game and audio adventure that helps overweight kids.

The app offers detailed graphs and stats for the entire progress and in the background, the user can listen to pulse-pounding songs.

Loseit logo

2. Loseit

Product Rating



Top Features

  • Calculate calories as per the user’s age, weight, sex, and height
  • By taking the photos of the food and the app calculates the calories
  • Fitness app syncs
  • A vast food library database

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Unhealthy food is the primary reason behind the reasons for overweight and to tackle this issue, this app tracks the calorie intake. It has an easy to use interface and gives reminders when it’s time to log. The user needs to download the app, set goals, and then just track the food and exercise.

The app relies on the proven principles of calorie tracking to help the user to lose weight. It not only tracks the nutrients, but also take note of macros, proteins, water, carbs, and more.

Positive Penguins logo

3. Positive Penguins

Product Rating


Top Features

  • Teaches children to be resilient and deal with bullying
  • Helps to stay positive on the weight loss journey
  • Help kids to solve problems in a fun playful way
  • Challenge can be sent to teachers and parents as well

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Positive Penguins aim to help children understand their feelings and change their negative feelings which a lot of obese children have. The resilience strategy of the game is based on the idea that negative stories that we know are not wrong, but sometimes they are not true.

The game starts with four penguins that take the user to an interactive journey, where a positive decision needs to be taken and once done successfully, it leads to a more realistic track.

Super Stretch Yoga logo

4. Super Stretch Yoga

Product Rating


Top Features

  • Free to install and use
  • Includes animated flashcards
  • Includes yoga stories
  • Inspiring music through yoga poses

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As the name suggests, this Yoga app is designed to train kids in adapting habits of Yoga for their physician and mental wellness. The app includes animations, storytelling, and other such video examples to teach kids yoga. There are several skill levels for kids of different ages. Animated flashcards are also there with kids guiding how to do several yoga poses. Overall, this yoga app is a thoughtful project designed to help kids in living healthier lifestyles.

Habit List logo

5. Habit List

Product Rating


Top Features

  • Easy to use interface
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Reminders and badges o stay on track
  • Shows streaks to motivate the user

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For anyone to lose weight, they need to form new habits which can be difficult, and this app helps with that. As the name of this app suggests, it’s more about building good habits, and if it’s about weight loss, it helps the same way.

The app allows the user to keep track of the habit on a weekly and monthly basis. If the user is doing reasonably well, there will be a green light; else it would turn into red.

GenMove logo

6. GenMove

Product Rating


Top Features

  • Improves physical and mental well-being of children
  • More than 50 games to improve kids’ physical activities
  • New games are added regularly
  • Reduces screen time of children

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GenMove is another best app that focuses on the mental and physical well-being of children. The app currently features more than 50 games that motivate kids to increase their movements and physical activities. This, in turn, helps them to stay fit and healthy. GenMove also focuses on reducing the screen time of kids. Also, all household kids can be covered under a single plan.

Fighting obesity can be a complex problem, but by using a combination of mobile apps to focus on different actions, success is much easier to achieve. An app developer must consider some factors before developing an app for kids. All the above-mentioned apps are crafted for kids and take care of all the nitty-gritty that follows.

If you wish to learn more about apps that can assist the kids with parental control and top healthcare development companies, stay tuned to MobileAppDaily and keep yourself abreast of all the latest updates of the mobile app industry.

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