Category Marketing
Prominent Ways to Retain the Lost Interest of User in Your App You won't lose your app users again if you implement the best retention techniques for your app's healthy success.

The mobile app world right now is ruling the tech world by defining the digital era of this generation. Almost everyone wants to own a mobile application for their business that will speed up their growth and revenue. But launching an app and making it available to the wide audience is half of the battle.

The rest of the struggle starts after the app development launch when you have to attract users to your app. The survey shows users have the tendency to lose interest in the app in a short period and forget about it.

If you want constant success, you need to keep them reminding and maintain the bridge of interests between the user and the app. Push notifications prove to be the boon that helps an app to get user retention and acquire the lost interest.

However, push notifications won't work well unless you use it in a manageable way. Don't send irrelevant push alerts as it irritates users and loses their trust for the same service. 

To Pull Back the User and Retain Their Engagement, You Need to Follow These 5 Key Points

1. Understanding of the User

All the app makers know exactly what the app does and what is its key attributes. You should be prepared with the plan of what to do next? Once the user login your page and goes through all the content of your app what are the key things that will tempt the user to open it again. 23% of the users abandon the app after one use, you need to know exactly what the rest of 75% of the users are looking for.

You need to understand the flow and design the way to make sure the user keeps using the app.

2. Capture the TouchPoints

Continuously track the active user's activity and gather information like what are the most used options for the app? Collecting the information of the users individually helps you know the specific interest of the user that you can use to add additional features to the app.

This assures them that the app is developed for them. E-commerce apps are the epitome for this feature, they use the carts and wishlists information to ping the user regarding the products.

These frequent push alert messages with information on user interests pull back the user to reopen the app.

3. Think out of the Phone

Push notifications prove to be the best way to retain user attention and gathering maximum engagement. But notifications that are sent excessively to the users' smartphones can annoy them and lead to a negative impression. Trying to connect other means like Emails, Text messages are the other options.

These might sound delicate and add up the engagement, but opting for these alternatives will also add a great positive impact on user retention rates. Further, notification via social platforms are also very useful may act as a boosting element to retain the users.

4. Target the Right Frequency

You need to find the right time to send push notifications. Engaging the user with alert messages is the best approach but it needs to be precise in numbers. Very frequent notifications, the user will forget the app too many will lead to uninstallation or abandoning the app. By observing the user behavior and interest you need to target a particularly limited number of push notifications.

5. Notifying Smartly

You do not want to damage your brand reputation or lose the user by being impatient. Rather, you can use push notifications that are the alert messages with minimum words, catching the eye of the user and drag them to the app.

You should use the target audience and the perfect time to send the information to the user with the help of captured analytics. The messages should be limited in words and should have an influential way of interaction.

Last Advice

In today's digital world where the user has too many options to get entertained, they have a short span over the app. In order to retain the user and get their interest back to the product, you need to use the push notifications but in the most effective ways. Even with launching the loyalty programs you can retain the customer 

Sakshi Kaushik

By Sakshi Kaushik LinkedIn Icon

A passionate writer and tech lover, she strives to share her expertise with mobile app developers and fellow tech enthusiasts. During her moments away from the keyboard, she relishes delving into thriller narratives, immersing herself in diverse realms.

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