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Account-Based Marketing Strategies Fuel your business growth with effective account-based marketing practices and techniques. Stay ahead of the curve and unlock new opportunities for your business.

Converting high-value leads to customers which can be tricky for businesses. The key is to create a personalized customer experience to generate a higher return on investment. This is the reason why marketers embrace account-based marketing strategies as a suitable complement to their lead-generation efforts. Businesses use AI in marketing and ABM strategies to improve customer engagement. 

By definition, an account-based marketing strategy is a marketing effort that aligns sales and marketing efforts to deliver targeted advertising. With this practice, businesses can personalize the experience for high-value customer accounts. It offers a unique 1-to-1 experience with tailored content. 

In this blog, we will explore the list of account-based marketing strategies and how they can benefit your business. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to harness the power of an account-based marketing model. 

Understanding the basics of Account-Based Marketing Strategies

An account-based marketing plan focuses on long-term revenue growth through targeted marketing. This technique focuses on the targeted market from the outset, unlike the traditional marketing approach that narrows the audience as it progresses through the sales funnel. ABM is increasingly popular for B2B companies that target large organizations, like governments. 

The latest ABM Benchmark Study found that companies allocated around 28% of the marketing budget to implement account-based marketing strategies. The majority of programs have witnessed substantial growth by implementing these strategies. Businesses have benefited from the best account-based marketing strategy in the following ways- 

Business Impact Percentage
Active engagement with high-value accounts 90%
Pipeline growth 84%
Revenue growth 77%
Higher ROI than other marketing strategies 72%

Businesses are rapidly adopting account-based marketing tactics to build stronger relationships with key accounts and drive engagement. This strategy is proven to maximize ROI. It focuses the resources on the accounts with the highest potential for revenue generation. 

- Tim Bollish, Market Research Manager, LinkedIn

The Benefits of an Account-Based Marketing Plan for Businesses 

Following an account-based marketing process has benefited many businesses. This has translated to the rapid adoption of this strategy. The global account-based marketing market is expected to reach $1.6 Billion by the year 2027. This approach is highly beneficial for maximizing business revenue and driving growth. Let’s discuss the benefits of an account-based marketing model in detail. 

1. Personalized and Targeted Approach 

With effective ABM techniques, businesses can smoothly convert an MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) to a closed-won deal. Under this approach, marketers create personalized messaging and promotional content for the targeted accounts. Rather than casting a wide net, businesses can only target the audience that is most likely to convert. A targeted approach improves the effectiveness and efficiency of the marketing efforts. 

2. Aligned Sales and Marketing Strategies

Account-based marketing techniques encourage marketing and sales teams to align their efforts across the buyer journey. With collaboration, both departments work together to identify, nurture, and close target high-value accounts. Together, both departments can ensure improved communication, shared goals, and better business outcomes. 

3. Higher Return on Investment 

Account-based marketing techniques are precise and measurable, ensuring the highest ROI among all B2B marketing tactics. By focusing resources on the accounts with the highest potential, ABM can maximize the return on investments for all businesses. With greater effectiveness in their marketing spending, companies can drive bottom-line results. 

4. Account Expansion Opportunities

Account-based marketing tactics do not just end after sales. These techniques can be used to expand relationships with existing customers. An ABM plan can also help businesses identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities within key accounts. This can help them drive additional revenue growth. 

5. Competitive Advantage 

Delivering a highly personalized marketing campaign can differentiate businesses from their competitors. A unique ABM campaign will stand out in a crowded marketplace as well. The best account-based marketing strategy can help businesses acquire a larger market share. This strategy is also effective in establishing an industry leadership. 

Common Marketing Challenges that Account-Based Marketing Strategies can Solve

Digital marketing companies face challenges in implementing effective marketing strategies across different channels. From seamless sales and marketing to building customer relationships, ABM strategies can solve them all. 

Here are a few of these challenges and how an account-based marketing strategy solves them. 

Marketing Challenges Solutions offered by ABM Strategies 
Sales and marketing gap The best account-based marketing strategy aligns the efforts of both sales and marketing departments throughout the cycle. 
Poor quality leads The entire marketing campaign is only focused on high-value accounts and leads. 
Lost leads The sales or marketing department does not qualify leads. Therefore, no leads are lost in the process. 
Wasted time and resources The key resources are only directed towards high-value accounts. So, no time, data, or resources are wasted with this approach. 
Limited marketing and sales budget Most of the marketing budget is allocated to high-value leads. This prevents businesses from spreading it thinly over a large number of leads.

How to Implement Account-Based Marketing Strategies for Businesses?

account based marketing strategy

An account-based marketing process for businesses involves multiple strategies to target high-value accounts. With this, businesses can drive engagement and improve their conversions quickly. The key ABM tactics necessary for businesses are discussed below in detail. 

1. Identify Ideal Customer Profiles 

The first and foremost step is to analyze your existing customer base and identify the characteristics of your most valued customers. Look for ideal customers that align with your products and services. Additionally, you can also filter the list based on different criteria like geographic location, company size, revenue, etc. 

2. Develop Customer Persona

The next step forward is to align the efforts of the marketing and sales teams. Developing a customer persona will help the teams get a shared understanding of who the targeted audience actually is. Understand their roles, pain points, and responsibilities to tailor your messaging and content accordingly. 

3. Build Relationships with Potential Buyers

Businesses should aim to design a personalized campaign targeting individual accounts or clutter of accounts. The targeted messages should speak directly to the customer's needs and pain points. 

4. One-to-one outreach 

With an account-based marketing approach, businesses can leverage personalized outreach tactics for better results. Based on the user data, companies can personalize videos, e-mail sequences, and gifts to engage the targeted audience.  

5. Use Targeted Advertisements 

This step involves creating multiple ads tailored to customer’s specific needs and requirements. Businesses can also engage targeted accounts across multiple channels to maximize the outreach of their content. 

6. Retarget the Customers 

Businesses must draft plans to re-engage with the customers who have previously interacted with your brand. These users can now be targeted and converted into new customers for the products and services. 

7. Measure and Analyze the Results 

It is important to measure the results of the marketing campaign on a regular basis to ensure the relevance of the ABM program. Businesses should keep track of conversions, engagement rates, and the overall ROI. The results can further be analyzed to refine the marketing strategies to grow the business and improve the revenue over time. 

Primary Account-based Marketing Tactics for B2B Marketing in 2024

Marketing Tactics for B2B Marketing

As of 2024, account-based marketing strategies have been reformed with the technological advancements in the industry. With advanced techniques, businesses can target high-value customers and improve their business outcomes. Some of the key account-based marketing best practices tailored for B2B marketing are listed below. 

1. Use advanced data analysis 

With advanced predictive modeling techniques and data analysis, businesses can prioritize high-value accounts. Accounts can be targeted based on firmographic data, intent signals, technographic data, and purchase history. 

2. Personalized content powered by AI 

Businesses can leverage AI and machine learning algorithms to personalize the content for the target audience. Messages, videos, and e-mails can also be customized for different audiences. AI tools can analyze human behavior and offer detailed insights to deliver hyper-targeted experiences across different channels. 

3. Intent-based marketing 

Intent-based marketing strategies can help businesses identify users actively researching solutions related to your offerings. To implement this, businesses can monitor online behavior and intent signals to identify these accounts. 

4. ABM orchestration platforms 

ABM orchestration platforms are specific software solutions designed to streamline and automate the process of account-based marketing. These platforms help businesses plan and execute effective ABM strategies across different channels. It also assists in measuring the success and results of the marketing efforts. 

5. Cross-channel engagement and promotion

Businesses can deploy integrated marketing campaigns across different channels. For instance, marketers can offer personalized content through different channels such as emails, social media platforms, digital advertisements, website personalization, and others. 

6. Customer advocacy and referral programs 

Businesses can leverage satisfied consumers from target accounts to advocate for their brand and generate referrals. Furthermore, they can implement customer advocacy initiatives. These can reward consumers for sharing their success stories and participating in case studies. Rewards can also be offered for referring other potential purchasers inside their organization.

7. Continuous optimization of account-based marketing strategies 

Continuously examine performance indicators and gather input to improve ABM strategies over time. Experiment with new techniques, channels, and messaging strategies depending on data analysis and market input.

8. Leveraging SEO agencies to amplify ABM's success 

SEO agencies play an important role in aligning ABM strategies with strong online visibility. These companies ensure that your targeted content reaches the intended audience at the right time. Businesses can also utilize the analytical prowess of SEO companies to gather insights on account behavior. 

Top Account-Based Marketing Examples

Around 97% of marketers believe that account-based marketing campaigns are useful for improving revenue for businesses. ABM is regarded as the best strategy and is successfully implemented by top businesses. Let’s discuss some real-life account-based marketing success stories for B2B businesses. 

1. Personify 

Personify offers software solutions to help organizations manage member engagement and experience. Personify’s targeted ad campaigns speak directly to consumer needs and preferences. The company uses the Constitute Management & Engagement platform to create a list of top accounts. 

2. Calendly

Calendly uses account-based marketing strategies to offer efficient appointment scheduling to users. The company sends personalized emails and invites to the targeted audience. Calendly also offers one-to-one interactions during their live events. 

3. Intridea

Intredia is a web product and service company that is known to make an impact with its social media marketing strategies. The company also offered personalized URLs for their audiences. These URLs are packed with a range of GIFs. 

4. Salesforce

This company uses a virtual tour of the smart building for its users. With this tour, users can experience how Salesforce’s CRM software can transform their experience. Offering an immersive experience helps Salesforce to close major deals and win high-value accounts. 

Time to Put Your Account-based Marketing Tactics into Practice!

Account-based marketing campaigns represent a powerful shift in the B2B marketing landscape. These techniques offer a more focused and personalized approach to the cultivation of key accounts. As businesses continue to seek innovative marketing strategies, ABM offers a creative pathway to grow. It helps businesses not only to meet but also to exceed the expectations of key accounts. 

Adopting Account-Based Marketing offers a testament to a company's commitment to customer-centricity. It is also a strategic choice that can significantly impact its competitive edge and long-term success.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to do account-based marketing?

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  • What are the components of account-based marketing?

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  • What is account-based marketing?

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  • Why is account-based marketing important?

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Sakshi Kaushik

Sakshi Kaushik is a wordsmith extraordinaire who transforms complex technical jargon into captivating, must-read articles. Armed with a Masters in Economics, Sakshi dissects intricate topics with the precision of a seasoned expert. Her insights have graced prestigious platforms like Hackernoon, Ecowiser, and Medium, captivating readers and tech aficionados alike. With a career spanning influential companies like Teleperformance, Finex, and SparxIT Solutions, Sakshi is well-versed in navigating both the keyboard and the boardroom.

In addition to her extensive experience, Sakshi holds HubSpot certifications in Digital Advertising and Content Marketing, and has earned further credentials from UpGrad, Coursera, and Great Learning. Dedicated to sharing her expertise with mobile app developers and tech enthusiasts, Sakshi's passion shines through her writing. When she's not crafting compelling content, she enjoys diving into thrilling novels and exploring diverse worlds.

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