
Era Of Mobile Apps: How They Have Changed The Way We Live

Era Of Mobile Apps: How They Have Changed The Way We Live

Date: March 21, 2024

There are around 5 million apps available in the market right now

There is no denying that mobile apps have changed every aspect of our lives. Whether you have to travel, buy groceries, order food, communicate, or perform a banking transaction, there is an app for everything.

With all this happening around us, tech and mobile apps have redefined the social norms. Irrespective of what you want or need to do; everything is simply at your fingertips.

Moreover, new apps are rolling out every day and are significantly changing the world. In this article, we will have a look at how they came into existence and how they are changing our lives for the best.

How Mobile Apps Came Into Existence?

It has been just a decade since Apple and Google launched their app stores. It was in July 2008 when the entire mobile industry began revolving around apps.

Apple started with releasing 552 apps that could be downloaded on iPhone, with 135 of them being for free. In just one week, 10,000,000 iPhone users downloaded at least one app. In the meantime, the number of Google App store downloads surpassed the 50 billion mark.

As their popularity increased, the daily tasks we were performing by using computers quickly moved to smartphones.Here is how they are set to continue changing the world.

How Do Mobile Apps Change The Way We Live?

There are now apps that bring emails at your fingertip, count calories-intake, help with dating, affect shopping behavior and even the way we think. They are evolving rapidly and are also leveraging state of the art of mobile networks.

1. Mobile Apps And Overall Productivity

Staying productive has never been easier, all thanks to the various apps that allow us to answer emails quickly, conduct voice search, create presentations, update to-do lists, sign and send documents, and more.

There are countless apps like Any do, Todoist, Just Press Record, CamScanner, Gmail, Notability, and other work-related ones that allow you to stay on top of the productivity game.

2. Apps and Daily Communication

With mobile apps like Facebook and Instagram for social networking, WhatsApp for messaging, and Skype for video calls, you can stay connected with all your contacts on the go.

According to Statista, WhatsApp, one of the leading mobile messaging apps, has 1.5 million active users, as of December 2017. As of 2016 Q4, Facebook’s Messenger has 1,149 million active mobile-only users.

E-Commerece Industry

All you need is a few simple taps on your screen, and you can communicate with your friends and family members through texts, pictures, music, emojis, and what not.

3. Lets You Manage Fitness Levels

Whether you want to eat healthily, get in shape, or ace your fitness goals, everything can be accomplished by downloading a fitness app.

There are apps like MyFitnessPal that let you create a diet plan, manage weight loss strategy, and track daily routines. Some of them also work as personal trainers, while others sync with the third-party tools such as Fitbit, a heart rate monitoring tool, to keep track of your fitness levels.

How Mobile Apps Affect Various Industries?

1. Mobile Apps and Business

There are many businesses that develop apps to speed up their processes, improve workflow, and level up productivity.

According to a 2015 Accenture report, mobile apps act as an interface to collect the data and deliver it in an insightful manner. The report states that without the apps, the benefit of IoT (Internet of Things) and digital technologies like gathering data from sensors, using insights for business, and applying analytics to data, would be lost.

Moreover, there are various e-commerce and retail business owners that have seen an increase in their sales with mobile apps.

Along with this, the construction industry has also gained various benefits from the evolution of mobile apps. The dealers can provide an estimation to their clients while they are on site and seal their business deal in no time.

2. Mobile Apps And The E-commerce Industry

With mobile apps came the e-commerce stores that let you shop favorite products efficiently. Almost every brand has own app that allows customers to examine a product, buy it, track the orders, and much more for a seamless shopping experience.

Mobile Shopping- MobileAppDaily

Whether you are shopping for apparel, appliances, books, or even car parts, e-commerce apps will help you get them delivered to your doorstep at the snap of a finger. What’s more, there are apps like ShopSavvy that let you compare prices, so that you can get the best deals.

3. Mobile Apps And Gaming Industry

Mobile games have always been around us. But over the years, as mobile technology started evolving, app-based games became increasingly popular, such as Candy Crush, Angry Birds, PokemonGo, PUBG, etc.

These games take all the attention of both kids and adults and transform them into full-time gamers. Moreover, various game developers are trying to push the boundaries even further by creating games with augmented and virtual reality for a better experience. Just think of any game, and you will find it in your app store.

4. Mobile Apps And Banking Industry

According to Juniper Research, digital banking users will reach 2 billion by the end of 2018, representing 40% of the global adult population. Moreover, mobile banking users will grow by  14% in the following years.

In the banking industry, mobile apps have changed the way we do monetary transactions. Whether you want to carry out a financial transaction, shop for some goods, or open a new account, you can access all the banking services through an app. With it, you won’t have to wait in long queues and your transactions will be completed much faster.

Moreover, the banking apps come with an intuitive interface and are equipped with all the features to offer you a hassle-free banking experience.

Infographics- MobileAppDaily

The Final Words

There are around 7 million apps in both Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store, and it is no surprise that choosing one comes as an endeavor on its own.

Luckily, you can consult the infographic below. It will present you the basic information about the top apps for different kind of industries and personal needs. You will learn which are the most popular and most used, and what are their alternatives. This way, you won’t have to browse through the endless sea of available apps.

It is also an ideal place to start learning about the disruptive apps and how they changed the way we live. The infographic will walk you through their history, evolution, the number of daily users, net worth, and how they have changed our lives.

In one word, it covers everything you need to know about top mobile apps and their role.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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