Category Application Development
mobile app development trends From revolutionary AI apps to immersive AR experiences, find out which mobile app development trends are making headlines in 2024.

Businesses rely on mobile technology to drive development and innovation. As a result, staying up to date on the latest mobile app development trends is essential. According to Statista, the mobile marketing market is anticipated to hit $400 billion in 2024 and grow fivefold by 2030. With these improvements, 2024 promises to introduce new technologies that will transform how businesses approach app development.

In an interview with Moburst’s CEO and Founder, Gilad Bechar revealed that App Store Optimization and Conversion Rate Optimization are going to grow bigger. App development trends like these can significantly improve the visibility of the app. This will subsequently encourage more downloads, improve user engagement, and ensure better revenue for businesses. 

In this blog, we'll look at the top mobile app development trends for 2024. The blog explores how these advances might be used to meet and exceed client expectations. Whether you're an enterprise or a startup owner, this guide will help you with the right knowledge to stay competitive in the future. 

An Overview of Mobile App Development Trends 

The mobile app development industry is dynamic. Each year, new technologies and design philosophies are introduced for mobile applications. The convergence of advanced technologies with mobile platforms helps create more user-centric applications. Let’s understand this market with some stats. 

1. The mobile app market is expected to reach a market volume of  US$ 673.80 billion by 2027
2. 35-36 billion apps are downloaded every quarter from the Google PlayStore and the Apple App Store
3. 97% of the revenue for mobile apps is generated by free apps

Top mobile app development companies empower businesses to harness the power of technologies and top market trends. This ensures that the apps developed for the end user are optimized and efficient. 

Understanding the Key Trends in Mobile App Development

Understanding the key trends in the app development market is important to stay competitive. Let’s discuss the top mobile application development trends in detail. 

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 

AI and machine learning algorithms have evolved with time. Integrating artificial intelligence in mobile apps can help businesses personalize the experience for their users. AI can offer personalized recommendations to users. Apps like Netflix use advanced algorithms to recommend shows and movies based on user’s streaming preferences. 

The global AI market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 37.3% from 2023 to 2030. This opens up endless possibilities for businesses to improve customer experience and drive innovation. Further, these technologies are helpful in predictive analytics. AI and ML algorithms can also be used for intelligent automation within mobile applications. 

Some innovative features powered by Artificial Intelligence that can improve mobile app development and enhance customer engagement include the following. 

Product Recommendations AI-powered product recommendations are used to improve user experience. AI can accurately understand user preferences and recommend suitable products.
Chatbots and Voice Assistants AI-powered chatbots can streamline customer support processes and subsequently improve the user experience.
Image Recognition Some AI-powered apps support image searches and other similar features.
Text Generation AI-based text generators can be used for creative writing. These tools are suitable for composing poems, writing fictional stories, blogs, articles, and more.

2. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

The collaboration of Augmented Reality technology and Virtual Reality tech allows users to interact with simulated reality. These technologies are rapidly adopted by the gaming industry, education industry, media, and other similar industries. 

A study by Statista shows that the AR and VR market is projected to generate a revenue of $40.4 billion in 2024. The largest segment of this market is Augmented Reality, which is expected to reach a market volume of US$ 13.0 billion in 2024. 

Tech giants like Google and Apple are the main contributors to developing AR or VR apps. For instance, ARCore is Google’s platform for building unique augmented reality experiences for users. Using different APIs, ARCore enables your smartphone to sense the environment around you, understand it, and interact with the information. 

Some AR and VR-powered features that can enhance the app development process are listed below. 

Real-time Interactions AR games and VR simulations offer a dynamic user experience by enabling life-like interactions.
Spatial Awareness App developers use location-based AR technologies to interact with the physical environment.
User-centric Design and Approach Shopping apps that use AR technology are designed to improve user experience.
Performance Optimization AR filters and VR video streaming features can be optimized to prevent lag. This improves the overall user engagement and experience.


3. Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is among the growing mobile app industry trends. This technology connects smartphones with modern home appliances. It enables seamless data transfer to build control over targeted objectives. IoT mobile app trends make controlling devices via wireless technology possible. 

As of 2023, 805 billion US dollars were spent on IoT (Internet of Things technology) across the globe. This amount of spending offers greater opportunities for smart objects like car alarms, coordinated traffic lights, and others to grow. 

These mobile applications are used by multiple industries. IoT mobile apps have impacted app development by helping in initiating the development process, resolving connectivity problems, etc. This includes healthcare, automotive, agriculture, retail, transportation, logistics, and other industries. Lets understand more about this technology with the help of some famous mobile applications. 

Samsung SmartThings With Samsung SmartThings, users can control their smart home devices, such as electrical appliances, security systems, lights, and more.
Tesla The Tesla app offers control over the automated Tesla cars. It provides real-time updates on the vehicle’s performance, battery life, and more.
FitBit FitBit is a healthcare app for all fitness enthusiasts. The app tracks physical activity and offers guidance to achieve fitness goals easily.
Philips Hue This smart app controls your home lights. The app lets users adjust colors, brightness, temperature, and more.

4. Blockchain for app development

Mobile applications use blockchain technology to advance their functionalities and operations. It is a security network primarily used in the banking, financial, and cryptocurrency sectors. This technology protects cryptocurrency data from being tracked. Blockchain is also expected to have more applications in the future.

Blockchain technology has become increasingly relevant in the mobile app development industry. It provides unique advantages and capabilities that improve security, transparency, and user trust. For instance, Smart Contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. 

Let’s understand some of the primary advantages of this technology for mobile applications. 

Improved Transparency It records the transactions on a public ledger, ensuring visibility and traceability.
Reduced Fraud Blockchain maintains the security of transactions, preventing fraudulent activities.
Tokenization Blockchain creates digital tokens that can represent real-world assets or internal app currencies.

5. Cloud computing 

Cloud-based mobile apps, or cloud-native apps, primarily function by processing and storing data on remote servers. Unlike traditional apps, they do not depend solely on a mobile device's internal memory. These apps utilize cloud technology to boost functionality, performance, and scalability.

There are numerous benefits to using cloud computing in mobile app development. It enhances performance, security, and cost-efficiency. Cloud-native apps are especially useful in areas where data access and security are crucial, such as enterprise solutions, financial services, and health monitoring.

The table below outlines the main features of cloud computing in mobile app development.

Cross-device synchroisation Users can smoothly access their data and app functions across various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. This ensures a consistent user experience.
Exceptional Scalability Cloud infrastructure enables app development companies in USA and elsewhere to adjust resources according to demand.
Reduced Development Cost and Time Developers can leverage cloud services' APIs and frameworks to create apps more quickly and cost-effectively, minimizing the need for intricate backend infrastructure.
Improves Collaboration Cloud-based apps support real-time data sharing and collaboration among users. This feature is particularly valuable for productivity and business applications.

6. Beacon Technology

Beacon technology is a growing trend in mobile app development. It leverages Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signals to create location-based interactions and services. Beacon technology empowers mobile apps to offer highly personalized and contextually relevant experiences. 

The beacon technology market is expected to reach 56.6 billion by 2026. This technology is adopted by retail, event management, hospitality, and other sectors. 

Let's understand the key features and their benefits with the help of a table. 

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacons transmit signals to nearby devices using BLE, which is known for its energy efficiency. This extends beacon operation without frequent battery changes.
Proximity Detection They detect mobile device proximity within a specific range, from centimeters to meters.
Small and Affordable Devices Compact and affordable, beacons are easy to deploy in diverse environments like retail stores and airports.

7. 6G Connectivity

The sixth generation of wireless technology, 6G, is intended to operate at greater frequencies than its predecessors. With its improved capabilities, the 6G network can provide decreased latency and more capacity to all users.

Working in conjunction with advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, this network will be able to determine the optimal location for computers. Let's look at the potential features of 6G. 

Holographic communication 6G is expected to enable holographic communication, allowing interaction with lifelike holographic projections. This innovation could transform telepresence, virtual meetings, and entertainment.
Massive Connectivity Anticipated to accommodate a vast number of connected devices, 6G surpasses 5G capabilities.
Ultra-high Speed It promises even faster data speeds, potentially reaching terabits per second (Tbps) or higher.
Integrating AI 6G can incorporate AI to optimize network resource allocation, predict user behavior, and adapt to changing network conditions dynamically.


8. Low-code Mobile Apps

Creating an app is a complex task. However, the latest app development trends enable businesses to create simple apps using low code. Low-code platforms for app development can create drag and drop of the UI interface. Businesses rely on this technology as they do not need to spend a lot on developing an app. 

As per Statista’s forecast, the global low-code platform market is expected to amount to 65 billion US dollars by 2027. These platforms offer exceptional monitoring capabilities and are thus preferred for mobile app development. 

Let’s understand the basic features of low-code apps along with their benefits with the help of a table. 

Visual Modeling This enables Android and iOS mobile app development companies to visualize how the application will actually work. This lets developers develop a variety of solutions without incurring heavy costs.
Reusable Components Developers can build cross-platform apps with pre-configured templates, logic, and more. This helps in building applications with better consistency and scalability.
Data Integration By securely integrating data, developers can build and manage systems at a larger scale.

9. Gesture-based Navigation 

Gesture-based navigation is among the top mobile app market trends. It replaces buttons with intuitive actions like tapping or swiping. This offers a simple and more immersive experience for users. With simple actions like pinching, tapping, swiping, etc., users can easily navigate through the app.

Full-screen smartphones drive the popularity of this trend. It significantly boosts user engagement in apps. Interactions feel natural and fluid. As this trend keeps on evolving, gesture-based navigation is definitely the future of mobile apps.

The table displayed below will help you understand the key features of gesture-based navigation and their benefits for mobile applications. 

Swipe Gestures Improves ease of use by supporting quick and intuitive actions.
Pinch and Zoom This feature allows detailed interaction with the app content, subsequently improving the user experience.
Long Press This gesture provides additional contextual options without cluttering the app’s interface.
Fluid Transitions These transitions offer a visually pleasing experience that mimics natural movements.

10. Touchless UI

Touchless UI is one of the mobile app technology trends. This technology allows users to interact with the apps without the need to touch them physically. This type of interface interprets human gestures through different sensors and cameras. It enables the users to have complete control over the software or application. 

Let's understand the key technologies related to touchless UI with the help of the table below. 

Motion Sensors Devices with motion sensors detect user movements and gestures. Actions like waving or swiping can execute commands.
Voice Recognition Voice command technology allows interaction through spoken instructions. It's common in virtual assistants and smart home devices.
Eye Tracking Eye-tracking technology translates eye movement into interface control.
Infrared Sensors Sensors detect hand or body heat for gesture recognition without contact.

11. Cross-platform development tools

With the changing mobile app development languages, modern frameworks are geared toward streamlining the development process. As a result, cross-platform applications have become increasingly popular. More users are shifting toward mobile applications that can be used on multiple devices without compromising on quality and data.

Using cross-platform app development trends has its own advantages for businesses. These apps are single-code-based, which makes them cheaper and easier to develop. Some of the popular cross-platform app development frameworks include Flutter, React Native, Ionic, and others. 

The key benefits of staying abreast with the latest mobile application development trends related to cross-platform tools are discussed below. 

Faster Time to Market Unified codebases enable quicker app deployment on various platforms. This speed benefits businesses, enhancing competitiveness.
Consistent User Experience Cross-platform tools ensure consistent user experiences across devices and systems. This maintains brand identity and user satisfaction.
Maximum Audience Reach Supporting multiple platforms widens the audience reach. It maximizes user acquisition and engagement without extra development efforts.
Cost Efficiency A single codebase across platforms reduces the need for separate teams and resources.

12. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps are a prominent trend in app development, changing how developers create and deliver web applications. These apps harness modern web capabilities for an app-like experience.

PWAs are built to perform well across devices and screen sizes. They can work offline or in low-network conditions. They're favored for their app-like experience, featuring smooth navigation, fast load times, and interactive interfaces.

The main benefits of progressive web apps are discussed below. 

Enhanced Performance PWAs prioritize speed, offering quick load times and seamless interactions. This enhances user satisfaction and lowers bounce rates.
Better Reach They're searchable by search engines, broadening the user base beyond app store visitors.
Improved User Engagement With features like push notifications and offline access, PWAs sustain user engagement and prompt repeated interactions.
Cost Efficiency Creating a PWA is often more economical than developing separate native apps for iOS and Android. One codebase serves all devices.

13. Accelerated Mobile Pages

The AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) framework is open-source and aims to enhance the speed and performance of mobile web pages. Initially focused on improving the mobile web experience, it provides various other benefits.

Primarily used for content-driven apps, e-commerce apps, and progressive web apps, the AMP framework offers significant advantages for mobile applications, especially in user experience and performance.

The key benefits of the AMP framework for mobile app development are discussed below in detail. 

Faster Load Times AMP pages load almost instantly, greatly enhancing user experience. This is done by optimizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, reducing data processing.
Better Performance Google and other search engines pre-render and cache AMP pages, delivering content almost instantly.
Improved SEO AMP pages are prioritized in mobile search results by Google, increasing visibility and traffic..
Reduced Bounce Rates Quick load times and enhanced performance result in reduced bounce rates.

14. Advanced Payment Solutions

Advanced payment solutions are pivotal in mobile app development, revolutionizing transaction processes and improving user experience. This trend includes innovative technologies to enhance payment security, efficiency, and user-friendliness.

Given the rising mobile app payment trends, the digital payments market is projected to reach $11.53 trillion by 2024. These solutions are gaining popularity due to their enhanced security, broader accessibility, and personalized experiences. Below, we delve into the key components of advanced payment solutions.

Mobile Wallets Mobile wallets like Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and Samsung Pay store users' payment details securely on their devices.
Cryptocurrency Payments Cryptocurrency payment options are increasingly integrated into mobile apps, driven by digital currency popularity.
Biometric Authentication Biometric technologies such as fingerprint scanning enhance security and convenience in mobile transactions.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) Payment Solutions Apps like Venmo, PayPal, and Cash App facilitate seamless and instant money transfers between individuals.

15. Eco-friendly Apps

In 2024, eco-friendly apps are trending in mobile app development. They reflect growing customer demand for sustainable solutions. The apps help users reduce their environmental footprint with various features. Ecosia, Good on You, and Too Good to Go are some of the popular eco-friendly apps. These apps promote sustainable practices and lessen environmental impact.

Carbon Footprint Tracking Numerous eco-friendly apps offer tools to calculate and track users' carbon footprints.
Sustainable Living Tips They provide practical advice for adopting sustainable lifestyles, including reducing energy consumption and waste.
Recycling and Waste Management Practices Some apps inform users about local recycling programs, waste sorting guidelines, and nearby recycling centers.
Sustainable Transportation Apps promoting sustainable transportation options like biking, walking, carpooling, or public transport are gaining popularity.

16. DevOps in Mobile App Development

DevOps in mobile app development combines development (Dev) and operations (Ops), aiming to enhance the app creation process through collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement. This enables teams to deliver high-quality mobile applications faster and more reliably. 

The future of app development with DevOps is guided by the following key principles.

Continuous Integration (CI) Continuous Integration (CI) entails regularly integrating code changes into a shared repository, followed by automated builds and tests.
Continuous Delivery (CD) Continuous Deployment (CD) expands on CI by automatically deploying code changes to staging or production environments after passing automated tests.
Automation DevOps emphasizes automating repetitive tasks like testing, building, and deployment.
Collaboration and Communication It promotes a collaborative culture among development, operations, and other stakeholders.

17. Serverless Architecture 

Serverless architecture is an expanding trend in mobile app development. It empowers developers to build and operate applications without handling the underlying infrastructure. This approach isolates server management and allocates resources dynamically, allowing developers to focus on coding and feature development.

The key principles and their advantages are explained in the table below. 

No Server Management Developers are free from tasks like provisioning, scaling, or managing servers. The cloud provider manages infrastructure duties such as maintenance and scaling.
Pay-as-you-go Pricing Costs are based on actual usage, with developers paying only for consumed computing time and resources. This leads to significant cost savings, especially for apps with varying traffic.
Event-Driven Execution Serverless architectures are typically event-driven, activating functions in response to events like HTTP requests or database changes.
Microservices Friendly Serverless encourages the use of microservices, which are small, independent functions that are deployable and scalable separately.

Embracing the Changes in Mobile App Development

As technology advances, mobile app development trends have witnessed significant changes. These trends are directed to offer a better user experience. From improved payment solutions to serverless architecture, this shift ensures more secure and user-centric apps. 

Apps like Starbucks offer seamless mobile payment options by integrating advanced technologies. Similarly, Pokemon GO is a popular gaming app that uses AR technology to deliver an engaging user experience. 

Moving forward, app developers and organizations must adopt trends to provide user-centric mobile applications. Staying current with the newest trends enables app development businesses to pave the way for a more connected and sustainable digital future in mobile app development.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the latest trend in app development?

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  • Is app development in demand 2023?

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  • What are the possible app trends that will sustain the future?

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Sakshi Kaushik

By Sakshi Kaushik LinkedIn Icon

A passionate writer and tech lover, she strives to share her expertise with mobile app developers and fellow tech enthusiasts. During her moments away from the keyboard, she relishes delving into thriller narratives, immersing herself in diverse realms.

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