Category Application Development
Mobile app development process Optimize your workflow and achieve business goals with an effective app development process. Explore proven methods and expert strategies.

Understanding the steps involved in the app development process is essential for professional app developers and entrepreneurs. The market volume of mobile apps is projected to reach US$ 673.80 billion by the year 2027. With the growing market, where smartphones have become ubiquitous and apps drive innovation across industries, knowing how to navigate the development process can make all the difference.

In this guide, we will guide you through the essential steps for the app development process. We will explore key considerations that will help you conceptualize and launch your mobile app successfully. Whether you are looking to develop the next big gaming platform or a niche productivity tool, let's demystify the app development process that brings your vision to life. 

8-Step Blueprint for a Successful Mobile App Development Process

There are 8 key steps in the app dev process you need to go through one by one at a time in order to build a great app. This section will explain step by step app development process in detail, from initial concept to final deployment. 

1. Detailed Research and Planning

This is the very first and one of the most important mobile app development process steps as it will shape the forthcoming process of mobile app development. In this phase, all you need to do is research and find answers relevant to your app idea. You need to decide the main aim and agenda of the app and find answers like: 

  • Who is the targeted audience?
  • What are they specifically looking for? 

Along with these, you also need to choose which platform you want to hit and the revenue model of the app. Most importantly, you need to research the competitors' existing products and look for the answers to questions like:

  • How does it work?
  • What does it offer to the customers?
  • What are the key aspects they are lacking in?
  • What can I offer to beat the competition? 

Comprehensive research about users, competitors, products, aims, pain points, and services should be done in this phase. This research will guide your app development workflow and give you an idea about capital and time investment.

Master App Ideation for Brainstorming the Next Big Idea

Consider the following points while brainstorming ideas for your next project during the process of application development.

1. Adoption of the already existing

There is no issue in adopting something that already exists. The idea here is to create something that is better. Think about this, wheels were initially made of stone, then wood, and now a combination of alloy & rubber. Just like this, every existing app idea has room for improvement, figure that out.

2. Look inside your Mind Palace

The majority of original ideas stem from our own thoughts. A problem that you are struggling with on a daily basis.  Take these questions into note:

  • Can this idea be solved using an application?
  • Is it a niche problem? Or is it something that exists on a large scale?

Once you are done with this, you will get something to work upon. To get the idea further validated, approach any mentor who you think gives the best advice.

3. Be Mindful of the Socials

Social media can be a great place to look up for new app ideas. There are billions of people voicing their opinions on a daily basis. There are so many problems that get exposed online. Look for these problems, and try to come up with an idea that can solve it.

4. Enhance the already existing

I know the titles are getting repetitive but think about this, there are so many basic applications that provide utility on a daily basis. For instance calculator, calendar, notepads, etc. Think of a unique way of serving it to the world. Something that entices people and compels them to use your app. For example, an interactive calculator for small childrens to learn.

5. Think about the Future

Look for the latest trends in technology. Learn about what is going to shape the future. Currently in IT, artificial intelligence, VR, AR, Metaverse, etc, all of these are getting a lot more attention. One may not see integration of these techs but it is the future. 

It won’t be a farce to say that single units of organizations will have employees from all over the world, working as a single unit using a combined space in metaverse. There can be many other ideas similar to this that can be made into reality. Think novel, think about disruptive!

2. Conceptual Prototyping

Once you are done with all the research and have got a clear direction to take your idea on the road of app development, you need to move forward with the second step in the process of app development.  

Now make a prototype of your product using the research details and explore your idea. Write down all the functionalities & features, and draw a sketch or flowchart on the board. This will be the first representation of your ideas and details gathered in the first phase.

Also, during the app creation process, try to discuss the app’s attributes and functionalities with other team members. You must consider and listen to their opinions and views on the primary mental prototype. You need to see it from their point of view. By doing this, you might get some unique app ideas and the redundancies to watertight the app idea.

3. Technology Viability

You have an idea and a whole working flowchart with you which is exceptional but is it possible to turn it into reality? Having all the functionalities and operations on the paper is one thing and converting it into a fully working model is different. So the next step in the app dev process is to verify technology viability. You need to check the back end technology required and understand how it will turn your vision into a reality. 

At this point, you should know whether the back-end system will support the app APIs or not.

There are several attributes to the adoption of the technology as well. Let’s understand these: 

  • Consider the type of application you want to create i.e. native app, web app, or cross-platform app, etc.
  • Understand the requirements for the UI/UX vision of the app.
  • Evaluate the initial capital serving the cost to develop an app
  • Check the availability of resources from a tech perspective (i.e. programming language, suitable frameworks, etc.) and the number of resources and manpower required

Certain technologies are well-adopted in the technology spectrum. For instance, it is easy to find custom software development companies in the USA for the React Native framework, whereas for Flutter, the market is still developing. 

It is because React Native uses Javascript while Flutter uses DART. DART is among less popular mobile app development languages and a language with a higher learning curve. Similar to this, it is important to look at the entire technology stack. This will also help understand the true feasibility of developing the intended features.

Adding to it, choosing a technology framework that is popular will help find experienced developers with a less quoted pricing bracket. It also means that there are more options in the market to replace the existing resource due to any unforeseen reason.

4. App Design Before Development

App Design Before Development

Before starting coding for the development, you should finalize the app's design. An app design should be based on the latest UI design trends. A unique and immersive design catering well to the app idea should be structured in order to offer the best experience for users. 

A designer should build and design elements required to enrich the app interaction. Designing is one of the most complex steps in the mobile application development process and needs to be done precisely with the aim to provide enhanced interaction to the users. The final results that you will get are blueprints or visual directions that will give you an idea of how your app should look and feel. 

Here are some expert-proven tips that can help you come up with an excellent app design: 

a. Think from the End-User Perspective

It is important to understand this in the research stage. Understanding the target market is a great way to enhance the UX of the app design. Consider this, an app for preschoolers and a person in his/her old age can not respond well to just any design architecture. On the other hand, Gen Z are well-versed with technology and adapt to almost every design architecture. However, they are picky.

Once you have that in place, think about:

  • How will the user navigate from one page to the next and the last page?
  • How is the user going to interact with the target page?

b. Choose a Brand Representing Color Palette

Every color has its story and every startup does too. Pick a color palette that represents your company’s story or vision. Think from the perspective of how that color makes you feel. Take a palette of no more than 3 or max colors. However, this is not a mandatory rule considering if you are looking for something vibrant. Although, keeping things to a minimum is often recommended.

c. Maintain Consistency

Chaos within constraints can often be fun. However, if you aren’t explicitly looking for chaos, maintain an even consistency to establish a brand image. A great-looking page followed by a substandard design or feature flaws, isn’t acceptable. Keep note, user experience is everything.

d. Pick a Readable Font

Keeping things fancy is good, and there are multiple fonts that may seem enticing. However, the perspective of an app design is to get the message across. With an attractive font that isn’t readable, isn’t ideal. To keep the design fresh and readable, experiment with different fonts and see how they feel. However, if your theme feels like it requires a fancy font then go ahead.

e. Again, Think from Ease!

The user experience shouldn't be cumbersome. For instance, there are several applications in the market that are great but are bloated with too many user actions. For instance:

  • Sign-in pages
  • Pop-ups
  • Ads on website

In fact, there are websites online that work absolutely fine but their payment gateways are hard to figure out. An app is a channel to sell a service. And now think of this calamity. This shouldn’t happen. The purpose of the app should be to provide maximum value to the user, and payments should be easy if the end-user is looking to make in-app purchases.

5. Actual Prototype

An application is a digital tech element. You won't be able to know it until you actually touch and use the app on your smartphone. Now, you need to build a real prototype or MVP (minimal viable product) of your app to experience how it works and interact with the users. 

Another aspect to consider during the iOS and Android app development process is to gain initial capital. A majority of software development companies in the USA and in other corners of the world also follow the culture of building a mobile app prototype to acquire seed funding from venture capitalists. You can use simple wireframes so that you can get the app developed in less time and with good quality. Additionally, the app developers can render the first copy to the client. This will further let you know that the app is fine or it needs changes. 

Bonus for you!

Here are some tips to follow for coming up with a compelling design -

  • Highlight the USP of the app. Even if it isn’t feasible to create the feature, add it to the app design, and explain it to the investors
  • Add elements that will be added later on. However, have a logical explanation of how they will be realized.
  • Test out the user experience. UX should give out the taste of the actual app experience.
  • Keep the true colors of the brand

6. Developing the Final Product

 app development

Now, you are at the core phase of app development for business, ii.e., coding. You have all the details with all possible functionalities and designs. During this step in the process of developing an app, the development team will start working to create the app on the decided app development platforms.

There are several project management approaches that you can take to complete the app development process on time, such as:

a. Agile

Agile methodology is the most popular project management methodology. It works on pre-established principles. These principles convey the idea of Individual and their interactions, working of the software, collaboration with customers, upgrades, etc. It is ideal for projects with high-level uncertainty.

b. Scrum

Scrum is ideal for small teams (smaller than 7) that require a flexible methodology to hit deadlines. It works on role-based responsibilities such as scrum master, product owner, development team, etc. Each of these roles focuses only on their tasks and makes sure the work is done on time. There are other attributes of scrum as well such as: sprint, sprint planning, sprint review, daily sprint, etc.

c. Kanban

Kanban methodology is a Japanese methodology that uses some general practices to remove bottlenecks from the workflow. These are visualization of the workflow, redundancies, flow, feedback, etc. It is another ideal methodology for small teams or individual projects. The idea behind Kanban is to establish visual cues that explain various stages of the mobile app development process, i.e., Kanban Cards, Kanban Boards, and Kanban Swimlanes. 

d. Lean Methodology

Another Japanese methodology that originated from Toyota. It works on eliminating three types of waste from operations, i.e., the 3Ms. These are Muda, Mura, and Muri. Muda refers to the elimination of processes that don't add value to the process or workflow. Mura stands for removing discrepancies from the workflow for scheduling problems. 

Muri refers to removing the extra burden the teams, managers, or individual employees must be facing. These are prominently followed in manufacturing. However, apps might follow this methodology post-development to upgrade apps. Also, it is ideal for something that is created from the perspective of ever-evolving.

  • Just like these methodologies, there are several others too. For example Waterfall model, Six Sigma, and PMI/PMBOK. 

The idea is not to know as many methodologies as possible or apply as many as possible (in fact stay away from the latter part). However, the idea is to establish a methodology that will help you accelerate the development process. Also, this methodology should take advantage of the strength of the app development team. 

7. Testing

Now, as you are almost at the end of the app development process flow, you should be done with the coding part. Next comes the testing process. The app needs to be handed over to quality analysts for the initial phase of testing. 

Post that running a beta test of the app, including real-users, gives out multiple insights on improvement. UAT- The best way to know if your app is serving the desired service to the users or not. The testing phase also includes Beta Testing, which is a proven technique to test your app by the user.

Make sure your app is available to the users for open participation. The beta version will help you get the users' opinions and feedback directly. This feedback will help you to add what your app lacks from a user point of view before launching it. This is one of the reasons why you need to go through all the mobile app testing phases. 

8. Final App Launch 

Congrats you have reached the last of app development steps and your app is ready. Now there is only one last step left in order to deliver it to the users. You need to submit your app to the respective app store for approval. 

Before submitting the app, make sure you follow all the regulations and guidelines of the App Store and all the improvisation has been done. This is the final step of the app development process.

However, it's not the end, every app needs regular updates in order to fix the bugs and enhance the features. Frequently releasing an upgraded app version with some added features engages the user for a longer period of time.

top mobile app development companies

Best Practices for Mobile App Development Process

To complete the app development process effectively, it is important for you to understand the following considerations. These tips guarantee a smooth process with the best possible outcomes. 

1. Clearly State Your Objectives

Before starting with the iOS or Android app development process, you should have a thorough understanding of all the objectives that you wish to accomplish through the app. Identify the current market trends and understand your target audience to ensure the best results. 

2. Choose a Suitable Platform

Most businesses are shifting towards cross platform app development to ensure a better user experience. This methodology also reduces the overall app development cost for businesses. Identify the advantages and limitations of each platform and make the best choice as per the requirements. 

3. Understand the Key Stages of Mobile App Development

To effectively navigate the app development journey, it's crucial to comprehend what are the key stages of mobile app development. These stages include ideation, planning, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Each stage is vital for ensuring the app’s success and requires thorough attention to detail.

4. Ensure a User-Centric Design

A user-centric approach is extremely important for the app’s success. Along with carefully following the steps for app development, you should invest in designing an app that is useful and visually appealing at the same time. 

5. Work on App Responsiveness

A mobile app should be responsive and should be able to function properly across all mobile devices. The primary focus should be on designing and maintaining a flexible layout that functions seamlessly on all operating systems. 

6. Prioritize App Security 

Along with a solid mobile app architecture, an app should also be able to provide the best security features for its users. As an app owner, you should invest in robust security measures to protect user information and other sensitive data. 

7. Ensure Inclusivity 

While designing an app be mindful to include all users. The app should be functionable enough for people with disabilities as well. Add features that makes the app accessible for people with visual or hearing impairments. 

8. Ongoing Checks and Maintenance 

The app development steps do not end with the app’s launch, rather it is important for developers to maintain the app for the long run. Continuous testing and maintenance ensures that mobile applications are able to function smoothly without any glitches. 

9. Invest in App Store Optimization 

With proper ASO strategies, apps can rank at the top on all app stores. Apps with an effective app store optimization often record more downloads as compared to their competitors. 

Success Stories: Real-Life Examples of Effective Mobile App Development Process 

Many large businesses have made it to the top by delivering successful mobile apps for their end users. These companies have mastered the app development steps, right from conceptualization to the launch. Let’s explore these real-life examples to see how effective processes and creative thinking can lead to extraordinary results. 

1. McDonald’s 


McDonalds’ has had a mobile app for a couple of years now, but only recently has the company begun efforts to drive more sales through the app. The mobile app is designed with a simple and easy-to-use interface that aims to improve the customer experience. The app is packed with advanced features that facilitate mobile ordering and in-app payments for better user convenience. 

The mobile app by McDonald’s is primarily focused on reducing the wait time for orders. Users also have an option to priorly place their order and decide a pickup time. All these factors helped McDonald’s to boost its sales through a well-designed mobile application. 

2. Ikea


Ikea’s one small step towards adopting augmented reality in their apps has resulted in a great leap in their overall sales. Ikea’s app created a buzz around the market with its unique AR-backed features. The app enabled users to virtually view the furniture in their drawing rooms before making the final purchase. 

By providing a true-to-scale experience through an advanced mobile app, Ikea reduced the number of product returns and maximized its sales globally. 

3. Nike


Nike’s domination in the market has been challenged by its formidable rivals, quite a few times. However, Nike’s mobile app changed the game for this brand. The app aims to offer an integrated mobile and in-store shopping experience for its users. Whenever the customers are visiting a Nike store they can use their mobile to scan a product’s barcode and learn more about it through the Nike App. 

Additionally, the brand also has a dedicated mobile app for all the sneakerheads out there. Nike’s SNKRS is an app that features an exclusive sneakers collection for users to buy online. The apps have not only improved user experience but also helped the company to gather useful user data to improve its products and future strategies. 

4. Amazon 


Amazon is the best-known ecommerce giant that offers a convenient shopping experience for all its users using the mobile application. Amazon’s app offers an intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to navigate through the categories and find a suitable product for themselves. 

The app offers secured payment gateways which make it easier for users to make payments without having to worry about any security issues. The app offers a uniform experience across iOS and Android devices and is thus a user’s favorite. 

As per our analysis, the success stories of these four companies highlight the critical role of an effective app development process. These companies have successfully harnessed advanced technologies and user-centric designs to create apps that benefit both the consumers and the business. 

how to build a mobile app from scratch

How MobileAppDaily Empowers Your Mobile App Development?

MobileAppDaily features a rich selection of resources and expertise that can help you streamline the mobile application development process. Here’s how this platform can help you drive business success through a well-designed mobile application. 

1. Networking Opportunities 

Through detailed directories and reports, MobileAppDaily connects businesses with industry experts and app developers who can bring their app’s vision to life. The best app development companies across the globe can help businesses streamline the app development workflow and unlock success. 

2. Expert Insights 

The platform offers educational resources, including articles, blogs, and listicals based on the recent trends in the market. Keeping in touch with current mobile app development trends help businesses stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions. 

3. Up-to-date News and Updates

MobileAppDaily regularly offers news about recent happenings and updates in the market. This ensures that all the business processes are streamlined as per the most current information.


The mobile app development process is an intricate journey that involves meticulous planning, design, development, testing, and deployment. By following a structured approach, developers can address potential challenges proactively and deliver apps that offer seamless user experiences. 

Investing time and resources in a well-defined app development process can significantly impact the success of your mobile application. As the mobile app landscape continues to evolve, adopting a flexible and adaptive development process will enable you to navigate changes effectively and maintain a competitive edge. Ultimately, a robust app development process is the cornerstone of delivering high-quality, user-centric applications that drive business growth and user satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the different phases of the app development process?

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  • What are the different stages of mobile app development life cycle?

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  • What do you need to make an app?

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  • How long does it take to create an app?

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  • What are some common app development lifecycles?

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  • What is the process of developing a mobile app?

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Meet Manish Chandra Srivastava, the Strategic Content Architect & Marketing Guru who turns brands into legends. Armed with a Masters in Mass Communication (2015-17), Manish has dazzled giants like Collegedunia, Embibe, and Archies. His work is spotlighted on Hackernoon, Gamasutra, and Elearning Industry.

Beyond the writer’s block, Manish is often found distracted by movies, video games, AI, and other such nerdy stuff. But the point remains, If you need your brand to shine, Manish is who you need.

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