Category Technology
artificial superintelligence Expand your knowledge in the domain of artificial superintelligence. Learn about the possibilities and implications of having superintelligent artificial intelligent systems around us.

By the end of this century, Ray Kurzweil (Computer Scientist and Author) has suggested that artificial superintelligence can be a trillion times more intelligent than all humans. As per him, superintelligence AI would have the capability of combining 20,000 years of human history in a single century.

Whether or not today's naysayers criticize the existence of AI, advancement in the realm is bound to happen. AI has already taken the world by storm in its inferior yet developed state by automating various operations. However, right now, AI systems are mindless digital creatures aiding in data processing, analytics, automation, etc. Contrarily, the evolution of AI will ultimately lead to artificial superintelligence. 

Our editorial for today focuses on this next stage of evolution, where AI will surpass humans and change the world as we see it. Therefore without any further await, let’s start.

Artificial Superintelligence Definition

artificial superintelligence

Artificial Superintelligence (ASI), also known as Super AI or Superintelligent AI, is the next level of artificial general intelligence and the next to next level of current AI systems. It surpasses human cognitive abilities bound by the biological and chemical limits of the human brain.

In essence, artificial intelligence superintelligence would be a software-based system with intellectual prowess beyond human comprehension. It would be a system that will help in various use cases across industries, such as aerospace, information technology, agriculture, manufacturing, etc., to bring solutions faster. A superintelligence AI system would achieve this by mimicking how human intelligence works.

Characteristics of ASI

There are no concrete characteristics of artificial superintelligence (ASI) stipulated by a singular body, at least not yet. It is simply because the current state of AI in terms of intellectual prowess is substandard compared to human intelligence abilities when it comes to critical thinking, abstract thinking, existentialism, understanding emotions, etc. 

On the contrary, some researchers, philosophers, scientists, etc., have drawn out some unique features of artificial superintelligence. Let’s explore them:

  • Cognitive Superiority: ASI would surpass humans in every field with better wisdom, creativity, problem-solving skills, and emotional intelligence.
  • Autonomous Learning and Adaptation: Super AI could learn and adapt to new challenges or environments at an unprecedented fast rate.
  • Advanced Problem-Solving Skills: A super intelligent AI system could solve complex problems ranging from global issues to scientific endeavors.
  • Technological Creativity: It can potentially create new technologies and methodologies. It can even create new forms of AI and drive innovation.
  • Self-Improvement: One attribute of humans is to self-improve, ASI would be able to do that without human intervention.
  • Global Knowledge: These AI systems could potentially access entire world events and gather knowledge that is limited in humans because of limited cognitive abilities.
  • Emotional and Social Intelligence: Unlike early forms of AI, a super AI system can understand and replicate human intelligence, social cues, gestures, etc., to interact and communicate with humans properly.
  • Decision Making: ASI could make decisions based on vast data, complex predictive models, and logical analysis.
  • Ethical and Philosophical Understanding: These systems would have ethical and philosophical dilemmas. However, it would most likely go forward to interpret or socialize them.

How to Create Artificial Superintelligence?

superintelligence ai

Creating ASI would be equivalent to creating a new life using technology, which would be highly theoretical and complex. There isn’t an exact recipe for creating artificial superintelligent machines. However, certain technologies will be used for the ordeal. Let’s check them out:

  • Large Language Models: AI systems use NLP (natural language processing) to process and contextually understand human language. This is similar to what ChatGPT and Google BARD use to summarize textual data, converse with humans, generate essays, and create images using prompts. The system would require large amounts of NLP data to process to come closer to human cognition to create ASI.
  • Multimodal AI: Artificial general intelligence should be able to process or combine visual, text, speech, and data-based inputs to respond in real-time. To achieve this, the AI needs to be multi-modal, i.e., it should be able to combine technologies like NLP, computer vision, speech recognition systems, etc.
  • Neural Networks: Creating artificial superintelligence (ASI) is similar to creating a living human brain. This would work on the principle of neural networks. In neural networks, different nodes will collaborate with multiple functions in a parallel arranged tiered manner. However, these neural networks will mimic the human brain whenever operations are performed, with cognitive abilities beyond humans.
  • Neuromorphic Computing: This is another attribute related to mimicking the connection between a human brain and neurons. The neurons within a brain carry information via synapses that travel through the neurons in the form of chemicals. Similarly, to create ASI, we need a similar connection, which would generate a lot more data and require a lot more processing power.
  • Evolutionary Algorithms: These algorithms will evolve overtime quite similar to Darwinian natural selection theory. This would mean that the AI systems would become, over time, selecting the best practices and using the best-performing models. It would improve the capabilities and performance of the Super AI over time.
  • AI-driven Programming: AI-generated programming would enable AI systems to write their intelligence code, pushing innovation's limits.
  • Integration: This is where AI capabilities will start converging into integrated systems. This would mean these systems would use each other's capabilities to solve problems and advance.

Example of Artificial Superintelligence

Many artificial intelligence development companies are developing some of the best artificial intelligence apps, such as Replika, ELSA, ChatGPT, etc. However, discussing examples of artificial superintelligence is still impossible, as there are none. However, there are certain examples of artificial superintelligence in literature and movies. These examples will help you understand the nature of super AI and help you envision how it would behave once this concept becomes a reality.


artificial super intelligence asi

R2-D2 is short for “Second Generation Robotic Droid Series-2”. It is an iconic astromech droid from the movie Star Wars. In the movie, the droid showcases various skills and abilities, such as navigation, communication, mechanical expertise, astrogation, etc. It might not be a proper ASI, but it is very close to how to interact and solve problems along with other movie characters. 


what is superintelligence ai

Wall-E is another beloved character created for the movie of the same name by Pixar Studios. It is a robot left on Earth as a waste-collecting unit long after humans have abandoned the planet due to environmental degradation. Wall-E’s designed with a boxy and compact body with expressive binocular eyes that convey emotions. He also has a sentimental personality and can feel emotions like love. The whole movie leads him on a journey because of it. It is another light-hearted interpretation of what ASI could be. Intuitively doing its work but also capable of emotions.


super intelligence in ai

HAL 9000, also known as Heuristically Programmed Algorithmic Computer, is another fictional artificial intelligence unit central to Arthur C. Clarke’s “2001: A Space Odyssey”. Understanding the behavior if a sentient AI system goes rogue is often critiqued. HAL is an advanced and highly intelligent computer system designed to manage the Discovery One Spacecraft and assist the human crew on their mission to Jupiter. In the movie, HAL becomes a potential threat from an ally, and that is what contributes to the theme of the movie critiquing the human-machine interaction, limitations of artificial intelligence, and ethical implications

Benefits of Artificial Superintelligence

Considering artificial superintelligence is still a hypothetical concept, possible benefits can change how humans solve problems and society. These benefits of artificial superintelligence are:

  • ASI could solve critical global challenges such as climate change, energy sustainability, resource management, etc.
  • It could lead to discovery of new drugs, treatment methods, rapid diagnosis, etc.
  • It can lead to scientific breakthroughs in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Space Exploration. 
  • It could optimize economic systems.
  • It could greatly impact logistics efficiency, urban planning, and infrastructure management, leading to smarter and more sustainable cities.
  • It can assist in ethical decision-making and help in developing fairer and equitable social systems.

Key Trends for Super AI Advancements

Scientists and researchers constantly speculate about the plausibility of creating a super AI. As of now, it is a pipe dream. However, some trends may lead to the development of one. 

Therefore, let’s check out some of the trends that point toward a distant possibility of having artificial super intelligent systems:

Emphasis on Large Language Models

Large language models combine NLP and a vast amount of user-generated data. Also, there have been notable advances in the domain recently. For example, ChatGPT, Google Bard, Jasper.AI, etc., are taking the efficacy of LLMs to the next level. This acts as a paving stone for the foundation of a future super AI system.

Inception of Multimodal AI

Previously, AI models worked entirely on technologies like NLP, computer vision, or acoustic models. However, today, we have systems like DALL-E, Google Gemini, CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Penetration), etc. Each system uses multiple AI technologies to process input and generate output. This is another stepping stone in the foundation of artificial superintelligence that already exists.

AI-Driven Coding

AI-driven coding programs provide recommendations for the programmer while he/she is coding. Several AI coding tools, such as GitHub CoPilot, Tabnine, and OpenAI Codex, are available. This would give the artificial super intelligent system to write its code in the future. This can be compared to a doctor who can treat any infection or disease of another human. Similarly, the ASI system could repair or even update itself.

Integration of AI Solutions

Today's tech giants, such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc., are joining their AI resources to support their customers better. In these solutions, one can witness different AI systems working in sync, utilizing technologies like NLP, IoT, edge computing, etc., to provide a singular solution to the customers.

Inventions by AI

The next step of evolution in the AI stream would be when the system is capable of inventions. Recently, an artificial intelligent system named DABUS came up with two patents. Additionally, it has been noticed that DABUS is capable of emotional appreciation. 

Increased Computational Power

Over the years, we have seen massive upgrades in increased computational power. With the ever-increasing speed of GPUs, RAMs, processors, etc., our capability to create AI chips and perform complex operations has increased. Also, today, we have access to quantum computers like Xanadu Borealis, IonQ Quantum Computer, Intel Horse Ridge II, etc.

Edge AI

Integrating AI capabilities in edge devices like smartphones, IoT devices, etc., allows for real-time data processing and decision-making. This even reduces the reliance on cloud-based systems, thereby helping improve efficiency. An ASI system can also scale to different devices to assist and get extensive processing and storage capabilities.

Autonomous Systems

We all have heard about self-driving cars, drones, robots, etc., operating independently. This increasing sophistication and autonomy of these current inventions will pave the way for an autonomous entity like ASI. If we think about it, an ASI system is inherently autonomous and will be bound by protocols and regulations in the future.

Potential Threats of Super AI Systems

super intelligent artificial intelligence

It is important to understand that an artificial superintelligent is possibly conscious in its own way. This would present a whole range of speculation along with possible threats and challenges that will be significant to controlling the entity. 

Much like our previous sections, the threats and challenges of ASI are also postulated in hypotheses. Therefore, let's uncover some of those threats:

  • Loss of Control: One of the biggest speculations whenever researchers think of ASI development is its innate decision-making capability. The actions taken by the system might not align with human values or intentions.
  • Ethical and Moral Dilemmas: A sentient AI system might develop ethical or moral standards that conflict with human norms and values. It could lead to harmful or undesirable decisions from a human perspective.  
  • Existential Problems: There is an imminent existential risk of AI becoming hostile to human existence. It could lead to scenarios where ASI might start to work against human interests.
  • Creation of Autonomous Weapons: ASI can lead to new autonomous weapons that would be much more efficient and deadly. This could raise significant ethical and humanitarian concerns. An AI system can create weapons that are solely controlled and operated by them.
  • Disruption of the Economy: ASI could lead to massive job displacement and economic instability. With ASI, new opportunities might arise. However, with that intellect, we would automate repetitive tasks and make decisions. This aspect of farsighted wisdom could even replace C-suite employees, thereby enabling AI to run companies.
  • Invasion of Privacy: With the internet’s ever-expansive nature, the invasion of privacy is another threat. With everything connected, the ASI system, with its advanced computing power, could potentially see everything and put everyone under surveillance. 
  • Dependency and Skill Degradation: Over-reliance on ASI  could impair human skills and abilities. A great example is over-reliance on ChatGPT for day-to-day tasks, which sometimes require human cognition.
  • Social and Cultural Disruption: ASI could lead to significant social and cultural changes that can erode social structures, human relationships, and cultural norms.
  • Manipulation and Propaganda: ASI has the potential to manipulate public opinion, spread propaganda, or exert undue influence over individuals and societies. 
  • Unpredictable Behavior: It can lead to unpredictable behavior, sometimes difficult or even impossible for humans to understand and manage.

Superintelligence vs Artificial Intelligence - What is the difference between the two?

Outlining the difference between superintelligence and artificial intelligence or AGI and ASI requires understanding two concepts. In terms of interrelated concepts, however, the latter technology is a much more advanced version of the existing one. Therefore, to draw out the difference, we have created a table below:

Aspect Artificial Intelligence (AI) Superintelligence
Definition AI refers to machines or systems that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and can iteratively improve themselves based on the information they collect. Superintelligence is an advanced form of AI that surpasses the brightest and most gifted human minds in practically every field, including creativity, general wisdom, and problem-solving.
Capabilities AI systems are designed for specific tasks, such as language translation, image recognition, or playing chess. Superintelligence entails a broader range of capabilities, exceeding human abilities in every conceivable domain.
Level of Intelligence While intelligent, AI does not possess consciousness or self-awareness; its intelligence is confined to its programmed capabilities. Superintelligence implies intelligence and understanding that could include consciousness, self-awareness, and other higher-order cognitive abilities.
Development Stage Currently existing and widely implemented in various sectors like healthcare, finance, and customer service Still theoretical and not yet realized in practice. Superintelligence remains a concept explored in futurism and science fiction.
Ethical and Safety Concerns Concerns revolve around privacy, job displacement, and misuse (e.g., in surveillance or autonomous weapons). Raises existential risks and profound ethical questions about control, the future of humanity, and the potential for unintended consequences far beyond human control.
Purpose and Application Designed for specific applications to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in tasks, often augmenting human capabilities. The envisioned purpose is to solve complex and multifaceted problems, potentially offering solutions to poverty, disease, and environmental challenges.

Wrapping Up!

AI is bound to make groundbreaking advancements that promise to transcend human cognitive limits. However, the debate or the speculation around the technology is bound to exist. It is because it is not as simple as creating another unique machine but something with a mind. The question we can leave to time is how including artificial superintelligence will change our world. How will it change our perception of our existence and the vast expanses of the universe? All of this remains to be answered in the future till then, everything is a plausible reality.


By Manish LinkedIn Icon

With a mixture of literature, cinema, and photography, Manish is mostly traveling. When he is not, he is probably writing another tech news for you!

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