Category Social Media
TikTok Discover how to enhance your social media presence by identifying the best times to post on TikTok. This guide reveals optimal posting hours to boost engagement and visibility.

TikTok has completely transformed the social media landscape, attracting millions of users daily. This incredible level of engagement has made TikTok an irresistible draw for creators and influencers looking to expand their reach.

However, simply posting content on TikTok isn't enough to guarantee success. Creators and influencers must be strategic about when they share their videos. By posting content at times when their target audience is most likely to be active and ready to engage, they can significantly increase their chances of gaining visibility and building a presence.

Several reports shed light on the best time to post on TikTok. This blog covers the different findings to help you understand the best time to post. 

This post also includes TikTok tips to find unique times for your audience base. It will help you develop the right social media strategies to choose a schedule suited to your target audience. 

What is the Best Day & Time to Post on TikTok for Max. Growth?

The best time to post on TikTok depends on when your targeted audience can see your content. However, if you are new to the platform, it is hard to find comprehensive data. It is better to analyze a few studies to see what works for most audiences and the best time to post on TikTok.

best time to post on tiktok

Here are the results of three studies on different platforms:


  • Mondays: 2 PM
  • Wednesdays:  4 PM
  • Saturdays: 8 PM

Hopper HQ (EST timings):

  • Mid-week: 10 AM to 11 AM

Influencer Marketing Hub (EST timings):

  • Tuesday: 9 AM
  • Thursday: 12 AM
  • Friday: 5 AM

Notice the difference in the results of each study. However, here is the conclusion we can draw for the above best time to post on TikTok overall:

  • Weekdays are the best time overall to post content.
  • Focus on timing before and after the traditional work hours.

Let’s go by each day to find the best hours to post on TikTok. 

Best Time to Post on TikTok Monday

  • Buffer – Monday: 2 PM
  • Hopper HQ – Monday: 6 AM, 10 AM, and 11 PM
  • Influencer Marketing Hub – Monday: 12 PM and 4 PM

Best Time to Post on TikTok Tuesday

  • Hopper HQ – Tuesday: Dawn and 9 AM
  • Buffer – Tuesday: 10 AM
  • Influencer Marketing Hub – Tuesday: 4 AM, 8 AM, 10 AM, and 3 PM

Best Time to Post on TikTok Wednesday

  • Hopper HQ – Wednesday: 7 AM to 8 AM, and 9 PM
  • Buffer – Wednesday: 4 PM
  • Influencer Marketing Hub – Wednesday: 1 PM and 2 PM

Best Time to Post on TikTok on Thursday

  • Hopper HQ – Thursday: 9 AM and 12 PM
  • Buffer –Thursday: 4 PM
  • Influencer Marketing Hub – Thursday: 5 AM, 3 PM, and 6 PM

Best Time to Post TikTok on Friday

  • Hopper HQ – Friday: 6 AM and 1 PM
  • Buffer – Friday: 10 AM
  • Influencer Marketing Hub – Friday: 1 AM, 11 AM, 7 PM, and 9 PM

Best Time to Post on TikTok Saturday

  • Hopper HQ – Saturday: 9 AM and 6 PM
  • Buffer – Saturday: 8 AM
  • Influencer Marketing Hub – Saturday: 5 PM

Best Time to Post on TikTok Sunday

  • Hopper HQ – Sunday: 8 AM and 3 PM
  • Buffer – Sunday: 10 AM
  • Influencer Marketing Hub – Sunday: 1 AM, 2 AM, 1 PM, 2 PM, and 10 PM

TikTok recommends posting content 1-4 times each day. Note the best timings above to boost the reach of your content. Start with these timings to determine if your audience engages with the set schedule.

As a thumb rule, avoid posting content during working hours or late at night.


Do TikTok Posting Times Really Matter?

Timing can make or break your profile’s visibility on the platform. 

The correct TikTok posting times trigger the algorithm and can help fetch more video views. TikTok algorithms can work in your favor based on the watch time, views, and engagement. Posting when people are more likely to watch boosts all these metrics.

If only a few people are present to watch your TikTok video, it may get fewer views, engagement, and watch time. The result? The algorithm may rank your video lower, leading to low reach.

Here are a few more benefits of posting your content when the audience is most active. 

A. Improves the Engagement Rate

Posting a video at the optimum time means more people will like, share, and comment. 
It boosts your engagement rate on TikTok and gives feedback that your content is worth watching. You can track these numbers to improve your social media content and campaigns.

B. Delivers Better ROI 

Even if you create content for fun, you still put in time, effort, and the gear you use to create quality content. As a content creator, you might even pay writers, social media managers, and videographers or budget for equipment and giveaways. Posting at the best times is a way to ensure your efforts do not go in vain. 

C. Boosts Brand Visibility

TikTok’s “For You” feed covers various videos for TikTok users based on factors like user interaction, hashtags, and watch time. Whether the followers interact with your content is crucial for your success on TikTok. 

Understanding your target audience, what they like, and when they are online will get you more views. It will also help you feature in their “For You” feed and increase your profile visibility. 

Finding the best TikTok posting times that fit the habits and interests of your target audience is the ideal solution. This will boost your profile and put your content in front of other people from the same time zone and interests. 

D. Gives Competitive Advantage

TikTok is a popular platform where everyone, from brands to influencers, competes to grab attention. While posting at the peak hour is crucial, capitalizing on non-peak hours for niche segments can also work for some. 

Posting at non-peak times means competing with fewer creators. This is why timing matters. Find what works for your niche, the usual type of content, and the target audience. It can automatically put you ahead of the competitors.

How to Find the Best Time to Post on TikTok in 2024? The 7 Tips

As noticed above, different studies highlight that there are no hard and fast rules to stick to the only good times to post on TikTok. If you are new to TikTok, use the average time discussed above for each week. 

If you have a relatively old TikTok account, check the analytics section and consider the most suitable time to update your profile. 
Let’s find out the step-by-step process to identify the best times to post on TikTok. 

Tip 1: Find the Audience’s Location

The first step is to check the analytics TikTok offers on users. By going through the app’s data, you can find the location of your target audience. Why is this important?

Different time zones affect when the audience is active in that area. So, you need to pick the time when your audience is most active to make your post visible when they use the app. 

In TikTok Analytics, you can find details like the country distribution (top 5 countries and cities), number of followers, gender, and net new followers. 
To access TikTok Analytics with advanced features, switch from a basic account to a Business or Pro account.

Here are the steps to switch to a TikTok Pro account to use analytics. 

  • Open the TikTok app and tap on the “Me” icon at the bottom right corner of your profile. 
  • Now, tap on the three vertical dots on the top right corner of the screen (as shown in the image).
  • Head to Privacy and Settings, and tap “Manage My Account.”

Manage My Account

  • Under Manage My Account, you will find “Switch to Pro Account.”
  • Tap “Continue” to go to the next screen.


  • You will get another screen to “Choose a Category.”
  • Select the category from the given options that fit your profile and tap “Next.”
  • Once you provide all necessary details, the “Analytics” option will appear under the Privacy and Settings section.


The Analytics section offers different tabs for specific insights, like:

  • Overview
  • Content
  • Followers
  • Live

To identify where your audience lives, go to the “Followers” tab. Here, you will find your follower’s locations or cities where most viewers watch your content.


  • For this, head to the “Followers” icon and scroll down to view the “Top Territories.”

Tip 2: Analyze “Top Territories” Insights to Time Your TikToks

Tracking top territories is one of the best ways to learn about people who engage with your content. Check metrics to see the engagement in those regions. This information can help you schedule posts in many ways:

  • As you find the top territories, you can use cultural references and language targeted to that region when scheduling the content. 
  • If you find out about a particular dance trend in a particular region, for example, create content and time it right when the audience is active in that area.
  • Consider the top region’s holidays and create content around them. Time the tailored content during the holiday season. For example, you can create Christmas and New Year-focused videos for that time of the year.

Tip 3: Analyze Competitors and Your Content KPIs

Another strategy to find TikTok's best times to post is competitor analysis. If some of your competitors are getting audience attraction, find out when they post their content. 

TikTok shows all the details of the videos for competitor analysis. Locate the accounts you wish to track and click on one of their videos. You can see when they posted the video, likes, comments, and shares here.

If they publish content on specific days, schedule your content around the same days. Post content and track the metrics of those TikToks to see the difference.

TikTok Analytics has all the details of your content, too. Find the engagement and activity-related KPIs under the Overview and Content tabs. 

Analyzing these details can help find the best times to post. Identify the most popular videos in your existing content. Note down the KPIs and cross-reference them with posting times.

best tiktok posting times

Scroll down to the Video Views section under the Overview tab to research TikTok’s best times to post.

good times to post on tiktok

Here, you will find the views you received on videos, which you can filter based on a 7 or 28-day window. 

Tip 4: Observe the Most Active Time of the Target Audience

tiktok best times to post

Use TikTok Analytics to observe the target audience’s activity. It is a valuable tool to keep track of every hour and day and see when your target audience is most active. 

Once you click the ‘Follower activity' tab in Analytics, you will find all the relevant follower data. Use this information to plan and schedule content based on the most active times.

best times to upload on tiktok

TikTok allows you to check peak follower’s activity time based on hours and days. Use the right metric to understand on what day and time the followers are most active. 

For example, the above image shows an increase in follower activity from 7 am to 11 pm.

Note that TikTok shows the timings in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format. Convert this time to your time zone to create a content calendar and determine the best times to post on TikTok.

Tip 5: Schedule Content to Experiment with Different Time Zones

As there are multiple time slots throughout the week, it can be challenging to choose the best times to post on TikTok to reach most people. Schedule and space your videos out so that you can use all these varied time slots. Automate your posts based on the best times to upload on TikTok to ensure the posts get shared within the time limit. 

Use social media management tools to automate this process. Imagine the time you save each week by creating, scheduling, and sharing without manual intervention!

For example, Hootsuite’s TikTok scheduler is a perfect tool for you to create a post and schedule it to publish on a specific day or time. To do this, you will need a Hootsuite account. 

Once you create an account, follow these steps to build your content calendar. 

  • Open the dashboard and head to Create> Post, to get started.
  • Upload your video and enter all the details, like the post description and title.
  • Click “Schedule for Later” to select the perfect day and time.

tiktok best times to post

  • Put in the schedule details and then click on “Done.”

when to post on tiktok

This way, you can create multiple posts ahead of time. The post will get published at the scheduled time without any manual effort.

best day to post on tiktok

Use the saved time to analyze and experiment with different time frames when something is not working as expected. This way, you can find the best TikTok posting times for optimal reach. 

Tip 6: Document Insights for Better Monitoring

It can be challenging to analyze so much information over a long duration. So, document the information in the form of a table to access the data as you need. 

This will also give you an overview of all the KPIs to make data-driven decisions on posting times. Here is an example of how to maintain the insights to find the best time to post on TikTok:

1. DIY Craft for New Year Decoration

  • Posting Day and Time: Monday 10:00 AM
  • Video Likes: 500
  • Video Shares: 20
  • Video Views: 1,700
  • Video Comments: 55
  • Video Reach: 2,200
  • Average Watch Time: 30 seconds
  • Traffic Source: Following Page
  • Top Territories: US, France, India

2. Trending Dance Challenge Video

  • Posting Day and Time: Friday 6:00 PM
  • Video Likes: 1,000
  • Video Shares: 800
  • Video Views: 5,000
  • Video Comments: 700
  • Video Reach: 8,700
  • Average Watch Time: 50 seconds
  • Traffic Source: “For You” Page
  • Top Territories: US, India, Japan

Collect and save data for over a month for easy access to information later. This will allow you to analyze content performance and determine which and when your post did well.

Based on this analysis of the best time to post on TikTok, find any pattern in terms of timing and territories to schedule your future posts. 

Tip 7: Adjust Your Strategy When Needed

Social media strategies change by the day. Most social media channels, including TikTok, are constantly evolving. New features and changing platform dynamics can impact the TikTok algorithm times. This means no set timing will always work. Your posting schedule must also evolve with the changes. 

Keep an eye on the performance of your videos and track critical KPIs. Use the insights from your monthly performance table to draw conclusions. If you notice a dip in performance, change your strategy to find the best times to post.

Further, to grow your online presence, use other social media channels to post content and find the best time to post on Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook. This will also help you keep track of trends and make changes when a new trend catches on one social media channel and brings it over to TikTok.

Consider your target audience to make this strategy work and find the best time to post on TikTok. A new trend on one channel may not have the same impact on another. But that is what social media is all about. It takes new strategies and experiments to find the best times to post on TikTok.

Final Thoughts on the Best Time to Post on TikTok

TikTok is one of the best channels for reaching new audiences and increasing engagement. Learning about the best time to post on TikTok today can help influencers, content creators, and businesses grow their presence. 

It also helps create the best strategy to post for maximum impact. This starts with understanding your audience's behavior and location. Observe the performance of individual posts to determine what is working for your audience. Create a post calendar to maintain consistency. 

Remember, though, that the quality of the content matters the most. While the best time to post TikTok videos helps to some extent, relatable and valuable content drives its performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do you make a TikTok video go viral after posting?

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  • How many TikTok(s) should I post a day?

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  • How often should you wait to post on TikTok?

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  • Should I post immediately on TikTok after creating the profile?

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Riya is a writing expert who transforms intricate tech concepts into easy-to-read content pieces. With a Bachelor’s in English Literature and a keyboard at her fingertips, Riya weaves words with the precision of a poet and the insight of a tech guru. Her specialties span from AI to IoT, not to mention sharp app reviews that can make or break your download decisions. Having honed her craft alongside giants like ShopClues and Great Learning, Riya knows a thing or two about creating buzzworthy content while staying updated with daily tech scoop.

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