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LLM-powered AI chatbot for students support


Toronto School of Management (TSoM) is an innovative college offering a broad range of career-focused programs in business, hospitality and tourism, big data, cybersecurity and accounting. They provide relevant programs which ensure their students meet the demands of today’s ever-changing job market.


In an era where technology is rapidly advancing, students’ expectations for quick and easy access to information are also evolving. Traditionally, TSoM students seeking assistance had to either contact academic advisors directly or navigate through extensive information on the university’s website. This process did not align with the modern students' lifestyle, which often demands instant responses and accessibility at any time and from any location. This gap in the support system hindered students' ability to obtain immediate help, consequently impacting their overall educational experience and satisfaction.


To address this challenge, we proposed a AI chatbot solution designed to integrate seamlessly within the student portal, providing round- the-clock support. This solution was structured as follows:

  • Technical Framework: The chatbot utilizes embedded data vectors stored in AWS OpenSearch, enabling efficient data retrieval and management.
  • Programming and AI Model: Developed using Python and the Langchain framework, the chatbot is powered by Azure OpenAI’s Language Learning Model (LLM), ensuring advanced conversational capabilities.
  • Deployment and Integration: The chatbot is deployed on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) with container images maintained in AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR). System configurations and sensitive parameters are securely managed via AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.
  • Chat Interface: Intercom, a leading chat system, is integrated to facilitate smooth and effective communication between students and the chatbot.
  • Data Security: To uphold the highest standards of data protection and user privacy, LLM Guard is implemented, providing robust security measures against potential data breaches.


The implementation of the AI chatbot transformed the student support experience at TSoM:

  • Improved Accessibility: Students now enjoy 24/7 access to support within their student portal, allowing them to receive instant responses to inquiries irrespective of their geographic location or time zone.
  • Enhanced Satisfaction: The immediate availability of assistance and the ease of accessing information have significantly increased student satisfaction and engagement.
  • Operational Efficiency: The chatbot has reduced the workload on academic advisors by handling routine inquiries, allowing them to focus on more complex student needs.
  • Positive Feedback: Initial feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive, with many highlighting the speed and accuracy of the support provided by the chatbot.

The AI chatbot initiative at TSoM is a testament to how innovative technology can be leveraged to enhance the educational experience, proving that timely support and information accessibility are crucial to student success in the digital age.

Expertise Custom Software Development Artificial Intelligence

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