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Course marketplace for distance learning degree programs


Edology, a global e-learning platform, designed to cater to students and professionals worldwide, offering an opportunity to enhance their skills and obtain online degrees from accredited programs. The platform's core mission is to accelerate career growth by providing easy access to a plethora of educational opportunities.


The main challenge Edology faced was the creation of a comprehensive platform aggregator that could provide extensive access to a variety of career development options. This platform needed to facilitate the enrollment in distance learning degree programs, professional qualifications, and short executive education courses offered by various business schools and universities globally. A major requirement was a user-friendly interface that could handle complex interactions between students and course providers.


To address these challenges, RichBrains was brought on board to develop an adaptive website platform tailored to the needs of Edology. Key features of the solution included:

  • Payment Gateway Integration: Ensuring secure and efficient financial transactions for course enrolment.
  • Salesforce CRM Integration: This allowed direct communication between students and course providers, streamlining the enrollment process and enhancing customer relationship management.
  • User Experience (UX) Enhancements: The platform was designed to be intuitive, helping students easily find and enroll in relevant courses without navigational difficulties.
  • Real-time Application Status Updates: Implemented to keep students informed about their application progress, enhancing transparency and trust in the platform.
  • Customizability and Brand Consistency: The platform was built to be fully customizable, allowing educational institutions to maintain their branding throughout the application process.


The implementation of these solutions transformed Edology into a robust, user-friendly e-learning platform that effectively meets the needs of its global user base. The platform now supports a streamlined process from course discovery to enrollment and application tracking, significantly improving user satisfaction and operational efficiency. The enhancements have positioned Edology at the forefront of online education providers, ready for further growth and scaling.Following the successful implementation of these strategic enhancements, Edology has reached the Round A funding stage. This crucial phase will help the platform to expand its offerings and reach, further solidifying its position as a leader in the global e-learning market.

Expertise UX/UI Design Custom Software Development Web Development CRM Consulting And SI

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