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This section is dedicated to all the top-listed mobile apps in different categories and genres. Whether it is Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store, there are a plethora of apps to choose from, which makes it quite hard to know which apps are best among thousands. The Top X section here will help you in finding the best among all. You will find top fitness, business, chatting, social media, and many other apps listed as the best.

Top 20 Must-Have Apps During the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak

Here’s our take on the top 10 top coronavirus apps from multiple categories that will help you with the coronavirus risk assessment measures.

  • Thu, 28 Mar 2024

Level Up Your Writing Skills with the 10 Best Essay Writing Apps in 2024

There is a mobile app for everything these days and this includes essay writing as well. Here is a list of essay writing tools that we think can help to develop and edit essays in the most efficient manner, to make the task easier for the writer. Have a look:

  • Thu, 28 Mar 2024

Top 10 Fastest Video Converter Apps On Google Play

Though modern smartphones support many popular video formats such as MP4, FLV, 3GP, etc., there are still many formats that a phone cannot play. If you find a video that is not supported on your phone due to its format, the best solution will be to use one of the video converting apps. Check our TOP

  • Thu, 28 Mar 2024

Best Cannabis delivery apps for Android and iOS users

In this section, we have listed the top cannabis delivery apps along with their prominent features. You can go through each app’s background quickly and download the one you prefer the most.

  • Thu, 28 Mar 2024

10 Best Automotive Apps to Make Traveling Convenient

These apps we are discussing further serve different purposes. Moreover, user-rating and reviews, features, and popularity aspects are considered while curating the list of the best automotive apps.

  • Thu, 28 Mar 2024

10 Best Home Security System Apps To Download in 2024

When it comes to enhancing home security, a significant number of people are now opting for smart video doorbell systems as an effective approach. In addition to this, the apps listed here are handy to use and offer complete home security with features like security cameras, threat notifications, mo

  • Thu, 28 Mar 2024

10 Best Adventure Games with Stunning Visuals and Gameplays

Well, with each best game included in this list, you will find their features and descriptions along with download links for Android and iOS platforms. So, ensure you can pick and download any of these Android and iOS adventure games that impress you with their features. Now, without further ado, le

  • Thu, 28 Mar 2024

5+ Best NFT Apps You can Use to Create or Trade NFTs

Each option includes download links for Android and iOS platforms, so you can land on the download page just by clicking on the buttons given under the features of each option.

  • Thu, 28 Mar 2024

10 Best Free Android Games to Play in 2024

The Play Store experiences a high frequency of monetized phone games daily. This is why MobileAppDaily continually builds round-ups covering the best free Android games in 2022. Here, in this article, explore the top 10 games for Android that you can enjoy comfortably without engaging in too many in

  • Thu, 28 Mar 2024

Best Word Game Apps to Give Your Brain Daily Exercises

With each title included in this blog, you will find their features and download links for Android and iOS platforms. So, just click on the buttons given below each app and land on the download page depending on your operating system. Now, without any further ado, let’s begin with the list!

  • Thu, 28 Mar 2024

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