Best AI Code Generators - Automated Coding for All Levels!

The list of the best AI code generators comprises of tools for all levels, programming languages, assistance, and more!
Last Updated on : April 09, 2024
best ai code generators

There are tons of reasons behind searching for the best AI code generators. These code generators use AI models to write and suggest code to its users. It can be to speed up the development cycle, gain relevant coding assistance, create boilerplate code, and more. Whatever the case may be, coding has become an indispensable tool for solving new problems via software. Read More

Our List of AI Code Generators - Increasing the Pace of Software Development!


GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot

Visit GitHub Copilot:

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Github Copilot is an AI pair programmer. It helps transform the way we code. It is designed such that it provides contextualized assistance through the software development cycle.

The AI code generator comes with several features. These include code completion, IDE chat assistance, code explanations, and answers to documentation queries on GitHub.

It is built using AI models developed by GitHub, OpenAI, and Microsoft. It has been trained on a vast array of languages from the public repositories. It ensures wide-ranging support, especially for well-presented languages like JavaScript. 

Furthermore, it is available as an extension in popular IDEs. For example, Visual Studio Code, JetBrains, and more. This AI for developers seamlessly integrates with the workflow and elevates productivity without sacrificing quality.

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Replit GhostWriter

Replit GhostWriter

Visit Replit GhostWriter:

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Replit is introduced as one of the best AI coding tools that can change the way developers write code. By utilizing Ghostwriter, developers have access to a platform where coding is intuitive, efficient, and accessible to a broad audience.

The AI coding assistant is ideal for seasoned professionals (to streamline) as well as beginners who are eager to learn. Replit’s AI has capabilities that are designed to enhance the coding experience. The tool not only accelerates the development process but also encourages learning and experimentation. This makes the experience of coding interesting. It is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to utilize the power of AI for coding.

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Amazon CodeWhisperer

Amazon CodeWhisperer

Visit Amazon CodeWhisperer:

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Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI-powered coding assistant that can be used to supercharge the development workflow. The tool analyzes the comments and existing code, acting as a real-time companion.

Furthermore, it generates code suggestions that can range from simple snippets to complete functions. The functionality of the tool extends beyond just writing new code. It can scan the existing codebase for security vulnerabilities, highlight potential issues, and offer remedial suggestions.

Compatible with popular IDEs and even command lines, the AI coding software delivers versatility alongside time-saving features. The tool is ideal for seasoned programmers as well as for beginners. It can help with writing code faster, securely and with greater efficiency.

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Cody by Sourcegraph

Cody by Sourcegraph

Visit Cody by Sourcegraph:

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Stuck on a coding problem and need a helpful nudge? Look no further than Cody by Sourcegraph. Cody is a free and open-source AI coding assistant. It acts as a personal code guru. It does so by using the power of artificial intelligence to streamline development workflow.

Unlike generic AI code generators, Cody doesn’t deliver in-depth coding knowledge. Instead, it helps dive into a specific codebase and analyze the project context, APIs, and coding style. It provides an in-depth understanding that allows Cody to generate that seamlessly integrates with the existing workflow.

Cody can help write new code, fix bugs, and provide autocomplete suggestions.  It can even explain complex code sections or generate unit tests in seconds. Furthermore, it is available on popular IDEs and accessible through the Sourcegraph web app. Cody is an ideal tool for both individuals and enterprises. And, if someone needs a tool to boost coding productivity and write better code, Cody is the solution.

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Visit ChatGPT:

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ChatGPT is a platform developed by OpenAI. It has emerged as one of the most revolutionary technologies in this decade. It can do a lot from writing content articles to generating code. 

While ChatGPT may not be a full-fledged developer, it can surprisingly be a great ally. One can think of it as a brainstorming buddy. It provides a clear description of the coding and even provides solutions from basic coding to entire functions. In fact, ChatGPT can even help in analyzing the code and suggest potential fixes. 

Furthermore, it can be used for boilerplate code that can free up more creative aspects of programming. Therefore, if the requirement is an incredible tool that can spark ideas and explore different approaches, this is the AI coding assistant to choose.

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Gemini AI

Gemini AI

Visit Gemini AI:

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In the realm of AI coding assistants, Gemini AI stands out as a powerhouse. The brainchild of Google has some serious muscles when it comes to coding. Unlike some of the AI code generators, it doesn’t provide suggestions. Instead, it is capable of understanding the nuances of popular programming languages. For example, Python, Java, C++, and Go. 

The tool enables any developer to analyze their code for multiple reasons. These reasons could range from explaining the functionality to generating high-quality code. 

The capabilities of Gemini are not limited to what we’ve explained. In fact, they go beyond. It can analyze comments and existing code. Post analysis, it can provide potential solutions from simple snippets to full-fledged functions. Gemini can also identify areas of optimization and help write clean and more performant code.

Gemini is multilingual and its capability to code extends beyond programming languages. It is a versatile companion that can adapt to specific project needs. Overall, it is truly one of the best AI for coding that can tackle a variety of coding challenges and provide better code.

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Visit Tabnine:

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In the fast-paced world of coding, efficiency is key. Tabnine is one of the AI code generators that can help sustain and even increase this speed. It can charge the development process and provide intelligent code completion. 

A developer can imagine Tabnine as a real-time coding buddy. It considers the tool’s capability to analyze the code’s context and suggest the next line. It can even analyze entire functions and even fix security vulnerabilities.

The strength of Tabnine lies in its privacy focus. Unlike some cloud-based tools, it offers both cloud and local hosting ensuring code’s confidentiality. It makes it ideal to work on sensitive projects or devs working with data privacy policies offline.

Beyond this, Tabnine integrates seamlessly with the most popular IDEs. It means one can leverage its power without disrupting the workflow. So, if the requirement is to look for a secure, efficient, and intelligent AI code generator, then Tabnine is powerful enough to consider.

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Visit MutableAI:

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Struggling with cognitive issues because of repetitive coding tasks? MutableAI can deliver a revolutionary approach to software development. The capability of MutableAI is beyond simple suggestions. 

Unlike traditional AI for code generation, it doesn’t provide line-by-line recommendations. Instead, it delves deep into the code and analyzes it for structure and relationships to gain a comprehensive understanding.

MutableAI can be used to automatically create clear and concise documentation. It stays in sync with the evolving codebase. It saves time and ensures that everyone is on the same page. Also, the AI code helper can provide improvements in the code. It can suggest ways to streamline code’s efficiency and readability. Also, it is possible to weed out bugs using the code detective sniffing out potential bugs and getting improvement solutions.

Mutable AI is not an AI for developers but rather a paradigm shift in code development. Its capability to cater to solo developers as well as teams makes it a dependable tool. Not only that, but it will also automate progress reports by keeping everyone up to speed via the cloud deployment option. MutableAI is a partner that can help build better, more efficient, and well-documented software.

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Visit AskCodi:

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AskCodi is often not considered for its AI code generation feature. It is because it is considered a lot more. It is a coding assistant that delivers a wide range of features. AskCodi is capable of enhancing coding efficiency and understanding for the developers.

Furthermore, its capabilities extend it as a multi-purpose solution. For example, interactive workbooks, real-time chat support, IDE extensions, and support of over 50 programming languages. Also, it delivers features like code explanation, documentation, and testing within the environment. 

AskCodi also allows developers to ask their queries via real-time chat support. This provides instance assistants to developers in their coding journey. Furthermore, this is amongst the AI tools for developers that can easily integrate with popular IDEs such as VSCode, PyCharm, etc. Overall, AskCodi is a well-crafted solution that can elevate productivity and streamline the coding process.

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Visit Codeium:

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Feeling the pressure to deliver code at a rapid pace? Codeium can be a go-to solution to accelerate development workflow. It is a free AI-powered toolkit. It is designed such that it changes the way one codes, offering unparalleled assistance within a preferred IDE.

Codeium works like an extension to coding practices. It provides real-time code correction, provides autocomplete suggestions, and suggests entire lines, functions, and security fixes. The AI coding software supports over 70 languages. Its adaptability makes it an invaluable asset to the developers.

This is one of the AI tools for coding which is free. This means individual developers can use Codeium’s core features and have a coding companion. Overall, it is a great AI code helper that can be used by teams and enterprises.

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How do AI code generators work?

AI code generators are tools that use AI technologies like machine learning to help programmers write code. These tools work using complex AI algorithms and code, therefore, to simplify the process, here’s a breakdown:

1. Training on Massive Datasets

AI coding tools are powered using large language models (LLMs). These models are trained on vast amounts of existing code. This is the reason these codes typically originate from open-source projects and public repositories.

2. Understanding Your Intent

Programmers provide the AI code-generating tool with the intent. This intent is processed by the NLP model. The capability to provide the intent using human language makes it easier to interact with AI.

3. Code Generation Techniques

AI code generators use multiple techniques to generate code based on the input provided. Some of the common methods used for performing the task are:

  • Autocomplete: In this technique, the next line of code is predicted based on the existing code and patterns that are learned through training data.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): The AI analyzes the description provided by the programmer and generates code as per the desired functionality.

4. Beyond Basic Code

Other than providing basic code snippets, there are multiple other functionalities that an AI code generator provides:

  • Modernize legacy code
  • Translate code from one programming language to another

Important to Remember:

  • AI-generated code isn’t perfect and requires human intervention for modifications. This ensures that the project requirements and coding standards are met.
  • The ideal way to use AI code generation is to improve productivity. These AI code generators are capable of automating repetitive tasks and providing a starting point for complex code.

How to Start Using the AI Code Generator?

Using an AI code generator can be complex for a first-time user. Additionally, it does require some guidance as it is a technical task. Therefore, here’s a basic explanation:

Step 1: Choose a Tool

There are several AI tools for coding. However, each has its strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is important to consider factors like:

  • Languages Supported: Make sure that the tool supports the language used for programming.
  • Features: Explore functionalities offered by the tool such as code completion, code generation, or code reviews
  • Free vs Paid: Several free tools are offered with basic features. Contrarily, paid versions come with more advanced functionalities.

Some of the popular options to choose from are:

  • General-purpose tools: Tabnine and Copilot
  • Python-focused tools: Replit GhostWriter and Workik
  • Open-source options: Polycoder (require technical expertise)

Step 2: Explore the Tool

Start exploring the tool to understand its interface and features. Go through the tutorial and documentation to develop a complete understanding of the tool.

Step 3: Start Simple

As a beginner, it is wise to start with simple tasks. Learn to use the code completion feature.  Get suggestions or try to generate basic code snippets for repetitive parts of the code.

Step 4: Provide Clear Instructions

The quality of AI-generated code depends on the clarity of the instructions. The more specific one is, the better the results will be.

Step 5: Review and Test Thoroughly 

Don’t rely solely on AI-generated code. It is always important to review and test the generated code carefully. This ensures correct functionality and adherence to best practices.

Step 6: Focus on Workflow Improvement

Streamline workflow using AI code generators. Leverage them to automate repetitive tasks, improve efficiency, and explore new ideas.

What are the best practices for integrating AI code generators into existing development workflows?

Before performing any task, it is essential to understand its best practices. This ensures that the implementation is scot-free from errors. Also, it becomes easier to point to a challenge post-implementation as everything is methodical. Therefore, here are the best practices to implement AI coding assistants:

1. Start with Specific Tasks

Audit the entire workflow and try to figure out repetitive tasks or boilerplate code that AI can effectively handle. This can help free the time of the developer for a more strategic approach.

2. Focus on Code Review and Quality

AI-generated code should never be copied and pasted blindly. It requires a thorough review. This includes code functionality, efficiency, and adherence to coding standards. 

Static code analysis tools can help identify the potential issues with it. Therefore, consider code reviews and approvals as a mandatory step for AI-generated code.

3. Embrace an Iterative Process

Leverage AI as a part of an iterative development cycle. As a user, use the initial AI-generated code as a starting point. However, it is important to refine it based on assessment and feed it back to the tool for further improvement.

4. Clear and Concise Prompts 

The quality of an AI-generated code relies heavily on the clarity and the details mentioned in the prompts. Try to provide specific instructions that talk about the desired functionality and add relevance to the project.

5. Team Communication and Training

Try to ensure clear communication within the development team related to the use of AI-generated code. Consider these training sessions to familiarize everyone. Teach them about the capabilities and limitations to produce relevant results.

6. Security and Bias Considerations

It is important to keep an eye open for potential security vulnerabilities in an AI-generated code. Use a code scanning tool to identify and address the issue before integration. 

Furthermore, AI models can inherit biases from the data they are trained on. Be vigilant on potential biases in the generated code and adjust accordingly.

What are the benefits of using AI code generators in software development?

There are several benefits of using artificial intelligence. In the case of AI code generators, AI technology helps these tools transform the software development process. Therefore, these are some of the key advantages:

1. Increase Developer Productivity

Multiple repetitive tasks are associated with coding. For example, boilerplate code or creating basic functionalities. These are tasks that can be automated using an AI tool. This frees up the developer to tackle more complex problems and innovate with the features. Overall, this translated into a faster development cycle transcending to quicker time-to-market for the product.

2. Enhanced Code Quality

AI coding software is capable of analyzing vast amounts of code and identifying patterns. This can lead to errors or vulnerabilities. These tools are capable of enforcing coding best practices and generating consistent well-structured code. It leads to fewer bugs and a much more maintainable codebase.

3. Reduced Errors

Humans are prone to errors. For instance, typos and logical mistakes. On the flip side, AI can establish coding patterns and standards and minimize errors during code generation. It can assist in debugging by identifying potentials in the existing code.

4. Democratization of Coding

AI code generation can make development much easier for beginners and individuals with less coding experience. These tools can provide helpful suggestions. It can translate those suggestions into useful code by understanding it using natural language. 

5. Exploration of New Ideas

AI can generate multiple code variations based on the input provided by the user. It allows one to explore multiple approaches, thereby, potentially discovering new solutions. It can spark innovation and lead to a more creative development process.

What are the limitations or drawbacks of using AI code generators?

AI code generators are exciting tools. However, just like everything else, they do have certain limitations. Let’s uncover them:

1. Code Quality and Security Concerns

AI-generated code might not always be perfect. There are risks of errors, bugs, or hidden inefficiency. These factors could lead to security vulnerabilities or unexpected behavior in the software. Human review and testing are crucial to ensure that the code generated meets quality standards.

2. Limited Understanding of Context

While AI is capable of grasping basic logic and syntax, it might struggle to understand a broader context and purpose behind the project. This is the case with multiple other AI apps and tools

This often helps in creating code that can fulfill technical requirements.  However, it doesn’t always align with goals. It can provide clear and detailed prompts that are essential. 

3. Over-reliance on AI

There are times when AI tools tend to make developers a little too reliant on them. While they are capable of automating the tasks, there are still gaps. These gaps in most cases are strong coding fundamentals and problem-solving skills that are a key factor.

4. Bias and Ethical Considerations

AI models are capable of perpetuating biases based on the training data fed to them. It could lead to discriminatory or unfair outputs in the generated code. It is also important to stay aware of the potential biases and choose a diverse dataset to train models.

5. Lack of Creativity and Innovation

While AI can help explore code variations, it may not be as creative as a human developer. Humans can come up with original solutions or approaches as they require abstract thinking.

6. Ownership and Legal Issues

It is important to understand the licensing terms associated with the AI tool. This helps in staying away from copyright and licensing issues. 

By strategically understanding the limitations of AI code generators, one can maximize the potential benefits while minimizing drawbacks. This can turn out to be a valuable asset in the developer’s kitty. They should be used in conjunction with human expertise and critical thinking skills.

What are the legal or licensing considerations while using AI code generators for commercial software development?

Several legal constraints are associated with using commercial AI tools for developers. Being aware of them is essential as it can save you from further complications. Therefore, let’s check them out:

1. Copyright and Code Ownership

  • Originality of General Code: It is debatable to use AI code generation as it can lead to copyright claims. 
  • AI Model Training Data: If the code used for AI model training is copyrighted, the AI code might also inherit copyright issues.
  • Attribution Requirements: There are open-source licenses that require attribution to use. In case, the code generated complies with the attribution requirement then one might be able to do it.

2. Mitigating Risks

  • Reviewing License Information: It is important to carefully review the licensing terms of the AI code generation. Also, take care of any code that it might reference during generation.
  • Choosing Open-Source Tools: Consider using an AI code generator that explicitly states their training data and licensing practice. This should especially be the case while creating open-source projects.
  • Maintaining Clear Records: Keep track of the AI code generated. This includes keeping a check on prompts, inputs, and generated inputs. It can be helpful if any copyright issue arises in the future.

3. Additional Considerations

  • Security Vulnerabilities: AI code might introduce vulnerabilities, therefore, it is essential to perform security tests and code reviews on them.
  • Ethical Implications: Be mindful of the potential biases in the training data of AI code generators. This could lead to biases, therefore, it is important to consider them for ethical consideration especially if the build requires sensitive data.

4. Recommendations

  • Consult with a Legal Professional: In the case of complex projects, consult with a lawyer who specializes in IT and intellectual property. They’ll be able to provide specific guidance to mitigate this issue.
  • Stay Informed: The legal landscape around AI-generated code is evolving. Therefore, it is important to stay updated with court rulings and industry best practices.


At times, the coding suggestions provided by IDEs felt like a leap ahead. However, the emergence of AI code generators has truly revolutionized the niche. It has offered unprecedented efficiency and productivity gains. 

It has helped automate tasks that were repetitive and empowered developers at all levels. As the field of AI evolves, we will be witnessing much greater advancements. Finally, it is important to understand AI code generators are assistants that can establish a new standard for efficiency. However, they can not replace humans.

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General FAQ

Can AI write code?
Which AI tool is best to write code?
Is there any best AI code generator for free?
Can AI code generators produce code in Python?
Are AI code generators safe and secure to use?
Which programming languages are supported by the best AI code generators?
How accurate and reliable are AI-generated code snippets compared to manually written code?
Are AI code generators suitable for all types of software development projects, or are there specific use cases where they excel?
Do AI code generators replace the need for human developers, or do they complement their skills?
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