
WhatsApp New Feature Will let You Pin Your Chat

WhatsApp New Feature Will let You Pin Your Chat

Date: April 05, 2024

Now, pin your favourite chat

Mobile applications world is growing rapidly and technology evolving every day. This transformation is pushing the developers to add new attributes to the app either to ease the user or giving them something new to check out. Even the giant well-established app like social media apps Instagram, Facebook and snap chat, Whatsapp keeps innovating something new.


This time its WhatsApp who came up with the new feature to lure users and provide them something they needed. The new feature is Pinning the favorite or priority chat on the top of the screen.

Only For Beta Version

Right now WhatsApp is testing the feature only in the beta version of the app. If you use the latest version of WhatsApp Beta (v2.17.162) you can experience this feature. The new function will allow you to pin the chat you want on the top of the screen just by tapping the pin button. When you pin a favorite chat it will remain on the top regardless new messages pop up until you unpin it.

WhatsApp-pin feature

The function works efficiently on both individual and group chats, it's very helpful when you chat with a lot of people and need to keep the important chats on the priority list. However, It isn't like WhatsApp is innovating something new, the feature of pinning the chat has been on the market for long . Telegram is using this feature and allowing the users to pin their most prior chat. To use this feature you just need to press and hold the chat you want to pin and select the pin option from the top. For unpinning you do the same and press the unpin button at the top.


From recent activities of WhatsApp, we can see the company knows users want something new always. Everytime app upgrades and offers something new people get excited and they talk about it. That's why the company keeps adding new more engaging functions to the app. With the recent story status update, it made WhatsApp more than a testing app to the more social platform.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

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