
Should You Always Keep the Android VPN On?

Should You Always Keep the Android VPN On?

Date: April 07, 2024

As per a report, 77% of VPN users buy digital content each month, which is a considerable online activity.

VPNs are one of the best ways you can protect your data. By connecting to a remote VPN server, you can mask your location, encrypt your data, and bypass geographic restrictions.

Now comes the critical question, ‘Should VPN Always be On?’ 

In most cases, the answer is yes, especially if security is your biggest concern. However, there are cases where you may need to consider turning it off temporarily, but such cases are rare.

Should I Use VPN All the Time

The following are the cases when the VPN should be turned on to stay safe:

1. Protecting the Privacy With An Android VPN

If you’re worried about online privacy and data protection, you should keep your VPN active at all times. VPNs provide the best protection possible to safeguard your online activity.

VPNs create a private connection with a VPN server. Any data sent to the server is encrypted. That makes it nearly impossible for hackers or Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to see your info. VPNs will also mask your identity by replacing your IP address with that of the server.

Some of the best Android VPN apps have automatic kill switch options. If you accidentally turn off your VPN or lose connection for some reason, this will shut down the connection automatically.

2. Using Public Wi-Fi

If you are using a public Wi-Fi connection, it’s critical to keep your VPN up and running at all times.

When you connect to a public Wi-FI that does not need a password, your connection is unsecured. Open connections do not provide any security. Wi-Fi hotspots have become easy targets for bad guys trying to steal login credentials or spy on your activity. Without a VPN, your IP address is easy to uncover.

Using VPN on a public Wi-Fi

Threats of using public Wi-Fi:

  • Unsecured public Wi-Fi networks can be used to inject malware into your connected device that can damage your data or provide a backdoor for hackers to connect even after you’ve left the Wi-Fi network.
  • In man-in-the-Middle attacks, hackers put themselves in between you and the website to which you are connecting. They can see what you’re sharing and intercept the conversation. If they do this while you are entering your bank password, you may be handing them the keys to your savings account.

Other tactics cybercriminals use is to set up fake Wi-Fi hotspots with names that sound legitimate. They might be called “Public Wi-Fi” or “Coffee Shop Wi-Fi” or some other innocuous name. This cons people into using their connection and allows thieves to control your connection.

VPNs encrypt all of the data you send to the internet and mask your location. That provides you protection from hackers and others lurking on public Wi-Fi.

3. Doing Online Banking

Speaking of doing your banking or financial transactions online, you definitely want to protect your account numbers, passwords, and financial information. If at all possible, avoid this whenever you are on a public Wi-Fi. Wait until you have a private connection, such as Wi-Fi at home.

Some banks are OK with online VPN connection while others may block transactions to avoid thieves from using unknown IP addresses to hack your account. PayPal, for example, will block you from accessing your account if it detects traffic from a known VPN server.

Banks are looking for suspicious activity. If someone tries to access your account from overseas, it may look suspicious. If your bank won’t let you access your account using your VPN, you can try to use a VPN server that is close to where you live.

Using VPN for banking

4. Using a VPN to Bypass Geographic Restrictions

If you are using a VPN to get around geoblocking for streaming services, you should leave your VPN running as long as you are connected to the service. If you turn off your VPN, your location will be public.

It can prevent you from watching geographically blocked streaming video. Even if your stream continues, you may not be able to initiate new streams or watch another program on the service.

Some of the best VPN’s for Android devices offers unlimited bandwidth, which allows you to use ISP’s without geo-tracking preventing how you use apps. If you do need to use a service level where bandwidth is limited, you can use our VPN to log into the streaming service and start watching the video before switching off your VPN. Your browser will have bypassed the geoblock. This may or may not work on different streaming services.

5. Speed Up Internet Service

If your internet service is slow or sluggish when using a VPN, you should try this option before disconnecting. Pick a server location that is closest to you. The farther your data has to travel to reach a VPN server, the longer it’s going to take. Conversely, the closer the server is, the faster it gets.

Some VPNs throttle speed or slow down connections when you hit bandwidth caps. Check your user agreement carefully before you sign up for a VPN to make sure that’s not the problem.

If your ISP limits your bandwidth when connections get congested, you can always rely on VPN Android. You will communicate with the VPNs remote server and may bypass traffic Jams. This way, you can get the fastest free VPN for Android.

 Must-Have Features for Android VPN

Key Features for Android VPN

Some features should be integrated into the VPN for Android devices for enhancing the experience and performance. Check out the essential elements here:

  • Speed
  • Dedicated Android app
  • Robust Technical security
  • No logs
  • Free From Jurisdiction Confinements
  • WiFi protection

Reasons to Use VPN for an Android Device

Android device is one platform which is based on an open-source ecosystem and it makes it one of the easiest targets for hackers and cybercriminals. Therefore, it makes sense when we use VPN to secure Android devices.

Following are the benefits that come along VPN apps for Android:

  • Mask all the data that the user browse from the government, internet providers, and cybercriminals;
  • Conceals the IP addresses from the visited websites;
  • Makes it secure to use public WiFi hotspots and more.

With all these advantages, VPN apps for Android is a boon for the users, especially at a time when data breaches and remote device access are getting common.

Make sure you download the best VPN service on your device or system and stay away from the prying eyes of the cybercriminals.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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