
Instagram's Releases Offline Mode: Now User Can Operate The App Offline

Instagram's Releases Offline Mode: Now User Can Operate The App Offline

Date: October 23, 2023

App saves the data in advance

Offline functionality is taking over the app world after dropbox social media giant Instagram added it to the app.  The advantage of using the app even in no internet connection makes the offline mode must have featured in every app. One by one every mobile company upgrading their app with this functionality to compete in the industry. Facebook-owned company and one of biggest social media platform Instagram enrolled its offline mode feature. The offline attribute will pull the user to interact with the app even more now.llll

Now Open Instagram App even in No Internet

Instagram recently upgrades its app only for the Android user in order to embed it with offline function. This feature enables the users to view, like, save, follow and unfollow or comment on the image even when they are not connected to the internet. All the activities done offline will automatically sync or update the main server when the connection is reestablished. Basically, the Offline system downloads the content when the user is connected to the data connection and serves it while offline mode. With this user can browse or comment on any post but the actions will be uploaded when reconnected. Instagram's offline mode is very much similar to that you have been experienced on many social media apps. With the message “You can still post while offline” apps allow you to continue your action and update it later.With this user facing the network or internet issue will get some relief while interacting with the application. However, the company did not allow to add a new image to post in offline mode but maybe it will be added in future.

Reason for offline mode

Recently in 3-4 months, we have experienced that not only social media but some enterprise app like Dropbox are also going to offline service. This strategy is to target the audience have limited access to the internet. According to the company,  80% of its user are non-US native. This feature is getting viral over the mobile app industry as a user are appreciating it widely. Almost every company is involving this functionality in their app to hit the maximum engagement and offer better user experience.  


Instagram is a social media platform which allows the user to interact only with the images or pics. This offline feature will definitely gonna boost up its market considering the today’s social media addiction. As user nowadays wants to use the service or app according to their convenience that's what offline mode is all about. New additions like Offline functionalities in mobile app technology are introducing the world to new ways of utilizing the technologies. 

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

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