
Fortnite Season 8 Begins and Battle Pass Will Cost 950 V-Bucks

Fortnite Season 8 Begins and Battle Pass Will Cost 950 V-Bucks

Date: April 02, 2024

In patch notes V8.00, Fortnite development team promised of various sounds improvement as well.

Ahoy, Mateys! Fortnite players are gearing up for Fortnite Season 8. There are a lot of new surprise elements in the upcoming new season of the Fortnite game. If you don’t have enough patience or your anxiety is rising then we are here to give you a sneak peek of Fortnite Season 8.

When Will Fortnite Season 8 Start?

Ahoy, mateys! Season 8 approaches and X marks the spot! Downtime begins tomorrow, February 28 at 4 AM ET (0900 UTC). — Fortnite (@FortniteGame) February 27, 2019

From 4.AM today, Fortnite Season 8 downtime has begun, and the Fortnite’s Snowy Season 7 ended at 2 AM. Fortnite official twitter handle confirmed this update through its Twitter handle.

Fortnite Snowy season 7 and the Season 7 Battle Pass were expected to end on the Valentine’s Day i.e., Feb 14. But to get Fortnite players involved until the start of Fortnite game season 8, Epic extended the event by two weeks. It is also done to give the epic’s team a well-deserved holiday break.

When Will Fortnite Season 8 End?

The Fortnite Season 8 should end on date 9th May, i.e. the completion of the ten-weeks after season 8 start date.

What About The Fortnite Season 8 Trailer?

Yes! Epic game has just launched a cinematic trailer of the season 8. Check it out yourself.

Earlier Fortnite Creative Director Donald Mustard changed his location to Waling Woods in his Twitter account. He is popular for teasing new Fortnite events through his Twitter. In season 7, he shifted his location to the Iceberg and Ice Castle Dungeon.

Fortnite Season 8 Pirate Theme and Map Changes

Historically, we have seen that Season 6 was about Halloween's related apocalyptic themes with Fortnitemares and in Season 8, Fortnite game development team turned the most of the map into the winter wonderland. So logically we can expect springtime this time in season 8

Based on the two teasers posted by Fortnite’s official Twitter account, Season 8 will include pirates and snakes. But there is still a tone question left: How will the Prisoner will fit with this theme?

Fortnite Season 8 Pirate Theme

The Fortnite season 8 is difficult to predict. Putting the 4 pieces together, the eagle-eyed fans noticed a skull-looking condition, a hook hand, and a dragon-like creature. In addition, there is a freaked out looking banana presented in the teaser. We can also expect a theme inspired by lava oozed out by a volcanic eruption or shattered placed by earthquakes. Recently, most of the Fortnite game players noticed the worn out and crispy grass in the Wailing Woods area, which was used to be centered place for many players.

We can also expect some kind of new mass server-wide live event to take Fortnite into the fresh season.

Fortnite Season 8 Battle Pass – Skins, Wraps, Pets, and its Cost

Images of the battle pass skins have not been revealed yet. But as per the teaser, it will include pets and wraps. As usual, new costumes will arrive for the Fortnite new season.

You don’t need to pay a cent if you have completed all the overtime challenges before the end of season 7. Those who were not able to manage this feat, for them the Fortnite season 8 battle pass will cost 950 V-Bucks.

Fortnite Early Patch Notes V8.00

Overall developers have confirmed various sound improvements in the upcoming Season 8.

  • Improved Weapon firing sounds:  All players weapons are now 2D stereo, giving them a much fuller and natural sound.
  • All 3rd person weapon sounds from other players are now mono and run through new reverb.
  • There is a global rever available.
  • ADS/Crouch foley
  • Improvement to upstairs/downstairs footsteps for better tactical awareness.
  • Improvements so sound and the mix of 2D hit notifications when players land shots on enemies.
  • Improved hit notifications sound
  • This includes a new clearer "shield break" sound.
  • Preventing footsteps from being heard in some situations have been fixed

What's New?

Fortnite fans have already guessed that the Pirate theme will heavily feature throughout the season 8. Now it has been confirmed as we can see the Pirates ruling all over the official cinematic trailer of the Season 8.

Pirate Canon 

Pirate canon is the newly added feature in this season. You can launch yourself through the pirate canon by climbing into the barrel and aiming towards the targets.

Pirate cannon will cause 100 damage to enemies if it hit them directly and will cause 50 damage if it drops within the small radius.

New Map 

Lava - It will cause 1 damage per touch and will make players bounce out of the surface.

Volcanic Vents - It will propel the Fortnite players into the sky full of hot air.

Read the full news? If yes, then what are you waiting for? Season 8 downtime has started. Plug in your phone and get ready to download the update. Will see you in the game mate.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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