
IBM Rolled Out Bluemix to Strengthen Mobile App Security

IBM Rolled Out Bluemix to Strengthen Mobile App Security

Date: April 05, 2024

Developers can log in to Bluemix with their social media accounts.

Tech giant IBM recently introduced a platform for the app developers to add authentication to the mobile application. The mobile app development is a multi-stage process that also involves the security aspects of the application. And therefore, IBM came up with a platform named Bluemix, that allows a developer to add a ready-made security layer to the application.

Bluemix allows the customer to log in with social media accounts and use the service to enable security aspects of the application. Developers with less knowledge about the security framework will get help from this portal to embed new security measures.

Why a Developer Need Bluemix?

In mobile app development, integrating smart security measures in an application isn't that simple. Even for the top developers, it requires immense efforts and time which sometimes leads to the long development process. But with Bluemix, it won't be an issue anymore.

Here are the top reasons that make Bluemix an essential pick for the developers:

  • The complex process of designing a security feature is simplified;
  • Long and hectic codes can be implemented easily;
  • A developer can add the latest features without even learning about them;
  • Shortens the time of building an app and more.

Key Features of Bluemix

The following are the notable features of Bluemix:

  • The developer can add a security layer to an application by login in Bluemix APP ID.
  • Developers can use their social media accounts credentials to log in.
  • It allows the developer to gather and observe the data that can be used to personalize the services.
  • Serves the engagement and data tracking of both anonymous and authentic users.
  • Allows the developer to model the data and logic which drives and shapes decision within an app.

Models provided here basically replaces the codes, which allow developers to use data to test possible business scenarios with their outcomes. Afterward, they can directly transform or implement specific decisions into operations.

Final Thoughts

With the increasing demand for mobile applications, developers need to fulfill the requirement as quickly as possible. Mobile application needs to be built in limited time and Bluemix is the right tool to propel the app development process.

Bluemix is the right tool for beginners, who struggle to implement complex codes while developing an app. They just need their social credentials to add an agile security feature with some beneficial options to enhance their app.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

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