
Google Expanding Its Artificial Intelligence: More on Insight Story Here

Google Expanding Its Artificial Intelligence: More on Insight Story Here

Date: April 05, 2024

Google’s DeepMind Is Ready To Explore AI Capabilities into Healthcare

Artificial intelligence by so far is one of the most important technological updates that we have received lately. The technique has redefined, impressed, motivated, challenged, taught and many times amazed us with its capabilities of predicting human behavior. Being an exceptional technique, AI influence in the healthcare sector is increasing exceptionally well. And, the fact that Google with its DeepMind venture is experimenting with AI Capabilities into the healthcare app is a whole new reason to explore it more and more.  

Artificial Intelligence has remained an important topic of discussion in healthcare for the past few years. The capabilities that AI hold in healthcare are beyond surprising. Additionally, Artificial Intelligence is greatly influencing the world around us. Whether it is the field of science or business, healthcare and technology, and education or travel, AI offers futuristic ways to be precise. This technological way of predicting user behavior still holds the exceptional potential to grow immensely in the upcoming future.

A well-balanced discussion on AI can get into an extended analysis of the technique into a number of domains. However, the article is going to focus on Artificial Intelligence’s capabilities in the healthcare domain. Here comes the discussion.

Let’s start with Google’s DeepMind venture into healthcare.

Google’s DeepMind Venture

Deepmind Healthcare

Alphabet-owned Google’s DeepMind is an innovative venture to offer healthcare facilities to the patients. The venture has been introduced to enable patient monitoring and offering optimal treatment. DeepMind is an attempt to take health facilities to the next level as the London based company has already ventured into two different applications to offer the healthcare facilities to the patients.

The very first app from DeepMind called Streams is used to detect patients who are at higher risk of kidney disease. "We can detect from blood test results which patients are at risk," DeepMind co-founder Mustafa Suleyman quoted. "25 percent of deaths are preventable, so there's a really big prize for us."The first part is detecting which patients are at risk, and then how we manage all the various clinical interventions is what Hark does," Suleyman told

"That's where in the future machine learning comes in, we can identify which tasks have been completed for which patients in which order and optimize that process," Suleyman quoted in a blog. "The people doing the most vulnerable jobs use some of the most out of date hardware available in world today like pagers and even handwritten notes," Lord Darzi, the head of Imperial Health Partners, told to a news daily journal. "Yet if updated and made easy to use, it can save lives. A very simple tool was more impactful than a dose of antibiotics."

DeepMind For Helping Patients With Eye Diseases

Deepmind helps in healthcare

Google DeepMind has taken its partnership to a new level with UK’s Moorfields Eye Hospital. The association has been done to help people prone to eye-related diseases. Under the partnership, Moorfields Eye Hospital will use Deepmind’s algorithm to ensure if it can detect the early signs of complications related to eye-diseases.

There are nearly 2 million people affected by eye-related issues in the UK itself and the count of people affected partially with eye-related diseases is near about 3,60,000. Currently, digital scans are used to determine the problems related to eyes, which is not very much specific in such cases.

Talking specifically about the use of technology in determining eye-related issues, Sir Peng Tee Khaw, director of the National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre in Ophthalmology at Moorfields, said, "Our research with DeepMind has the potential to revolutionize the way professionals carry out eye tests and could lead to earlier detection and treatment of common eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration. “With sight loss predicted to double by the year 2050 it is vital we explore the use of cutting-edge technology to prevent eye disease.”

Deepmind’s algorithm is similar to machine learning as it do not need to be programmed specifically. It can learn the algorithm through training without being programmed for the same. The ability of a machine to learn innovative things can help healthcare institutions to offer exceptional facilities to the professionals to detect patient’s medical issues.

IBM Watson Healthcare is a fine example of what artificial intelligence can do in the healthcare sector. The technique gives emphasis on analyzing the different test results of patients much faster if compared with manual analysis. This not only offers insightful results but also saves the healthcare professional's time to a great extent.

The Upshot

Google’s artificial intelligence in the healthcare app has extended the possibilities of next level medication to the patients. The prediction, analysis, and innovation powered by Artificial Intelligence have impressively raised the healthcare standards that we use to follow. As AI in healthcare is evolving every single day, there are now exceptional ways available for healthcare professionals to be precise while providing the services.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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