Category Application Development
Importance of Integrating Mobile Apps No. of connected wearable devices worldwide is expected to jump to over 1.1 billion in 2022.

Usually, when you take your phone to your workout routine. It is terribly inconvenient as you need to hold it in your hands or in your pocket. There are even different types of belts for phones, however, you would still feel uncomfortable wearing them. But there’s a solution, i.e., wearables! 

A few years ago, device manufacturers came up with an idea to produce special devices that look like a wristwatch and show you all the necessary information with a wave of your hand. They solved David’s problem as well as the problem of millions of other people who searched for comfort in performing their daily activities.

Mobile best app developers in usa have assessed the usability of wearables. They thought that it would be nice to add to watches just the same functionalities as those in phones. A few years ago, companies like Google, Apple, Garmin, and others presented their wearable application development to the public. 

Smartwatches and fitness trackers work in pairs with mobile apps. They help people track their sleep, calculate calories, track workouts, and even detect early signs of diabetes. With wearables, a healthy lifestyle has become popular. At the same time, businesses have a new way to boost their revenue.

Why Are Wearables so Attractive to Consumers?

What is it that makes wearable apps and devices so popular? Worn at the body, they are always with you if needed. Connected to the Internet, they provide constant online availability and access to important messages at any time. In the modern world, being online and getting real-time data has become a must. 

Wearables perform the same functions as mobile phones, however, they are more portable than phones. Due to their small size, wearables are easy to hold. The wearable apps and devices communicate with relevant mobile applications to provide their owners with the needed data. Below are some examples of wearable apps, devices, and wireless technology that make human life easier. 

A nod ring is a wireless device that allows you to launch programs on your phone or laptop or run the smart home system with a wave of your hand or with special buttons on the ring. 

Aira is a guidance wearable glasses that assist the blind people which way to go. This device informs the blind about different obstacles on their way. 

GPS SmartSole is a brand-new solution for tracking young adults with autism or seniors with dementia or anyone who can become lost. 

wearable application development

As you can see, apart from the well-known Apple watch, there are many other smart wearables that can significantly help people. 

How IoT Affects Mobile App Development? 

The Internet of Things is rapidly growing. The world is getting a wide range of new conceptions such as smart cities, smart homes, smart toys, etc. Mobile apps, in their turn, play an important role in IoT app development. They serve as interfaces allowing us to interact with physical devices with the help of IoT technology. 

New possibilities offered by the Internet of Things have created a great demand in mobile apps for managing wearables. This new global trend has opened new capabilities for software companies to obtain market recognition. 

Mobile apps that are built to manage Android wearable devices can have the following functions:

  • Observe data, instrument readings, videos, etc.
  • Analyze and make reports.
  • Manage information (open/close, turn on/off, send notifications/alerts, send messages, share data, etc). 

Wearable development affected the designing process of mobile applications. Today, developers have to be deeply committed to such issues as authorization, performance, integration, etc. The trend to wear smart devices leads to new opportunities in the future, as well.

We will probably see how many things surrounding us are becoming smart. Developers, in turn, will pay more attention to machine learning and Big Data when creating mobile apps for wearables.

Why Do You Need to Integrate Mobile Apps With Wearables? 

The evolution of wearable apps has affected consumers, brands and mobile app developers. All of them tend to see new and emerging opportunities. 

Importance of Integration of Mobile Apps with Wearables

Let’s find out what perspectives there are for businesses and developers.

1. Rapid Growth of the Wearable Market 

The number of consumers, the number of devices, and the revenue are rapidly growing. Thus, the market needs more specific skills and knowledge to offer user-friendly apps for managing wearable devices. Mobile developers are in demand like never before. Thus, brands are currently searching for the best countries to outsource software development

Fitness trackers and smartwatches are still among the most popular wearable devices. The other novelties are not so popular because of their high cost and specific capabilities. 

2. To Ease the Entry-Level Process 

In addition to high competitiveness, a company entering the market of wearables will face many problems with the development (functionality, battery life, design, etc) and marketing which includes multifunctionality, various usability patterns, various target users and much more).

3. Underestimation of Corporate Wearables Market by Startups  

Corporate wearables are aimed to solve different corporate issues with human resources monitoring and management, security as well as the issues related to specific production tasks. This market provides a lot of perspectives for the producers of wearables and mobile developers.  

For example, fitness trackers are entering the corporate market as the systems for healthcare and employee productivity management. Virtual and augmented reality systems serve as systems for employee training in different industries. 

Final Take

While consumers all over the world keep using fitness trackers, the corporate sector is focused on increasing their employee productivity with the help of wearable apps. The digitalization of different operational processes will definitely help us understand ourselves better. Security, higher cost-effectiveness, timely disaster prevention, and health monitoring open lots of opportunities that businesses won’t miss. 

In case you are interested in getting a top-notch wearable app built then our suggestion would be to opt for only the leading wearable app development companies or team of highly-skilled wearable app developers and app marketing agencies that can meet your expectations and deliver a valuable product.

Sakshi Kaushik

By Sakshi Kaushik LinkedIn Icon

A passionate writer and tech lover, she strives to share her expertise with mobile app developers and fellow tech enthusiasts. During her moments away from the keyboard, she relishes delving into thriller narratives, immersing herself in diverse realms.

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