Category Marketing
How is Branding Important for the App Growth? Branding your mobile app makes more sense at a time when there are over 5 million apps in the app stores and everyone wants to stand out.

What comes into your mind when you hear luxury men’s watches? If you’re among ordinary people, you might think of Rolex.

What about the best Coffee? Starbucks. And what about the best streaming service. Netflix?

That’s the power of branding.

Whatever the industry is, branding is essential and universal among every business.

A mobile app is nothing different. If you have developed a mobile app, and you want it to perform, brand awareness is something that can get you all the attention that you need.

Mobile app branding holds a strong position right after when, in 2018, more than 31% budget is spent on mobile app marketing by companies who are willing to scale their business fast.

And when it comes to branding a mobile app, people ignore it or assume that since there is an app, people will download and use the app automatically.

Unfortunately, this is not the case anymore. With over 2 million apps in the app store, it is impossible to get the attention of users. Moreover, people are now spending more than 90% of their time on mobile apps.

Branding Important for the App Growth

There is a fearsome competition out there, and to compete with the rival’s brand awareness is the only logical long term solution.

That being said, here are some tried-and-tested useful tips for successful mobile app branding that will not only establish a solid reputation of your brand; it will add value to your business as well.

1) Get Ready to Spend

The 31% budget spent on mobile app marketing is a real deal. Mobile app branding and marketing isn’t cheap, but it is an essential part of marketing.

You cannot beat around the bush and expect that investors will applaud you or welcome you with open arms. It would help if you convince investors that your app is worth spending on, and you need money to brand an excellent app.

Keep in mind that marketing professionals are advised to make investments in advance and add it to the comprehensive marketing strategy. It will help only if you can grab investments and make a plan to invest all the money in branding your mobile app.

2) Either Start First or Finish Last

We all know who landed first on the Moon. But, do you know who landed second? Or what about the third or fourth? I guess not.

No one remembers who gets the second place or third place. If you do something worthy, you’ll reach the top in no time. But you’ll need some branding to reach on the top spot.

If someone uses your mobile app for the first time, they will create an impression for your app. Either the app will make them feel good, or they will hate your app. Based upon that first impression, the person will judge your app. And that judgment will be carried with the customer wherever he goes. 

When it comes to buying something, we all get superficial. There is no way out of it. If you love shiny things, there is a higher chance that you’ll want it over something that is not that shiny. It’s just that simple.

The same goes for a mobile app. If you want a mobile app that looks good in vertical order with impressive visuals, you’ll look for it in every app that you come across. Anything less than that will not grab your attention in any way.

The critical thing to remember here is to make sure that your mobile app is well presented. The more unique you design the mobile app interface, the higher will be chances that people will remember it. And it will ultimately add up to the mobile app growth.

3) Get Influencers on your Side

The fastest way to maximize your app's reach is to get some influencers on board with you. 

When an influencer shows trust in your app, people get attracted, and brand awareness turns into brand fans. People won’t only use the app; they will recommend the app to their friends and family. 

Get Influencers on your Side

There is no one way to know which of the influencers will attract your target audience, but it is always wise to pick and choose the influencers that people can relate to your brand. 

If you are on a tight budget, you can begin with small-scale influencers. For instance, people from your local neighborhood can help you get the word out. And that is the reason why it makes branding through influencers a discerning mobile app branding strategy.

4) Like it or Not, SEO is a Must

Whether you deny it or agree to it, SEO is as important as branding a mobile app. It makes your mobile app discoverable for your potential users. 

For a moment, forget about reaching the top position on Google search.  SEO will help you establish trust by making your brand visible in the search results. 

Imagine you’ve developed an app for figuring out blood pressure. To get ahead of everyone else, you must create various types of content that can help you get the attention of the users. The following are some examples:

  • Create YouTube videos on exercises that will lower your blood pressure.
  • Create presentations that will help aware the users on how to control their blood pressure.
  • Create blog posts that educate users on keeping track of your blood pressure.

These app growth strategies will increase your brand reputation, and people will use your app to monitor their blood pressure as they will trust it as a reliable brand.

5) Overshadow Social Media

Unless you love to live in a cave or on planet Mars, you might need social media to boost your brand awareness. Be if Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and other platforms that your target audience uses to entertain and look for new things – they are essential and make a crucial part of the mobile app branding guidelines.

Of course, you must be careful about the audience that you want for your brand. For instance, if you have a blood pressure app, it is not wise to invest time on Twitter and Pinterest as you’d spend time on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Branding Important for the App Growth

All social media channels are necessary, but that doesn’t mean you can leave anything on chance. You need to try and use every social media platform that gives your brand the ultimate attention.

The Closing Note

To wrap it all up. It is necessary to mention that just like everything else in the mobile app development process, branding is something that needs equal attention.

Branding will give your mobile app a level of trust and authority over other apps. Not everything will think of working on content, as you’ve learned in this blog. Create content that is relevant and provides value to your audience.

Once the audience understands that you are giving them something worthy of giving a try, they will surely use your app, and that, in turn, will increase branding presence through a mobile app.

Consider branding as one of the necessary pillars of your mobile app branding strategy. If you give some thought to the points mentioned above, we are sure you’ll dive-in to start your app branding right now.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How big is the app industry?

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  • Are apps profitable?

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  • Why should I build an app?

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  • What are the benefits of an app?

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Sakshi Kaushik

By Sakshi Kaushik LinkedIn Icon

A passionate writer and tech lover, she strives to share her expertise with mobile app developers and fellow tech enthusiasts. During her moments away from the keyboard, she relishes delving into thriller narratives, immersing herself in diverse realms.

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