Category Technology
Future Technologies And Universities All these technologies are already making a significant addition in almost every industry.

New technologies are expected to change the world drastically. Slowly all those fantastic movies are becoming a reality. We are yet to get to flying cars, but there are plans and dreams for everything including getting the human race to Mars.

A few of the already existing technologies are in great use to various industries and promises to make it big in the future as well. Taking the diverse applications of these technologies into consideration, we will be covering the top technologies in this article and will also mention the universities where it can be learned. 

Emerging Technologies And Universities To Study Them 

Have you been thinking of ways to turn the fiction tech to practical reality? Here are five emerging technology and universities where you can study them. 

1. Internet of things 

Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects “things” which are embedded with sensors, electronics, software, or network connectivity and thus allowing the objects to collect and exchange data.

The Internet of things allows objects to be sensed and controlled across the existing network infrastructure. It allows for the creation of more direct integration between the physical world and the computer-based systems which in turn result in improved accuracy, economic benefits, and efficiency.

Internet of Things is a way to create a scenario where computers can know everything. The things in this situation refer to devices and sensors excluding phones, tablets, and printers.

It involves a variety of devices, systems, and services that go beyond machine-to-machine communications. It includes more advanced connections, which covers a multitude of domains, applications, and protocols.

It includes devices such as heart monitoring implants for both people and livestock, biochip transponders for animals, automobiles with inbuilt sensors and electric clams in coastal waters, field operation devices that assist firefighters in search and rescue missions.

Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things is not just about applications. It is also about the amount of data that will be produced and shared daily. It will increase internet automation which will, in turn, increase the amount of data and information shared and allow access to data from adverse locations to be a lot faster. 

Recommended universities for courses on the internet of things include: 

  • Queen Mary University of London
  • Bournemouth University
  • University of Bradford  

2. Virtual reality 

Virtual reality is a way to bridge reality with the virtual world. It is providing new ways of teaching and learning. In the recent past, Virtual reality apps in education have been more and more recognized and are becoming used by many in teaching and learning.

Virtual reality if offered with the use of glasses and 3D animation that allows the students to view and read from artifacts that they would typically need to travel to find. It allows students to view articles and artifacts that are in the past and that they would have otherwise never seen were it not for the technological advances in learning and write an essay about yourself.

The internet is one place that guarantees you will find all the services and information you need. In many cases, students find that they are unable to understand points because the concepts seem abstract and quite distant even to their imagination and thinking capacities.

With the glasses, students have access to an enhanced learning environment where they can have access to historical artifacts and other online researches.

Virtual reality books are also an excellent way for students to learn, even those who are at the primary level. Because the setting is a virtual one, a student is able to move at their own pace, unlike in a classroom where they move at the pace of the teacher and other students. 

Virtual Technology

These books also offer a student a 3D presentation and an interactive learning experience via this technology. This method is popular because of its presentation and glasses that will attract digital native learners.

The technology also allows visual modeling, giving a student the exact vision of how an image would look like in a different setting. Some applications allow students to virtually design their own images to help them investigate their physical properties or interaction with other objects. 

Best universities include: 

  • University of London
  • University of Advancing Technology
  • Bradford University 

3. Cloud computing 

Failure to adjust to societal changes contributes to 90% of organizations downfalls. As a business owner, therefore, you have the responsibility of keeping up with the changes that are happening in the world today.

Cloud technology is one of those changes. Today, the impact the digital world has on businesses is felt in every industry especially in shipping. You can take advantage of cloud computing for your supply chain management needs.

In the traditional setting, supply chain management depended upon the physical availability of individuals. There are therefore many ways your supply chain will be changed by cloud computing.

Cloud Technology

Business owners, therefore, have the chance to make better day-to-day decisions on how their businesses should run. Cloud technology provides a series of protocols that allow multiple platforms to integrate. In the traditional supply chain management processes, these projects would not have been able to integrate and work together.

For cloud computing, here are some recommended institutions: 

  • EIT Digital Master School
  • Jonkoping University
  • University of Portsmouth 

4. Blockchains 

Cryptocurrency blockchains are used as ledgers that recorded and stored all the transactions and activities that validate the ownership of all the units of the currency. These ledgers validate the ownership of the cryptocurrency units that are transferred by users.

There is always a record of the time transactions and a history of transactions. The blockchains are usually limited in length and have a limited number of transactions that often increase with time.

Duplicate copies of these blockchains are stored in the nodes of cryptocurrency software networks. The networks have a decentralized server farm that is run by computer-savvy individuals or groups who are known as miners.

Blockchain Technology

The miners continuously record and authenticate the cryptocurrency transactions that take place. Transactions cannot be authorized until they are recorded in the blockchains. This, however, only takes a couple of minutes.

Once the transactions are finalized, they become irreversible. Unlike with traditional transfer processes, most cryptocurrencies do not have a refund function. However, newer cryptocurrencies have tried to incorporate this feature in their services, but it is not very functional.

If you need to learn more about blockchains how they work and how to mine them, you can go to these universities: 

  • Montpellier Business school
  • InnoEnergy Master’s School
  • EIt Digital Master School  

5. Self-Driving Vehicles 

Google, Apple, and Tesla have been competing on developing and releasing self-driving cars for years. The entire process is based on trials and errors, but the progress has been impressive so far.

Amazon prime air delivery services use autonomous drones that are being tested in the UK. The feedback from customers will help to improve the services and cause more development in technology.

Self-Driving Vehicles

You can get these courses from: 

  • Cranfield University
  • Kaunas University of Technology
  • EURECOM- Graduate School and Research Center in Digital Science  

Technology Holds Our Future 

With all these technologies around, we can well see the engagement of technology in almost every sector, and with each passing day, the evolution of all these technologies is bound to surpass our expectations.

For more updates on the emerging technologies, stay tuned to MobileAppDaily and hit the ‘Subscribe’ button and we will keep you posted about all the latest happenings of the mobile app industry.


Meet Manish Chandra Srivastava, the Strategic Content Architect & Marketing Guru who turns brands into legends. Armed with a Masters in Mass Communication (2015-17), Manish has dazzled giants like Collegedunia, Embibe, and Archies. His work is spotlighted on Hackernoon, Gamasutra, and Elearning Industry.

Beyond the writer’s block, Manish is often found distracted by movies, video games, AI, and other such nerdy stuff. But the point remains, If you need your brand to shine, Manish is who you need.

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