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NPS - MedicineWise


Our organization is an independent, not-for-profit entity dedicated to enhancing the prescription and utilization of health technologies, medicines, and medical tests. We recently undertook a significant project for a client who provides an application designed to help users manage their medication intake through reminders and vital information about their prescriptions. The client's goal was to not only improve the user experience for their existing customer base but also to attract new users.

To meet these objectives, we initiated an extensive update of outdated libraries within their codebase, ensuring the application was built on a modern and robust foundation. Additionally, we completely overhauled the user registration and login processes, which were previously managed through Webview, to provide a more seamless and secure experience. Despite encountering numerous challenges, our dedicated team successfully delivered a revamped application within the required timeframe, positioning the client for greater reach and impact in their mission to improve health outcomes.


In updating the application for our client, we faced multiple challenges. The primary issue was dealing with outdated libraries in the codebase. These libraries were not only old but also had numerous dependencies, making the update process complex and time-consuming. We had to ensure that every update maintained compatibility with the rest of the system, which required extensive testing and debugging.

Another significant challenge was revamping the user registration and login process. Originally implemented using Webview, this approach was outdated and provided a subpar user experience. Transitioning to a more modern and secure method required a complete overhaul of the existing system. We had to ensure that the new process was not only seamless and intuitive for users but also met stringent security standards.

Despite these technical challenges, we also faced time constraints. The client had a tight deadline, and balancing thorough development with rigorous testing was crucial. Additionally, expanding the customer base meant that the new application had to be scalable and robust enough to handle increased usage.

Through meticulous planning, teamwork, and constant communication with the client, we successfully delivered a revamped application that improved user experience and met the client's objectives within the required timeframe.



We collaborated with an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the prescription and usage of health technologies, medicines, and medical tests. They had an existing application designed to help users track their medication intake through reminders and essential information about their prescribed medications.

Our goal was to revamp the user experience for current customers and attract a broader audience. To accomplish this, we updated outdated libraries in their codebase, ensuring compatibility and enhanced functionality. Additionally, we overhauled the user registration and login process, which was previously implemented using Webview, to offer a more seamless and secure experience.

Despite numerous challenges, including tight deadlines and complex requirements, we successfully delivered a new and improved application. The updated app not only retained its core functionality but also provided a more user-friendly and efficient interface, ultimately supporting the organization's mission to enhance healthcare outcomes through better medication management.


We partnered with an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the prescription and usage of health technologies, medicines, and medical tests. Their application, designed to help users manage their medicine intake through reminders and vital information, needed a comprehensive overhaul to better serve existing customers and attract new ones. Our primary tasks included updating outdated libraries in their codebase and revamping the user registration and login process, which was originally implemented using Webview. Despite numerous challenges, we successfully delivered a modernized application within the required timeframe. This update not only improved user experience and engagement but also ensured the app’s compliance with current technological standards, thereby expanding the organization’s reach and impact in the healthcare sector. The revamped application now offers a seamless and secure user experience, promoting better adherence to medication schedules and ultimately contributing to improved health outcomes for users. Our efforts have significantly enhanced the organization’s capability to serve its mission of improving the effectiveness of health technologies and medicines.

Expertise Mobile App Development

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