Ritesh Sutaria, Co-Founder of Prompt Softech, Shares His Secrets For Client Satisfaction banner

With a Master's degree in hand, Ritesh Sutaria holds over 15 years of experience in Product Engineering and leading an organization. He is a technical expert with sound knowledge in all Microsoft Technologies along with experience in building an enterprise architecture. He is the co-founder of Prompt Softech.  Recently, we got a chance to have an in-depth conversation with him about various crucial aspects of his venture and plans for the future. Here is the complete interview, where he shares his experience in detail. 

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1) Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership.

Prompt Softech is not a company but a journey that I began with a mindset to bring revolutionary changes in the technology world. The IT sector has been embracing changes through innovative technologies, and it assists companies in adopting advanced technology. Innovation, technology, and changes - these three things are interrelated and work as per the need of industries. 

Prompt Softech, established in 2002, aims to assist small, medium-sized, and large industries by providing the most relevant, robust, and optimal solution. I never overlook the minor problems and issues that emerge while running an organization. Being a tech man, I welcome challenges and work with my team to get the most fitting solution. I believe in turning the complexities into simple solutions that can bloom great results for both the company and its users. 

The Softech company works with a single goal, i.e., to empower enterprises through smart and innovative solutions. We understand the needs of the emerging startup, developing companies, and developed companies and tend to provide the solutions which can boost their business at the IT edge. We at Softech company adopt the latest technologies and provide solutions and services that help make a better world. I, along with my team, are always ready to help organizations and enterprises for better tomorrow. 

2) You launched Prompt Softech 7+ years back; what goals are you currently working towards with the company, and what is your particular vision for the future of Prompt?

Technology never allows us to feel the age; we are still seeking every possible way to achieve perfection and preparing ourselves to face every kind of challenge coming on the way. We are shedding sweat and spending hours helping all types of industries. We are already assisting dairy, logistics, software, and many other sectors in achieving their business objectives and goals. We are always on our toes to help and guide organizations to create an optimal outcome. Our services and solutions have been truly fruitful by far. We endeavor to synchronize our services and solutions with the latest trends and technology to get a holistic view of demands. 

The Softech company works on a single objective with a broad approach. We are dedicated to bringing change in traditional technology and introducing the most effective and efficient technology to elevate the businesses and get the most favorable result. There was a purpose behind the establishment of Softech company - to empower the enterprises through smart solutions, and we are still following the same motive. I see Prompt Softech as one of the most trusted technology partners offering the best solutions and services to various industries. We render quality, reliability, and effective solutions and services, and we are determined to serve it for the following n numbers of years. We are already embracing healthy relationships with our loyal clients, and we are continuously bringing changes in their business and lives by acknowledging them with the latest technologies. 

3) With 250+ projects, 150+ clients worldwide, and 150+ in-house engineers, what do you think about the numbers in the future?

Well, Softech company has been serving the best to its clients. Either it was before the pandemic or today when we are still living in COVID-19. Our ambition has been clear: to serve the clients with solutions on time and provide the desired outcome. We delivered projects on time and met the expectation of the clients. Our extra efforts and hard work paid well, as our turnover wasn't affected by the COVID-19 stress. We have significant numbers of engineers, and we do not hesitate to hire talented people. We hope to serve many more clients in the coming years and decorate this globe with the best technology. 

4) Can you tell us about Prompt's approach to managing through COVID-19?

COVID-19 has brought challenging times for everyone. It came up with difficulties to check our capabilities. We have always considered our employees as important as our clients are. So, we ensured that every employee should be safe and healthy. We called for work from home and initiated all the attempts to make it effective and engaging. Thanks to our dedicated employees who proved nothing can stop them from delivering their services. Our administration department conducted a weekly conference call with different teams to know their health. Since work from home was new for our organization, we discussed proper procedures and executed all the necessary things. Our administration department also organized many fun activities and appreciated employees for their dedication. The constant efforts from both management and employees allowed us to achieve our goals. We delivered all the services and solutions to our clients on time and sustained their trust in us. Our administration team also contacted the former employees to know well being and asked them to contact us if any help was required.

5) What's the most important thing you're working on right now, and how are you making it happen? Would you like to share the most innovative product or service Prompt is working on?

We are currently trying to explore the best of IoT and endeavor to integrate it with a mobile app and other services to get the most effective and efficient outcome. Our primary focus is on IoT, and we are doing our best to use it in mobile applications. IoT holds a bright future in the mobile app industry, and the benefits facilitated by it are beyond measurement. There are some loopholes in the platform, but we are dedicatedly working to overcome and utilize IoT potentially. We have already worked on many IoT-based projects, but now we are working to cultivate something unique by integrating IoT and mobile apps.

6) How would you describe your growth trajectory in 2020-2021? Any particular achievement? Any disappointment?

No doubt 2020 was not a very important year for anyone. It has caused an economic meltdown and a massive loss to industries. We tried to make this non-usual year into the usual year by shifting to alternatives and dedicating ourselves more towards work. Our teams delivered projects before deadlines, and the sales department grabbed many overseas projects. We had switched to work from home at the very beginning stage of virus spread. We tackled COVID-19 stress in a well-planned and strategic manner. We assured that the changes that emerged would not affect the employees' performance and the productivity of the company. 

7) From complex business challenges to sparkling online reputation, what, according to you, are the best practices to attain client satisfaction?

I believe that analyzing a problem and understanding the client's needs is the best practice to attain client satisfaction. Prompt has been serving the best solutions and services by keeping in mind the latest trends, clients' requirements, and possibilities. We involve our clients in each development process to make sure that everything is well. We even recommend better alternatives to ensure that the final product matches the demand and fits the ongoing market trend. 

8) Over 18 years of experience in Product Engineering and leading an organization, what do you think will be the future of mobile technology?

Product Engineering has seen a lot of changes in the past few years. 

The inclusion of the latest technologies and the development of various technology platforms is drafting a new look for the mobile app industry. No doubt the craze for technology would drive us to some big picture, and it will transform into a new version as it always does. 

9) How important is it for users to be owners of knowledge rather than just consumers of knowledge?

I believe it is always way better to interact with a user who is the owner of knowledge than just a consumer of knowledge. When we communicate with a knowledgeable user, we know more about the needs and the possible ways to lead us to a fruitful solution. Users can actually tell us where things are lagging and what needs to be improved. Healthy interaction helps service providers like us in discovering the most optimal solution with zero error. 

10) Other than technical expertise, what traits you believe are essential for any app development firm to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry?

My experience recommends that just being a technical expert won't help to get success in any app development firm. Having a good command over the market trend and the users' needs is also essential. Today the crowd is looking for the most comfortable and reliable solutions which can enhance their experience and cut the long process into short but swift. Keeping knowledge of the existing competitor and their approaches is also important. 

11) If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting, what would it be?

I would advise staying focused and alert because it's tough to match the changing market trends and business needs but indeed not an impossible task. Spend hours on massive research and discuss it with your team. A healthy discussion with a team can churn out the best result. Check your business requirements, resources, time, and money consumed in processes. Above all, know your customers, their demands, and challenges. Develop a healthy relationship with your clients and meet their expectations. 

12) How do you assess the role of research agencies like MobileAppDaily in bridging the gap between clients and service providers?

Today, when there is an uncountable number of options available for clients, it becomes an arduous task to choose a reliable and skilled service provider who can meet the needs and enhance the existing process. Research agencies like MobileAppDaily help both the client and service providers to connect with each other. It provides a platform for reliable and proficient service providers to showcase their specialization and its benefits. On the other hand, clients get a list of trustworthy and highly experienced service providers. Clients can contact the most fitting service provider and get their work done. Not just this, research agencies also ensure that the service providers meet the standard and quality parameters. 

13) Can you give us a glance at the applications you use on your phone?

Well, I am currently using apps that are useful for everyday life. I use apps like a social media app, fitness app, business app, news app to keep myself updated and informed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ritesh shared, ‘’Analyzing a problem and understanding the client's needs is the best practice to attain client satisfaction.’’
  • ‘’We recommend better alternatives to ensure that the final product matches the demand and fits the ongoing market trend,’’ shared Ritesh.
  • Prompt Softech is currently working to cultivate something unique by integrating IoT and mobile apps.
  • Ritesh’s advice to budding entrepreneurs, ‘’Stay focused and alert.’’
  • The main ambition of Prompt Softech is to serve the clients with solutions on time and provide the desired outcome.

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