As an Entrepreneur, You have to “Be Your Best”, An Interview with Sylvia Flimm, Co-Founding Director at People Planet Guide banner

Recently, we had the privilege of having an interesting conversation with the Co-founding Director at People Planet Guide, Sylvia Flimm. People Planet Guide is the company that developed and owns Solfile, an amazing astrology app that is designed to become a personal guide for your life by using astrology as its foundation. Sylvia has an amazing experience in the financial industry. From helping big names in the industry to becoming a successful entrepreneur, her experience is something that can guide new entrepreneurs. In this interview with MobileAppDaily, Sylvia shared some insights about her career along with a few tips that can be useful for those looking for guidance in the industry. So, let’s get started!

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1) Hi Sylvia, how have you been and how Covid-19 impacted your daily professional life?

We have had a busy couple of years bringing Solfile to life. Solfile as a concept was born in 2018. During this time, we saw the necessity in workplaces. Pre-Covid, the world seemed to be running on overdrive and people were exhausted with outward demands to respond to. Time to listen within and connect with our essence seemed hard to come by and the gap between our roles and who people authentically are was growing. We have noticed in our teams that are suited to the role ensures more satisfaction. In fact, we have selected team members for years according to their character code to ensure the right fit. We wanted to provide a technology solution for anyone to use no matter where they are. Covid 19 made us focus further on the necessity of providing a fully remote solution so it can be used, and it made us focus on the individual as a priority.

2) What does your everyday life at Solfile look like?

Our daily life at our company People Planet Guide (PPG) responsible for releasing Solfile in June 2021, changed quite substantially. Our previous 2-3 years were spent on concept drawings, content collection, then progressing to App Development. We are now focussing on making the app available to as many people as possible which includes presenting what makes it unique and how it can assist us the most. Seeing conferences and face-to-face interaction is still somewhat limited, we have been writing articles and continuing communicating remotely.

Our immediate focus to get ready for 2022 is on further app development to ensure Solfile will be in the Top 5 Personalised Astrology App rankings, and we want to hear from our users and share their experiences. We love hearing examples of how it applies and makes a difference in someone’s day!

People Planet Guide has a set of well-being and career development solutions and Solfile is one of them. We are looking forward to offering further solutions as they become available.

3) Any goals that you are pursuing for the growth of Solfile currently?

Our goal is for Solfile to become a daily consultation tool to guide you where you are truly meant to be. Your instincts are reflected on you so you can identify your inner voice amongst the daily environmental demands. We are in a unique paradigm whereby the world has been in a slumber of the daily grind. These pressures make it hard for us to listen to our needs and instincts. We believe that people are happiest when they feel connected with their own nature and their own answers are usually very good. Solfile is a tool to help you hear that inner wise counselor again and gives the confidence to follow through.

4) What do you think are the biggest challenges for Solfile?

We are looking at providing Solfile in many languages to widen access which will be one of our immediate challenges. We have our eyes and ears wide open to ensure we provide what people are looking for. Our users are experiencing incredible growth and we take on the challenge to constantly grow with them looking over the horizon to the next landmark. Workplaces are undergoing a widespread transformation, and we are equipped to provide much input to execute career moves and what to look out for, find ideal event dates and understand what we need as an individual to succeed.

5) Do you have any inspiration that keeps you running every day?

Yes. Solfile is available with the information from our own experience. It has been created for others to lean on which has been a lifelong dream. Solfile was built around its own prediction of the social and work impacts. It is one of the first innovations of PPG, it is part of a bigger picture of initiatives within the PPG family. We love seeing people thrive and express themselves naturally. We love what it does for the communication in a team and the results it produces for a company whilst people are more fulfilled and authentic. It’s a win/win – and we like these!

6) Please take us through the operational process of Solfile. From order placement to delivery and maintenance, please explain the process to our readers.

Solfile is technically advanced, and we wanted to keep the technical complication in the background, whilst the product is easy to use and without any prior Astrology knowledge required. We communicate the core of the message each day to apply to what’s in front of us. Any user can enter their birth date, time, and birthplace and we provide three pieces of the unique Character Code that we call Footprint in the app. You can swipe to read these right away and tap on Discovery which will provide three months of calibrated daily Career forecasts for free. We wanted each user to get specific information about themselves instantly including a scorecard to measure the intensity of the influences which is graphically represented for easy reference.

Furthermore, we offer a low-cost in-app purchase to enable a wider horizon in form of 12 months (rolling) planning and extended attributes to look in the mirror. We have been hearing comments such as “Wow, that’s me!” and also provide information on potential blind spots which can become incredible strengths once they are conscious.

7) What are your thoughts on the technological revolution continuously happening in the app development industry?

Exciting times, the low-cost transformation of tech is happening all around us every day and we recommend to everybody to join in and come on the journey as its benefits are multifaceted. From our perspective, we live in times where we can theoretically reach every user and provide what we have to share to more people than ever before. Hence, we made sure that Solfile was truly revolutionary in a big marketplace. We have taken it well beyond by mapping it to the minute as we believe in everyone’s uniqueness and the expression of it. We also provide (rolling) 365 days of calibrated forecast material to enable planning and vision.

We have been consulting face to face for over 20 years; and therefore, have included our In Focus option which enables you to reach out to us for a personal consultation.

8) Can we know which operating system do you like the most from Android and iOS? Also, why?

Both platforms have some great features, and we use both. We ensure that we provide users with both options as they have their own preferences and reasons why they choose either platform. This way they can use the app in their ‘home base’ where it is familiar.

9) Any advice for new entrepreneurs that you want to share?

  • You will never be fully prepared and have anticipated everything.
  • Expect curveballs – that’s part of being an entrepreneur.
  • Let go of just one outcome and be guided by the developments and what works for your customer.
  • If you are passionate about something unique that you have to offer and you have received feedback about the benefits, that’s a great start. Check your Solfile Footprint information to back you up! It provides a lot of detail about your natural strengths and areas where you can provide brilliance.  In our In Focus sessions, we provide tailored support to help bring your entrepreneurial idea to life.
  • Ensure your service or product provides a new edge and is revolutionary in your field.  Develop your Vision that will provide your targeted audience better value more simply.
  • With Solfile for example, our picture of success is for people to go to job interviews with their CV and their Solfile in hand.

Expect – when entering a new market with a unique point of difference, you will be required to plow a new path through innovation and partnership development to bring your vision to life.  Being an entrepreneur requires you to “Be your Best” to ensure we can realize our dreams. It’s not for everyone but it’s worth the reach beyond what you believe are your limits regardless of the financial outcome.

10) In the end, how do you think MobileAppDaily can help the growth of Solfile?

We thank MobileAppDaily for providing us the platform to talk about Solfile and what it specifically offers for the user to be aware that it is a communication tool to look in the mirror. Helping the user to find Solfile by presenting its features and giving us the opportunity to introduce ourselves, too.

That is all for today, Sylvia. We appreciate your time. Have a nice day!

Key takeaways

  • To bring your visions to life, innovation and partnerships are the keys that you need
  • As an entrepreneur, “You will never be fully prepared and have anticipated everything.”
  • Our focus is to provide users exactly what they are looking for and to do that better, we are planning to launch support for more languages in Solfile
  • Today, we are living in the era of low-cost tech transformation. And, that enables us to expand our user network to more markets

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