Leveraging the experience gained by working on 80+ blockchain projects to grow- An Interview with Alexei Dulub, Founder and CEO at PixelPlex banner

Recently, MobileAppDaily had the privilege of organizing an exclusive interview with Alexei Dulub, Founder and CEO at PixelPlex. The purpose of this interview was to know how PixelPlex, since its inception, has grown very fast under the guidance of Alexei. More specifically, we figured out Alexei’s perspective on the rapidly evolving tech industry. Moreover, we also discussed how current and future industry leaders can leverage tech revolution as an opportunity to thrive in the global corporate ecosystem. Whether you are a learner or making your way towards establishing your own organization, it is recommended that you read this interview until the end. By the end of the interview, you will have some amazing insights from an industry leader who lead PixelPlex through the milestones of success.

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1) Since its inception, PixelPlex has achieved quite a lot in the competitive software development market. For our readers, would you throw some light on corporate decisions that led PixelPlex towards success?

I believe our many achievements are based on the fact that we never give in to difficulties. We can now boast great expertise across different first-rate technologies such as blockchain, AR/VR, and IoT.  With such a tech stack, we can build different cool solutions, from smart home apps to entire blockchain ecosystems. Each project is very different from the previous one, so the team is always motivated and interested in the process.

Thus, I can say that PixelPlex’s success is determined by our adventurous spirit backed by sharply honed skills and unique ideas.

2) Now as AR/VR and Blockchain industries are getting super competitive, what are your plans to keep PixelPlex at advantage?

Since we started delivering AR/VR and blockchain solutions almost a decade ago, we have accumulated invaluable knowledge and skills on these technologies — for example, there are more than 80 blockchain projects on our account.  This background gives us a great advantage in the growing industry competition.

And on top of that,  we often act as consultants on numerous projects that require solution deployment and upgrading help, cybersecurity advisory, IT infrastructure support and more. It helps us stay informed on all the latest technological trends and changes. Thus we are always fully prepared to meet any requests from our clients, however challenging they are.

3) Please throw some light on the type of work environment that PixelPlex follows?

We follow several key guidelines that make working at PixelPlex a comfortable and enriching experience.  First, it is work-life balance —  we understand that rest is a vital part of healthy productivity so the team can choose the most suitable working time, and not be restricted by 9 to 5 working hours.

Then, we try to establish a warm and friendly atmosphere within the departments and the company itself. Board games evenings, sports activities, summertime campfire gatherings are just a few occasions helping us build strong bonds.

Also, we support the desire to learn and provide relevant education: literature, courses, workshops.

4) How did PixelPlex manage during the Covid-19 pandemic and what permanent changes are going to exist in the company due to it?

When COVID-19  had burst, we reacted right away.  The team was encouraged to work from home in the most tense months of the pandemic to avoid contacts with ailing people while commuting or in the office facilities. This way we managed to prevent COVID outbreak within the team. 

Now, we preserve the working-from-home option and ensure a safe environment for those who love being in the office, for example, by providing hand sanitizers and face masks.

5) Any motivations that keep you moving?

The best motivation is the trust of our clients and awesome solutions our team delivers.

6) For new developers and startups, any tips that you would like to share?

I think the key success driver is the true love for what you are doing — when your work or project really thrills you no matter what difficulties you face along the way. So my advice is to search deep inside and find this genuine passion of yours. When you have one, you will do anything to be great at what you do.

7) What has been the most challenging phase of your journey at PixelPlex and how did you overcome it?

Well, definitely the very beginning of our journey was not easy. The first years were the time of many trials and errors. In that period we first encountered new technologies, such as blockchain, and were trying to figure them out. Also, we were looking for experienced specialists to expand our team and demonstrated our expertise to our first clients.

It was quite tense sometimes, however, my team and I had a goal to become a reliable software company and here we are now — recognized among top development companies by Clutch and GoodFirms. Of course, we still face challenges yet now we know how to handle them effectively and use such experiences to become even better.

8) Do you have any insights to share on the continuous technological evolution this world is facing?

Yeah, technologies are now evolving at great speed and these changes not only affect us as individual users. The whole industries are going through the fourth industrial revolution. I think it is high time for everyone to catch up with tech literacy because we will see a great shift towards massive digitalization in the next few years.

9) What are PixelPlex’s future aspirations?

We will continue to broaden our expertise and polish our skills to be fully prepared for the challenges that await us ahead. 

As practice shows, the PixelPlex team can master any technology however innovative and complicated it may seem — now we actively investigate RegTech and deepen our knowledge in the security domain. So you will surely hear about more outstanding PixelPlex projects soon.

10) How do you think MobileAppDaily can contribute to the growth of PixelPlex?

I am very grateful to MobileAppDaily for providing an opportunity to speak about PixelPlex. Thanks to this interview, we will be able to reach out to more tech enthusiasts and show them the solutions we are proud of.

Key takeaways

  • Expertise in different technologies help us in building several categories of tech products
  • PixelPlex supports the desire to learn and provide relevant education: literature, courses, workshops for skill growth of employees
  • The best motivation is getting trusted by clients and awesome quality of products built by employees
  • All industries are going through the fourth tech revolution. Thus, it is important for everyone to have the tech literacy

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