Continuous Research Makes Your Marketing Work- An Interview With Venkatesh C.R., CEO, Dot Com Infoway banner

Venkatesh C.R., CEO of Dot Com Infoway, a reputed app marketing company from Tamil Nadu, India has an amazing experience of leading teams of experts dedicated to the web app and mobile app marketing. Venkatesh pursued his mechanical engineering from Anna University and his love for technologies, games, and gadgets made him passionate about the work that he does. According to Venkatesh, his motivation is helping businesses achieve their digital goals.

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1) Hi Venkatesh, please share what your everyday life at Dot Com Infoway looks like?

There are certain routines that I share with other CEOs and others that are completely my own. For one, I spend the majority of my time in meetings (face-to-face or otherwise) to make connections and build my influence. I always make it a point to stay up-to-date with what’s going on in the company, too.

Other than that, I also make sure to mentor my colleagues, staff, friends, and acquaintances. I always make room for rest and relaxation whenever possible, and my love for mobile games is often enough to help me get that. Ultimately,  I make sure to make the most out of the time I’m given every day, and this mindset adds that variability in the activities I do each day.

2) Any goals that you have shortlisted for the company?

We hope to start including more services that are imbued with today’s premier technologies like AI, IoT, etc. We don’t stop looking for better ways to use technology to address the most pressing problems of today. That will always go along with our persistent drive toward continued growth.

3) Take us through the targeted markets that Dot Com Infoway is serving. Also, we would love to know if you are planning to expand your business to more markets.

Pretty much any industry that can benefit from digital marketing and mobile application development are our target markets. We’ve served companies and organizations in healthcare, education, automotive, HR, and even politics, to cite a few.

I always have my eyes set on expansion, it’s already a given.

4) How does the operational process work at Dot Com Infoway? From the order placement to delivery and maintenance, please take us through your journey?

Our processes always adhere to various methodologies we’ve honed over time. It would take up this entire interview’s time if I were to explain it in detail. Summed up, our development process includes various phases beginning with designing, coding, then testing.

Before we start each phase, we conduct a careful review of requirements and whether we’ve met them already. From there, we start the designing, coding, and testing.

Regardless of the phase, we’re in, we make it a point to maintain communication with the client, ensure optimal performance of team members, stay open to changes, optimize workflow, among others.

5) What do you prefer between Android and iOS? Any reason, why?

Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses, so I really have no preference.

6) What is your opinion about the technological evolution rapidly happening in the IT industry?

It’s good because, at the end of the day, it will only allow former ideas that met a dead end because of certain technological limitations to now become more viable. To me, it’s one of the main catalysts of the entire industry’s success.

7) What motivates you every day?

This may sound thoroughly altruistic but it’s definitely my deep desire to help others.

8) Do you have any challenging experiences throughout your career that you will never forget?

While discovering and retaining the right talent remains a constant hurdle in every stage of business growth, the bigger problem is an unorganized marketplace.

Over the past two decades, we have been able to create systems for talent management and retention with a great focus on employee engagement. The market, too, has evolved a lot since we started; however, there is still a big disconnect between small enterprises/startups and professional technology and solutions companies.

The market is full of half-baked players who set unrealistic promises to the clients and seldom deliver solutions to clients’ satisfaction. Such service providers drive away small businesses, depriving them of genuine tech-based solutions that can help their business grow.

Having said that, we have created our niche in the market by delivering value-add solutions to our increasing client base and embracing new technologies and development styles to serve our clients better.

9) A word of advice for future app marketing agencies?

For Marketers, I suggest that they must have a significant focus on research. Continual research is key to successful marketing strategies. Once you stop researching, you will soon be out of the market. The term marketing itself is in the present continuous tense; hence, your efforts to improve a product should be never-ending.

10) How will MobileAppDaily help you throughout your company’s growth?

It helps us stay on top of the latest trends in the industry. That’s already an immense advantage any company can have.

Well, that’s it for now Venkatesh. Until next time, best wishes!


  • Dot Com Infoway is exploring ways of making AI, IoT, and other such technologies useful for the company’s future operations
  • Experts at Dot Com Infoway have successfully created systems with perks like better employee engagement, employee retention, and talent management
  • Continual research is the secret ingredient that makes your business strategies work
  • Dot Com Infoway believes in constant communication with its clients to ensure maximum performance of the team, offer changes, and maintain optimum workflow

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