Transforming Businesses through New Growth Initiatives: An Interview with Jay P. Founder & CEO, Polestar banner

Jay P. is the Founder and CEO of Polestar Tech Consultancy, bestowing words on the integrity of work during this global pandemic and changing business verticals. Sharing his views on various aspects of business sustainability and new business development environment, he believes the secret of real success lies in transparency and building long-lasting customer relationships. In an exclusive interview with MobileAppDaily, Jay doles out his secrets behind his success and future endeavors.

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1) What reasons led to the inception of Polestar Tech Consultancy?

Founded in 2014, Polestar Tech Consultancy was established with the dream of helping businesses to transform their operations digitally. Although, there are many leading companies offering technology services contributing thousands of dollars, still, a gap between technology and business remains. The dream and vision of Polestar Tech Consultancy are to simplify the typical business processes with digitalization and automation. 

"Developing software is easy. But, developing a perfect & ideal software which accurately nurture the business, and reduce its process is a real challenge, and we accept it."

2) Covid-19 has impacted businesses worldwide. What do you think has been working for your company in terms of market requirements, during these challenging times?

I think, the Covid-19 has impacted the software industry positively and served many new opportunities. As most of the companies have started transforming their business online/digitally on track. In my experience, the lockdown situation has ceased most business operations, which has highly impacted the revenue. We helped our clients by providing them a custom business suite so that they can continue their business operations right from their home.

3) You are the Founder & CEO of the company. What do you think were the major roadblocks that you have encountered along your long journey since company inception and development?

During the inceptive years, the major roadblock was the trust factor. When I started the company in 2014, I had a good technical background that helped me to design and develop the perfect software solutions for my intended audience.

But, when a business is outsourced, you’ve to work with other companies, for that, they need to have a good trust in it. And in inceptive years, we do not have any company background. Gradually, we have started working on the company's background, branding, and prestige. As a result, we earned recognition and made a great impression on the market.

4) According to you, businesses and entrepreneurs worldwide should be looking out for which technology/es?

Looking at the current scenario in the tech market, I think businesses and entrepreneurs should move towards AR/VR and AI technologies. It will not only help them to automate their business operations but allow them to have a great interaction with their customers.

5) Where do you think the future of the mobile app development industry headed in the next 10 years or so?

In my opinion, the mobile app industry is a never-ending market that updates itself with the latest technologies and mobile devices every single month. When we look behind, we see the great progress rate in the mobile app industry in the last decade. And it will get a bigger progressive curve in the upcoming years as people are getting aware of mobile technology better.

6) Polestar Tech Consultancy has an enviable work profile of more than 200 successful projects in a span of 7 years with various industries and commercial organizations. What do you think have been the main reasons for this success?

The reason behind the success of Polestar Tech Consultancy is by offering better consultation to our clients at an affordable price and filling the gap between technology and business in the most efficient way. Our clients appreciate us for our consultation services and the quality of the work we deliver. This increases our work retention ratio.

7) In your varied experience with Polestar Tech Consultancy, which has been the most challenging project and why?

I think the most challenging project was a business management portal for jewelry. Tracking each piece of jewelry with its production cost, stock availability with different size, design, and weight, profit, and payment is a time consuming and lengthy process even when it's managed by technology. Overcoming that processing time and designing automation was a challenge.

As always, we were so happy and motivated to work on this challenging project and to provide the most efficient software solution for our client. After continuous research and interaction with the client, we had delivered the perfect solution for them which seems to be an ideal solution for the client.

8) In your experience, how important is transparency for longtime customer relationships?

I think that transparency has become the most overlooked factor for companies nowadays. The trust factor act as a major asset that the client can expect from us. No matter the relationships are long-term or short-term, transparency empowers us to provide clients a satisfactory situation in each phase of the software development. And I think it is the main pillar in building long-lasting relationships between businesses and customers/clients.

9) What according to you is the importance of a ‘team’ in your kind of business setup?

"A person can win the business, but a team can win the whole market".

That's what I think about the team. To get success in any variant of the market, it requires a great team that is focused on delivering the value-added solution to the clients.

10) You have a very experienced team. How do you ace employee acquisition and employee retention policies?

We do have an experienced team, which always seeks a way to deliver better than the client’s expectations and never hesitates to go a mile ahead.

Any employee of the organization plays a massive role in the company’s success and they do deserve a better working environment and a good work-life balance. We always keep our employees in the limelight and present them with a happy environment with no micro-management and no-donkey laboring. We keep our environment employee-friendly which acts as a catalyst in business.

11) Please elaborate on the term ‘quality solutions’, as per your company deliverables.

We always say "we deliver quality software solutions" and we mean it. But how do we consider term quality in this phrase?

Business is highly dependent on technology and it also needs to get upgraded according to the requirement of the business. We develop each part of the software considering these seven factors:

  • Better accessibility
  • Scalability
  • Re-usability
  • Security
  • Clean programming
  • Best in performance
  • Easy to use

12) You have been a very strong and charismatic business leader. What advice would you like to share with other aspiring business leaders who tend to look up to you?

Thank you for this appreciation, I would just like to share a thought, A business is a mediator between employee and customer. It is important to make transparent and healthy customer relationships at both ends to create a successful organization.

Key Takeaways

  • Transparency and healthy customer relationships are the building blocks of a successful business run.
  • To understand the changing business verticals, getting into customer’s mindsets is a vital element for software development. 
  • A person can win the business, but a team can win the whole market.
  • To ensure the client’s success, digital transformation, sustainability, and adaptability are the competitive advantages in this new normal. 
  • Automation helps in simplifying complex business processes, reducing overall turn around time. 
  • With a better understanding of smartphone technology among users, the mobile app industry will be taking a bigger progressive curve in the upcoming years.

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