“Evolving Technology is a Key to Better User Experience” - An Interview with Nikolay Kurayev, ScienceSoft CEO banner

Recently, MobileAppDaily had the privilege of having an interview with Nikolay Kurayev, SceinceSoft CEO. During the interview, we got some insights into his motivations and professional background. He also shared some useful insights that can help a tech business grow. Nikolay started his journey at ScienceSoft in 1999. Since then, the company has touched new heights and achieved big goals. Furthermore, you can read the exact conversation that we had with Nikolay to have some amazing tips to thrive in the competition that tech industries today are facing. So, without further ado, let’s begin!

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1) Thank you, Nikolay, for joining us today for this interview. How are you doing today?

Quite well, thank you!

2) Since you onboarded ScienceSoft, how has your journey been?

I joined ScienceSoft – then a software product company – in 1999 and helped it achieve 11-times growth by first transforming it into a software development services vendor and then helping to introduce IT consulting practices. Over the past 20 years, we’ve accumulated business and technical expertise in desktop, web, and mobile software development for various industries, including healthcare, retail, banking, and manufacturing. I’m grateful to our team of over 700 talents as well as to each of our customers for bringing us where we are now.

3) Do you have any plans to expand ScienceSoft to more markets around the world?

With the offices in Texas and Georgia, as well as Finland and Latvia, we’re well established in both the US and EU. In 2019, we opened an office in the UAE. We’ve had prominent customers from the Gulf region before but establishing a permanent presence is a whole new step for us. We’re off to a good start so far and work with twice as many Gulf customers as we had before. Hopefully, we’ll be soon expanding to other new markets as well.

4) What motivates you to keep running, especially when the work gets stressful?

Stress itself can be motivating as long as you don’t lose your cool and interpret the stress causes the right way. In case of a stressful situation, I get motivated to learn what I can change to be in control and what steps I should take to avoid a similar issue next time. Being able to channel stress into productive results is one of the key skills for managers of any level.

5) What do you think about the continuous revolution in the app development industry?

I believe that it’s the natural order of things: mobile devices change and evolve, and app developers should keep pace by constantly rethinking existing development approaches. Thanks to the constantly increasing potential of the tech market, we can further enhance user experience and bring more security, power, and convenience to the target audiences.

6) What do you prefer between Android and iOS? Also, why?

Both platforms are sleek and powerful, so I think it’s a matter of habit and brand loyalty for many people, just like it is for me. The iPhone was a pioneer among smartphones, so I’ve been sticking with iOS since its first release and never really had a reason to consider shifting to Android, as simple as that.

7) What are your expectations from MobileAppDaily, how can it be helpful for the growth of ScienceSoft?

MobileAppDaily is an all-in-one hub with insightful and inspiring content, which makes it something our team loves to start their workday with. You also lay the groundwork for many successful mobile projects by helping people with innovative ideas connect with experienced tech experts who have development skills. At ScienceSoft, we hope that with MobileAppDaily, we can become a part of many new ambitious mobile development projects.

Key takeaways

  • ScienceSoft was a software company in 1999. Within 20 years, it evolved to offer services such as IT consultations, web, app, and software development, and more.
  • In a stressful situation, Nikolay gets motivated to find the change to be in control not temporarily, but permanently.
  • An app developer should occasionally rethink the existing development approach to keep up with the evolving pace.
  • Modern evolving technologies are useful to offer the better user experience.

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