An Interview with Krunal Panchal, CEO & Co-founder of Groovy Web banner

Recently, MobileAppDaily collaborated with Krunal Panchal, CEO & Co-founder of Groovy Web to organize an in-person interview. Through the interview, we figured that the main principle that Krunal follows is trusting and supporting employees of the organization. As per him, Groovy Web accepts a limited number of projects that can be delivered without overburdening employees with the extra pressure of work.

Overpressure not only increases dissatisfaction but also reduces the quality of work. Coming to the background of Krunal, he is a jack of all trades, especially for industries such as MVP, SaaS, Web applications, Android and iOS applications, React Native, and more. Under his guidance, Groovy Web has seen crucial growth. So, further, we are mentioning some answers in his own words for your reference.

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webFull Interview

1) Hi Krunal, thanks for being with us today. Before we begin the interview, how are you doing today?

Hello, I am doing fantastic and I am very excited to share my experience with Mobile App Daily today.

2) It had been tough during the Covid-19 pandemic for many folks and companies in the industry, have you also faced any difficulties as an entrepreneur?

  • Covid19 was tough on everyone in one way or another.  Some struggled in getting new businesses, while some struggled to manage the existing ones.
  • Our services and expertise are highly admired in the market and that's why we hardly struggled to get new business but our teams who were far apart from one another and connected only virtually during the lockdown period were trying very hard to make sure that they are resourceful enough to be able to deliver what we had promised to our clients and within the time we had promised.
  • That was our biggest challenge because disappointing our clients who trusted us with their work is the last thing we want. Apart from that, everything else was manageable thanks to our amazing team and their firm willpower.

3) What does your routine at Groovy Web look like?

Groovy Web's routine is very streamlined like every other IT firm in the market. We only take from the market as much as we can digest. If all the team members are occupied with the tasks, then we do not try to burden them with additional work as that might affect and ruin the productivity of ongoing work and destroy the app development process.

4) Any future goals that you have shortlisted for more growth of your company?

We wish to become a company where businesses of any size from any industrial domain can reach out and get satisfactory and unbiased services for building their innovative and scalable business solutions using our cutting-edge technological expertise, interactive designs, and uncompromised quality.

5) Do you have any target markets where you want to expand your business?

Currently, we are serving industries from countries like Australia, The UK, The USA, Canada, etc. We wish to get over this limitation and reach out to those countries where service providers usually hesitate to serve due to budget-related restrictions. Our goal is to build a place where the doors will be open for industries from every country. We want to be able to serve everyone who knocks on our doors with their dreams of building revenue-generating solutions regardless of any kind of reservations.

6) Please take us through the operational process of Groovy Web from order placement to delivery and maintenance.

Let me name below the steps that we follow for the development of web/mobile applications.

  • IP Protection
  • Consultation and Project Discovery
  • Find the best solution
  • UI/UX Design
  • Prototype
  • Agile Development
  • QA and Incremental Quality Assurance
  • Deployment
  • Support and Maintenance

7) What motivates you to keep moving forward?

My team members who have been with me since the beginning of Groovy Web help me make Groovy Web home to those talents who can join us with a dream of working in an established and highly-achieving firm.

8) Among Android and iOS platforms, what do you prefer and why?

To be honest, we believe in developing iOS and Android mobile apps using hybrid mobile app development technologies like React Native because apart from cost and time saving, which are obviously the major factors, hybrid technologies have several other benefits.

9) Any ideas or tips that you would like to share with new entrepreneurs?

Believe in yourself and your team, and more importantly do right by your customers by delivering what you promised, when you promised, and how you promised.

10) How can MobileAppDaily contribute to the growth of your company?

I am positive that by listing on MobileAppDaily, we will receive good traffic and leads with the help of its trusted readership and followers. Mobile App Daily quickly listed Groovy Web on the portal after initial registration and endorsed our listing on their Social Media handles for promotion. I am 100% sure that Mobile App Daily will play an important role in the progress and outreach of Groovy Web.

That is all for today Krunal. Thanks for your time!

Key takeaways

Now, before we bid goodbye, let’s have a look at a few crucial points that Krunal shared with us.

  • Employees can work well and with better efficiency if they are not overburdened with tasks. Thus, Groovy Web believes in accepting a number of projects that it has the capacity to deliver
  • For new entrepreneurs, they have to have faith in their teams while being true to promises they made to clients
  • We prefer hybrid app development technologies due to the fact that they save time, cost, and investments of unnecessary resources
  • Groovy Web wishes to become an organization capable of serving businesses of any size and from anywhere in the world

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