Atul Ranjan, CTO of GeekyAnts, Talks About The Future of Mobile App Development Industry And His Success Mantra banner

In this exclusive interview, Atul Ranjan, CTO of GeekyAnts, shared  his success mantra for the app development industry and talked about the importance of creating apps for a successful business. He also shared a powerful message for young entrepreneurs out there. Read his full interview with MobileAppDaily below to know more about the latest technologies and business trends. 

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1) Hi Atul, tell us something about GeekyAnts? What services does it offer?

Started by a group of enterprising individuals, GeekyAnts was born as a result of a vision to provide top-notch digital solutions in the form of innovative applications. We have 16+ years of experience in the field, and with over 500+ projects, we have been the tech partner for 300+ clients. We, as a community, love to research and experiment with the latest tech stacks and have been lauded not just for our technical expertise but also for the professionalism and supreme experience we’ve provided to our clients.

2) What is your mantra for success in the app world?

App development is constantly changing at a fast paced rate and to achieve success, it is absolutely critical to experiment and keep up with the latest trends and technologies being rolled out. Our mantra is “Research, collaborate and build” and we practice this daily by experimenting with the latest technologies and ramping up our skills accordingly. The app development domain is all about solving real world problems by implementing the best possible digital solutions, and this is impossible to achieve without being in touch with the latest tech stacks.

3) What latest technologies and tools are you working on currently for mobile app development?

Our innovative community are experts at handling the latest technologies and we hone our skills through constant research and development. As mobile app development is all the rage now, we are extensively using the latest tech stacks like React Native, Flutter and Vue Native to augment cross-platform app development. At the same time, we are also working on Swift and Android for platform specific application development. We’ve also noticed that the no code movement has become popular of late, which caused us to design a visual coding tool for developers to build functional interfaces on React and React Native.

4) How did you manage the COVID-19 crisis? What changes did it bring for GeekyAnts?

We have never let the hurdles that come our way or the challenges we face affect our progress. As the pandemic caused havoc and changed life as we knew it, we had to take many measures to align ourselves to the new norm. We embraced the remote working culture and our progress over the past year is testimony to the success of our new measures. We amped up our sales by relentlessly working with the new paradigm and at the same time, we also doubled our family and we currently stand close to 300 members now.

5) Where do you think the future of the mobile app development industry is headed in the coming 10 years?

Mobile app development is one of the fastest growing sectors in the global application market and it is safe to say that the ever changing technological trends drive this. It is extremely important to be in touch with the latest trends driving the industry and harness these technologies to provide the best digital experience.

6) To date, which project has been the most challenging for you and why?

One of the arduous challenges I encountered was during my early days as a programmer. We were working on a project whose goal was to write a script that attempted to revive an already expired domain through a snapshot of the last active content pertaining to that particular domain. We faced hitches while handling the project as different web pages follow various structures. Striking a common criteria to parse the page to align with the other aspects of the page was the most challenging aspect.

7) How important are design and user experience for developing an app?

In my opinion, user experience is a vast and ever-evolving term and is extremely critical when it comes to app development. At the same time, what's even more paramount is to focus on the problem solving aspect of the application. It’s more important to focus on deploying the application in the market before iterating and improving the user experience to handle this in the most optimum way to achieve perfection.

8) What are your views on new technologies like VR, IoT, Big Data, etc.? How will they impact the app world?

Technologies like VR, IoT and Big Data along with Artificial Intelligence are the future of application development and the impact that these technologies have can already be witnessed. A classic example of this can be seen in the healthcare sector where an AI system could be designed to handle trivial tasks such as writing out prescriptions of over-the-counter drugs based on machine learning which would in turn enable doctors to focus their time on much more important assignments. This is only one of many instances where such driving technologies could be used to enhance the quality of life.

9) As CTO of the company, what advice would you give to mobile-tech entrepreneurs?

As the popular business strategy quotes “Shipping beats perfection”, this is the best advice that could be extended to any budding entrepreneurs. Firstly, get your application out in the market before focusing on iterating and improving the experience of the product. Post deployment, interact with users and encourage feedback as this will only improve the usability of the product. As important as the architecture of the application is, there will always be scope for improvement.

Key Takeaways:

  • Atul Ranjan shared his mantra for success in the app world - “Research, collaborate and build’’.
  • ‘’Technologies like VR, IoT and Big Data along with Artificial Intelligence are the future of application development,’’ he shared.
  • For Atul, user experience is extremely critical when it comes to app development.
  • He shared, ‘’We are extensively using the latest tech stacks like React Native, Flutter and Vue Native to augment cross-platform app development.’’
  • Talking about the Covid crisis, he said, ‘’We embraced the remote working culture and our progress over the past year is testimony to the success.’’

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