The Future is No-Code - An Interview with Anton Malyy, Co-Founder, TRIARE banner

Anton Malyy is Co-Founder and CTO of TRIARE, a reputed software company based in Ukraine, offering a wide range of custom mobile and web solutions to businesses and startups for the last 6 years. Leading the technology team for the last 8 years, Anton has thrived to be one of the most successful entrepreneurs, delivering exceptional customer experiences to clients globally. With expertise in mobile app development and business intelligence, Malyy is a great example of inspiration for young entrepreneurs. In his exclusive interview with MobileAppDaily, Anton has revealed the untapped potential of the mobile industry and insights about balancing standardization among app developers.

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1) Hi Anton, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times?

It was difficult at first, as it was for most of us. The events of the last year have demonstrated that you never know what to expect, whether it's business problems or other people's emotional states. This year taught me a valuable lesson. Despite this, my family and I, as well as our TRIARE team, were able to mentally adapt to the lockdown measures and incorporate some new ideas into our collaborative structure. Because we're a global company, we focus our efforts on offering technological knowledge to a variety of companies all around the world. As a result, we were able to swiftly find our way out.

2) Please introduce your company and give a brief about your role within TRIARE.

TRIARE is a group of dedicated experts who work on a variety of business initiatives, including telemedicine, agrotechnologies, restaurant and delivery companies, education, e-commerce, and so on. At TRIARE, I am the Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer. Leading our technology team, collaborating with project managers, developing apps, building MVPs, and managing various technological elements of our services are all part of my responsibilities. Android, iOS architectures, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Java, React.JS, and Angular are some of my areas of expertise.

3) ‘TRIARE’ is such a unique name; talk us through more about it, please. Our audience would also love to know what kind of problem TRIARE solves?

We assist our clients in resolving the most common difficulties that arise when delivering products to customers. We develop initiatives that provide exceptional value to our clients. It's not just about writing the scripts; we use them to attract business profit and improve customers' experience. Our three include responsibility, reliability, and relationships. These are three Rs (Responsibility, Reliability, Relationships) that make up the name TRIARE.

4) Having more than 10+ years of experience in the IT industry - what is your outlook on the future of IT in upcoming years?

The IT sector, as an obviously promising field, will expand to the point of day-to-day use and tailored product delivery solutions. Personally, I believe that full automation and no-code solutions, which will soon replace the currently used high-code platforms, are the future for technical applications. The basic notion behind codeless solutions is to generate templates and boilerplate code using drag-and-drop. They can add on top of the basic capabilities if some parts of the business (for example, in telemedicine or advertising areas) require a more customized solution. I expect that many companies will ultimately embrace this technique of app development for their products.

5) How do you plan to prepare your workforce for the upcoming technology upgrade? What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to navigate the COVID crisis?

You know, it was quite easy for us to adapt to this crisis. Moreover, during the pandemic, we have received more offerings to work on some interesting projects. There are certainly several business segments that rely on offline and saw a drop in ROI during the epidemic. It made us uneasy, but we were able to maintain our clients' good attitudes and trust through individual Zoom conversations and meetings. We discovered new possibilities and partially restarted working with tourist and sporadic clients thanks to the efforts of our staff.

6) As an agency specialized in mobile app development, what tips would you offer to your clients looking to get a better return on investment?

You should also study as much as possible about your target audience and competition. Clients who have worked with an offshore team and those who have not are distinguished by their quality expectations. For the latter, pricing is a major factor, and many companies refuse to engage with us since they could get the same service for less money elsewhere. However, many of them continue to come back to us since the job done was of low quality.

7) What attracts you towards entrepreneurship instead of a corporate career?

Entrepreneurship and leadership are always about people, compassion, and a desire to help. That is why we can all learn a lot from the world's most well-known leaders. Support and the capacity to listen to the needs of both coworkers and customers are essential, particularly amid the crisis we've been in for the past year.

8) We have seen you have written a blog on “Feasibility of No-Code Solutions for Web and Mobile Application Development”, what are your thoughts on the future of no-code approaches?

No-code solutions, as I previously stated, have increased the deliverability of applications in the IT sector. Because you don't require particular coding skills or experience to build a product, you may get a better deal. This is in line with the future possibilities presented by cloud services, which make technology more accessible to companies and consumers.

9) What are the key parameters to be considered before selecting the right platform for a mobile application?

First, you need to decide what kind of solution you want to create. If you require architecture to create your business solution, you'll need to think about your customer's demands and objectives, as well as your company's needs. For example, iOS platforms provide a large and reliable basis for a paid app audience, but if you want to create a solution that serves as a free alternative, you should look into Android platforms. Take into account the platform's simplicity of use, update maintenance, and the overall business logic of your program, which are all chosen uniquely for each case.

10) If you had to restrict yourself to one operating system, would you choose Android or iOS, and why?

It all depends on why you're asking the question. Both have their own set of apps, and for some tasks, Android will not suffice (or iOs). Hence, we are experts in both.

11) What do you think it takes for a consumer app to be successful? Can you provide a specific example from your company’s experience to illustrate?

Certain metrics should be defined before the project is built in order to measure the product's success and scalability. Customer acquisition costs, customer retention rates, lifetime value, conversion rate, active users are just some of them. The whole team working on your project should be concerned with determining the appropriate amount of metrics data and focusing on reaching those metrics. Another piece of advice I have is that if you have discovered developers that understand the intricacies of your project and have the needed degree of experience, it is best not to go for cheaper alternatives.

12) We would love to know your advice for all those starting out as aspiring entrepreneurs?

Surround yourself with the appropriate individuals who will inspire you. In every business area, a great team is always the key to success.

13) Why is MobileAppDaily useful to you?

I admire what you guys are doing. It's important to stay on trend and learn from your rivals and industry. It's the only way to outperform yourself and become the greatest.


  • “TRIARE is made up of the three Rs (Responsibility, Reliability, Relationships)” as stated by Anton Malyy.
  • With more than 10+ years of experience in the IT industry, Anton believes that full automation and no-code solutions will soon replace the currently used high-code platforms, are the future for technical applications.
  • Entrepreneurship and leadership are always about people, compassion, and a desire to help.
  • “In every business area, a great team is always the key to success”, as quoted by Anton.

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