Category Application Development
How to create a dating app Dating apps can be the product that puts a company into the mainstream market. However, creating such applications can be tricky. This article is a detailed guide explaining how you can create a dating app and generate revenue from it.

Many people are already aware of the technological shift that is already underway in the dating game. The old ways of finding a partner don't cut it now. And, just like any other aspect of our lives, dating has also evolved into something digital.  

Dating app development has been something of a hot topic for the past couple of years. It allows people to meet new people and find their partner. All with the help of mobile phones and software development. Thus, the demand for dating apps has increased exponentially, and everyone is looking to jump onboard the bandwagon. 

In fact, there are around 300 million users of dating apps globally, of which 20 million pay for premium services. (Source: Business of Apps). Thus, signifying great market potential and opportunities for growth. 

However, if you want to build a robust dating app, you have to do it right. This article explains in detail how you can create a dating app that attracts the attention of the masses. We’ll answer quotations like what some must-have features are for an ideal dating app and how much does it costs to start a dating app.

Discussing how to create a dating app, but first, a short intro!

As the name suggests, dating apps are simply online matchmaking platforms that connect people of similar interests with each other. These apps leverage advanced algorithms that judge a person's key attributes and match them with a similar personality. 

Tinder, Bumble, Aisle, OkCupid, and plenty more such names are dominating the dating app market. These apps help users create their profiles, add pictures, show off their interests, tell about themselves, and find the right people who are interested in getting to know them better. 

Free online dating apps pick the locations of their users and show them other users in the area according to their preferences. To build a dating application, app developers add filters like gender, height, sexual preference, dating preference, religion, and more. Dating app users use such filters to filter the people they might vibe with.

Why Develop a Dating App? Stats and Figures

It's no secret that dating apps are here to stay. Their popularity can be shown by the sheer number of people using them and the revenue they generate, not just from a dating app development company but from the entire industry.  

1. Approximately 70% of people who met someone using a dating app reported that it resulted in a committed relationship, whereas 28% claimed it did not.
Source: Forbes

2. Tinder is the most downloaded dating app globally, with over 4.4 million downloads per month as of February 2024. Bumble and Litmatch came in second and third place, with over 3.2 million and over 2.4 million downloads per month, respectively.
Source: Statista

dating app development

3. According to Pew Research, those who identify as LGBT are 22% more likely than heterosexuals to use dating apps. For instance, 10% of them utilized HER, and more than 30% used Grindr in the previous year. Additionally, in the US in 2021–2022, 51% of LGBT individuals utilized Tinder, compared to 45% of straight individuals.
Source: Pew Research

4. A Pew Research Study found that although 22% of persons with only a high school diploma have used dating apps, 35% of those with a college degree have.
Source: Pew Research

5. In the US, over 75% of users of dating apps check their smartphones while at work, with 43% being men, according to Healthy Framework research. Additionally, nearly 80% of users check the apps at least once a day, with Gen Z users checking them the least frequently. It was discovered that four out of ten users were simultaneously utilizing two dating apps.
Source: Healthy Framework Data Study

6. Women often receive more matches than males on dating apps, with match rates varying by gender. For instance, the average match rate on Tinder is 1.63%, with 0.6% of matches for males and 10% for women. Furthermore, Bumble's typical match rate is 3%. 
Source: Review42

How to Build a Dating App?: Dating App Development Process

The development process for a dating app is complex to say the least. However, by following some set steps, the complex task becomes easier. Here are the necessary steps to develop an app for online dating. 

1. Know your target market better

You won’t know what problems to solve if you don’t know your target market better. So, the first phase of the dating app development is to invest time and money in researching the target market. The research process covers a few questions-

  • What are the age groups that can be targeted in the market?
  • Who will be your competitors?
  • How welcoming is the target market for dating app development services?
  • What are the demographic characteristics of the people in your target market?

The above questions give answers that decide how successful your app will be in the future, and that is your first phase in answering the question: How do you develop a dating app?

2. Analyze Competition

The phrase “keep your friends close but your enemies closer” also applies to the business world. It is important to evaluate what your competitors are doing, what kind of R&D they are focusing on, and what strategies they use to capture the market. 

Analyzing key features and tactics of your competitors can certainly give you insights into streaming the entire online dating app development and marketing process of the dating app. It can also help you to answer the question ‘what not to do?’. 

The below graph shows the top apps in the online matchmaking industry and how many users they are pulling (in millions).

build a dating app

3. Designing a User-friendly Interface

The app's UI either boosts the experience or tones it down. A CXL report states that 94% of first impressions of any platform are related to its design. The success of your dating app depends on dating app features and design components equally. This makes keeping up with UI design trends essential for companies. 

How easy it is to use your app, how intuitive its features are, what the app's color scheme is, how easy it is for color-blind individuals to use your dating app, etc. These are some of the questions that you need to answer while designing your UI for relationship apps for couples.

4. Pick the Right Tech Stack 

While creating the best dating app for Android and iOS, or even if you are going for a cross-platform app, it is important to pick the right tech stack beforehand. An app’s tech stack includes the framework to use to build a dating application, technologies like AI, ML, etc, which are supposed to power the app’s features, and app testing tools, among others.


Technology Options Description
  • iOS: Swift, SwiftUI
  • Android: Kotlin, Jetpack Compose
  • Web: React, Angular, Vue.js
User interface development for different platforms.
Backend Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Django Server-side operations, including data processing, authentication, and API management.
Database PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase To store user profiles, preferences, matches, and messages.
Cloud Storage AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage For storing images, videos, and other media files.
Machine Learning Libraries TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn These libraries support a wide range of AI and machine learning models for personalized matching, predictive analytics, etc.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) NLTK, spaCy, BERT (for advanced text analysis) For analyzing user chats, bios, and messages to improve match accuracy based on interests and communication style.

Many developers like OkCupid are using AI in their Android and iOS dating apps. A dating app technology stack report says, 64% of users looked for partners with the same interest. However, the other 49% of users preferred good looks into their matches. Thus, these factors have to be taken into consideration while building a dating app.

Start coding and Development

Probably the holy grail of the entire dating app development process; at this stage, the app idea starts to become a reality. Here, coders and project managers take over and leverage the technology stack to build the application feature by feature. The development of an app requires a lot of resources and demands a large chunk of the dating app development cost. 

Quality Analysis & Testing

After the app's features are developed and the design is in place, it's time for Quality Analysis (QA) & Testing. This stage is like a rehearsal before the big show. It’s where every part of the app is checked to make sure everything works perfectly. Here's what happens:

  • Bug Hunting
  • Performance Testing
  • Security Checks
  • User Experience Testing

This stage is crucial because it ensures the app is ready for the public. Skipping this could mean launching an app with lots of problems, which can drive users away.

App Deployment & Maintenance

Once the app passes QA and Testing, it’s ready for deployment. This is when the app goes live on app stores like Google Play and the Apple App Store. But the work doesn't stop there. Maintenance is the ongoing effort to keep the app running smoothly. 

  • Updates
  • Server Management
  • User Support
  • Security Upgrades

Regular maintenance helps the app adapt to new technologies, user feedback, and growing numbers of users. It’s about making sure the app stays up to date and continues to meet users’ needs.

develop dating app

Estimating the Cost to Build a Dating App

It goes without saying that financial resources are a major part of developing an app of any kind. And it is one of the primary aspects any business should look into before committing to developing or hiring mobile app development companies. 

However, determining a dedicated price for such a complex and constantly evolving task is no easy task. Various factors can significantly impact the overall cost of development. Here is a more detailed breakdown that can answer the question ‘How much does it cost to create a dating app?.

Component Cost Influencers Estimated Cost Range

Development Team

Location, experience, and size of the team

$20,000 - $150,000

App Features

Number and complexity of features

$5,000 - $50,000

Design and User Experience

Professionalism and intricacy of design

$5,000 - $30,000

Back-End Infrastructure

Scalability, security, and data management

$10,000 - $70,000


Scope and duration of marketing campaigns

$5,000 - $100,000

Tips And Tricks to Make a Dating App for the Masses

Whether you want to create a speed dating app or create a dating app like Lucky Date, there are some tips and tricks developers can use to create a stunning product and avoid pitfalls. Let's explore some of these tips.  

Inclusiveness and security go hand in hand

It is well known that many countries and societies are still not open to communities like the LGBTQ+. Thus, it is important to keep their security in mind as well. Tinder has already applied an algorithm to the app that automatically hides LGBTQ+ whenever they enter the area where these communities are banned. It is done to save users from any unwanted harm or harassment. 

Bumble also offers women a layer of security against creepy messages and harassment, which can be a great feature for you to integrate into dating apps. The feature only allows women to text first even after getting matched on the platform. It gives 24 hours to women to make the first move and if they don’t the other person will not be able to drop unsolicited messages.

Shortlist features that users will love

Well, with many dating applications already on the market, you will have to be creative. Take Tinder or Bumble, for instance; both live dating apps are known for inclusiveness. These chat and dating apps also prioritize the security of LGBTQ+ communities. 

On the other hand, OkCupid promotes itself as an app that helps you find your perfect match, while Aisle markets itself as a platform for serious relationships. 

As soon as the user signs up on any of these top dating apps, they answer many questions. Later, profiles shown to them are chosen by the AI basis on the answers they submitted. That is how these popular dating platforms stay afloat and thrive in their target markets.

Develop a dating app that nurtures!

To cater to the requirements of the modern world, dating app development has to become modern as well irrespective of the market you are launching it into. It has to be inclusive, sensitive, empathetic, and safe. That can be done if you consider some expectations that modern users possess while you develop a dating app. Let us take you through them!

Make it easy for users to report incidents

In many cases, users have faced harassment, scams, and abuse on dating chat apps. However, it can not be predicted who, among all registered profiles, is an abuser. To solve that, it should be easier for the user to report what they experienced on the mobile dating app. To keep the users' privacy safe, you can ask them to submit screenshots of the chat as proof.

Message ideas or quirky quotes

Well, now everyone is a good opener of the conversation. Thus, you can help such users by providing them with creative one-liners as the opening messages. It helps users in having an easy best dating app for iOS and Android experience. 

You can also include a section titled Dating App Tips to help users figure out what to do and what not to do in messages. Several top messenger apps, such as Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, etc., offer such tips as well.  

If you have seen the impressive UI of Bumble, it allows users to add prompts about themselves, and for users coming across these profiles, it gets easier to reply with messages after seeing these prompts. That’s how to build dating apps, honestly. Using features that make icebreaking easier.

The verification process has to be strict

It is common for underage teenagers to try to sign up on the app out of curiosity. Thus, you have to make sure the app has only legitimate users. For the same, you can use AI-supported facial recognition for verification. It will help you filter out the profiles that should not be there on your dating chat apps. This verification process will also help you in filtering scam profiles.

Keep basic features free

Many companies that provide Mobile app development keep the basic features for the user free. For instance, it is free for users to like each other. However, to review who liked them, it has to be paid. You can also offer some extra premium features like texting even without matching to increase the chances of securing matches. 

Key Dating App Features to Keep in Mind

create a dating app

1. User Profiles and Verification 

The cornerstone of any dating app is its user profile system. Profiles allow users to present themselves to potential matches, highlighting their interests, hobbies, and what they're looking for in a partner. But it's not just about creating a space for selfies and bios. 

Verification is crucial. Implementing photo verification and social media checks helps ensure profiles are genuine, reducing the risk of catfishing and building trust within the community. 

2. Matching Algorithm 

The heart of a dating app is how it matches people. These apps use algorithms that consider preferences, interests, location, and behavior to match people. It's not just about swiping left or right based on a photo. These algorithms try to figure out how well two people might vibe in real life. Imagine a matchmaking friend who knows you well and is always thinking about whom they could introduce you to. That's what a good algorithm does but on a much larger scale.

  • Geodata: This technology uses your device's location to help you find matches nearby. Geodata helps the app suggest potential matches who live or work near you. This makes it more convenient to meet up in person if you both decide to take that step. It's all about connecting you with people you could realistically get to know better.
  • Behavior Analysis: Behavior Analysis is another major technology used in dating app development. The app pays attention to who you look at, who you like, and who you chat with. Then it gets better at showing you people similar to those you seem to prefer. It's the app getting to know you better to make smarter suggestions.
  • Advanced Matching with AI & AR: This is where things get really futuristic. It's constantly learning from your choices to make even better match suggestions. Augmented Reality (AR), on the other hand, brings a bit of virtual reality into the mix. Imagine pointing your phone at a place and seeing profiles of singles who've been there recently pop up on your screen. It's a fun way to merge the online search for love with the real world around you.

3. Communication Tools

Once users match, how they communicate can significantly affect their experience. A dating app should offer easy-to-use, flexible communication tools. this can be messaging, video calls, and perhaps even voice notes. 

These tools prioritize user safety, with features like message encryption and the ability to report or block users for inappropriate behavior. It's like having a safe and private space where you can chat and get to know someone without giving out personal information too soon.

4. Safety Features

It is given that safety and security are non-negotiable in dating apps. Beyond communication safety, dating apps must have clear policies and features to protect users. This includes options to block and report users, control who can see their profile, and receive support if they encounter harassment. Any dating app must create a safe space so users feel comfortable engaging with the app and meeting new people.

5. Privacy Controls

Closely related to safety is privacy. Users should have control over what information they share and with whom. This could mean allowing users to hide their location, control who sees their profile, or even be invisible on the app if they choose. Privacy controls empower users, giving them confidence in managing their online dating experience.

6. User Experience (UX) Design

A great dating app must be easy and enjoyable to use. This means intuitive navigation, fast loading times, and a pleasing aesthetic. The app should feel like a welcoming space, encouraging users to stay and explore. Good UX design makes the whole dating process, from signing up to meeting potential matches, as seamless as possible.

7. Inclusive Options

In today's world, a dating app must cater to a diverse audience. This means offering options for different genders, sexual orientations, and preferences in a respectful and inclusive manner. Everyone should feel welcome and represented, allowing them to express their identity freely. It's like hosting a party where everyone's invited, and everyone gets to be themselves.

8. Feedback and Improvement Mechanisms

Finally, a successful dating app must evolve with its users. Feedback mechanisms where users can suggest features or report issues are essential. This not only helps the app to improve but also makes users feel heard and valued. Think of it as a two-way conversation between the app creators and the users, where both are working together to make the dating experience better for everyone.

How can you monetize your dating app?

make a dating app

While planning how you will make a dating application, you need to plan how you will make money out of it, too. Your Return on Investment (ROI) strategy has to talk about all possible ways that are available in the target market to help you make money through your app. Some of the popular ways that help developers make money and recover the cost of making a dating app are-

  • Subscription Fees: Most dating apps give users a taste for free. But if they want the full meal—like unlimited likes, seeing who's into them without guessing, and chatting with folks far away—they'll need to subscribe. This model is golden. It lures users with basic features and then hooks them with the promise of more. It's a simple plan: show them what they could have, and they'll likely pay for that extra edge in finding a match.
  • In-App Purchases: Next up, think of in-app purchases as the spices that make your app's revenue taste better. Users can buy special features, like super likes to stand out, or boosts to push their profiles up the visibility ladder. These are quick, powerful bursts of attention that users can buy. And these sales add up, filling your app’s coffers.
  • Advertisements: Then there’s advertising. Just like roadside billboards, ads inside your app can be a steady income stream. Whether it’s a banner at the bottom or a full-screen pause, ads are about finding the right balance. Too many, and users might get annoyed. Too few, and you’re leaving money on the table. It’s about slipping in those ads without messing up the user's experience.

Final thoughts - The actual job begins once the app is built

The process to make a dating app requires dedication, patience, and the right amount of available resources. However, once the app is built and deployed, the actual job begins. You need to take care of the app maintenance, keep an eye on the evolving market to upgrade it often and market it regularly so it remains visible.

But regardless of these intricacies, dating apps are certainly a great way to meet partners in this digitally dominated ecosystem. They are also a great way for companies to generate revenue and become profitable in a competitive market.  

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to build a dating app without knowing to code?

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  • How to build a dating app that makes money?

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  • How to create a dating app that is inclusive?

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  • How to create a dating app faster?

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  • How to build a dating app that users love?

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  • how long does it take to make a dating app?

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  • Is making a dating app profitable?

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Sakshi Kaushik

By Sakshi Kaushik LinkedIn Icon

A passionate writer and tech lover, she strives to share her expertise with mobile app developers and fellow tech enthusiasts. During her moments away from the keyboard, she relishes delving into thriller narratives, immersing herself in diverse realms.

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